View clinical trials related to Type 1 Diabetes.
Filter by:The overall aim of the study is to evaluate the performance of Artificial Pancreas or Closed Loop Glucose-Sensing Insulin-Delivery system in comparison to current best available technology represented by Sensor Augmented Pump Therapy (SAPT) in patients with Type 1 Diabetes.
Nerves are made of different fats including omega-3s and omega-6s; however, dietary intakes of omega-6s are very high and omega-3 intakes are very low. We hypothesize that omega-3 supplementation will stop diabetes related changes in cornea nerve structure in patients with type 1 diabetes to stop the development of nerve injury associated with future risk of neuropathy, and reflect changes in the degree of nerve injury over time. As such, we anticipate that patients in the study will maintain Corneal Nerve Fiber Length (CNFL), the primary outcome measure.
This study will test the hypothesis that micro-doses of Xerisol Glucagon (Xeris Pharmaceuticals) will be non-inferior by pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic criteria vs. micro-doses of Glucagon for Injection (Eli Lilly).
The first purpose of this study is to is to compare metabolic control of type 1 diabetes among children under the age of 7 years who use an insulin pump and a real-time (RT) glucose sensor, and children who use only insulin pump; the investigators will also determine dietary habits, their knowledge of type 1 diabetes management and emotional aspects of experiencing illness in the family, in both groups of children.
Parents have an important role in child's diabetes management. Many studies show that parental psychological stress and family dynamics are associated with parental diabetes-related distress and treatment outcomes among children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. The aim of this study is to analyze diabetes distress (diabetes-related parenting burden and fear of hypoglycemia), parental psychological well-being (anxiety, satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect and adult attachment relationship pattern), family hardiness and characteristics of children with type 1 diabetes in a sample of mothers and fathers of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes of ages up to 18 years. In this study it is hypothesized that: 1. greater parental fear of hypoglycemia and diabetes-related burden are associated with lower family hardiness and worse psychological well-being parents and higher HbA1c levels in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes; 2. mothers will report greater fear of hypoglycemia, diabetes-related burden and lower psychological well-being comparing to fathers. 3. parents of children and adolescents with type 1diabetes will report greater anxiety, lower psychological well-being and family hardiness comparing to parents of children without diabetes. Standardized and validated questionnaires will be used to determine: parental fear of hypoglycemia, diabetes-related burden, parent level of anxiety, psychological well-being, adult attachment relationship pattern and family hardiness. The investigators will also measure parent daily involvement in child's diabetes management, frequency of blood glucose monitoring and parent general satisfaction with glycemic control. Objective measures such as child's HbA1c level and experience of severe hypoglycemia episode will also be obtained. These measures will be correlated with other research variables.
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that usually occurs in children and reduces their pancreatic islet beta cells and thereby limits insulin production. Millions of individuals worldwide have T1D, and the number of children with diagnosed or undiagnosed T1D is increasing annually. Insulin supplementation is not a cure. It does not halt the persistent autoimmune response, nor can it reliably prevent devastating complications such as neuronal and cardiovascular diseases, blindness, and kidney failure. A true cure has proven elusive despite intensive research pressure over the past 25 years. Notably, Dr.Zhao and his team have successfully developed a groundbreaking technology Stem Cell Educator therapy (Zhao Y, et al.BMC Medicine 2011, 2012). To date, clinical trials in adult patients have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of Stem Cell Educator therapy for the treatment of T1D and other autoimmune-associated diseases. Here, the investigators will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Stem Cell Educator therapy in children with type 1 diabetes.
This four center international study will include two United Kingdom National Health Service centers, and two centers in Melbourne, Australia. The objective of the study is to evaluate subject acceptance of a new insulin pump and transmitter together with the accompanying training materials. Descriptive data from participant questionnaires and device uploads will be evaluated. Pediatric subjects between the ages of 7 - 18 years and adults from the age of 19 years of age upwards, who currently use an insulin pump in the management of their type 1 or type 2 diabetes, will be invited to participate. Each subject will be trained on the study device and then use it for approximately four weeks. During this time there will be three in-clinic visits and four follow-up phone calls, scheduled at the subjects' convenience. At the end of this period, they will revert back to their original insulin pump and complete a questionnaire on the study pump training materials, features and usability.
The aim of this study is to compare the feasibility and the efficacy on short-term glucose control of pre-meal insulin doses adjustment made on the bases of the glycemic load or of the carbohydrates content of the meal in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with insulin pump
The purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of intravenous (IV) administration of FDA approved regular human insulin and subcutaneous (SC) administration of humalog, a rapid-acting insulin analog (a synthetic insulin), for correction of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) during the immediate preoperative period in patients with diabetes having outpatient surgery at the Emory Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC). In this randomized controlled clinical trial patients with diabetes will be administered corrective doses of IV regular insulin or SC humalog for preoperative hyperglycemia to determine whether SC humalog results in improved intra and post-operative blood sugar control.The most common current practice at Emory University in the ambulatory surgical setting is IV administration of regular insulin for treatment of pre-operative hyperglycemia. Subjects will not be paid for their participation and will be assured of treatment for their hyperglycemia regardless of study participation.
Islet transplantation is a promising treatment of type 1 diabetes in selected cases. Results are however hampered by a relatively low number of islets surviving the transplantation into the liver, which currently is the site for transplantation. In the present study we compare a new transplantation site (intramuscular in the arm) to the golden standard (the liver) in patients undergoing kidney transplantation from the same donor. In half of the intramuscular transplanted patients, the islets will be mixed with mesenchymal stemcells from the recipient to, possibly, improve the immunological aspects of the transplantation.