View clinical trials related to Very Low Birth Weight Infant.
Filter by:This study will compare if using a continuous milk warmer to warm breast milk compared to the standard method of warming breast milk in a hot water bath improves weight gain and feeding tolerance in infants born at 32 weeks gestation or less over a ten-day period. The standard method does not keep the breast milk at a consistent temperature during the feeding. A continuous milk warmer maintains the breast milk at body temperature throughout the feeding. It is unknown which method improves weight gain and feeding tolerance in very low birth weight infants.
The chief aim of the Swiss Neonatal Network & Follow-Up Group (SwissNeoNet) is to maintain and / or improve the quality and safety of medical care for high-risk newborn infants and their families in Switzerland through a coordinated program of research, education and collaborative audit. In support of its aim, SwissNeoNet hosts the official medical quality register for the Swiss level III and level IIB units. Participation for these units is mandatory according to the intercantonal declaration for Highly Specialized Medicine (HSM) of September 22, 2011 and the Society's Standards for Levels of Neonatal Care in Switzerland.
Despite many advances in neonatal care in the recent years, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) continues to be the major cause of chronic lung morbidity in infants. The pathogenesis of BPD is multifactorial; however, inflammation remains the central pathway for all risk factors. Omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n3-LCPUFAs) from fish oil are known to down-regulate systemic inflammation and oxidative stress. Currently used soybean-based fatty acid emulsion (Intralipid) contains mainly n6-LCPUFA. Intralipid does not maintain the in-utero balanced LCPUFA accretion. Furthermore, Intralipid has been shown to increase free radical production and to be associated with BPD. A new fatty acid emulsion enriched with n3-LCPUFA (SMOFlipid) improves the fatty acid profile and reduces pro-inflammatory agents. This project aims primarily to study whether SMOFlipid can lower the rate of BPD in preterm infants compared to Intralipid.
This study compares giving prophylactic IgM enriched Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) with placebo in 1 hour after birth, in neonates with risk factors of Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS). In addition to the intervention, standard regimen antibiotics are also given within 1 hour. The IVIG is given for 3 days and primary and secondary outcomes will be collected. Risk factors are both from maternal and neonate origin.
To investigate the effect of extrauterine placental transfusion (EPT) compared to delayed cord clamping (DCC) on the mean hematokrit on the first day of life in very low birth weight infants (VLBW) born by caesarian section. The investigators hypothesize that EPT provides higher blood volume during neonatal transition and improves neonatal outcome of VLBW infants.
The purpose of this study is to compare how premature infants who required oxygen for at least 28 days during their time in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) breathe at discharge compared to premature infants who did not require oxygen for at least 28 days during their time in the NICU.
Provision of high and early fat intake may help to reduce the amount of postnatal weight loss in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. It may also help utilize the high amount of protein that is currently recommended to these premature babies. Also, we expect babies who get this appropriate intake to regain their birth weight earlier than others who are on slow fat increase regimen.
This research study aims to evaluate the relation between non-invasive ventilation and feeding tolerance in preterms with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). To this purpose a multicenter randomized controlled trial was designed. It will involve 13 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in Italy and will be coordinated by the NICU of the University of Turin. The study focuses on the impact of two non-invasive respiratory support techniques (NCPAP and HHHFNC) on feeding intolerance and gastrointestinal complications to identify which technique is the most effective and safe in preterms with RDS. Further aim is to identify which technique could be the most suitable for full enteral feeding achievement and acquisition of oral feeding. Improving enteral feeding tolerance and promoting oral feeding could improve clinical outcomes and reduce risks and costs of prolonged hospital stay. Further aim is to evaluate the response to NCPAP and HHHFNC in the treatment of RDS, focusing on a population of extremely low preterms.
This is a multicentre, phase III, 2-arm, masked randomized controlled trial. The primary hypothesis is that oral bovine lactoferrin (bLF), through its antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, will reduce the rate of mortality or major morbidity in very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants.
This study will examine the safety and tolerability of supplementation with bovine lactoferrin with fructo-oligosaccharide a simple sugar in very low birth weight infants. Lactoferrin is a major whey protein in mother's milk and plays a role in promoting a mature and healthy gut. It also has antimicrobial and immunomodulation activities.