View clinical trials related to Tooth Erosion.
Filter by:This study aims to assess the impact of a brief home-visiting module, called "Family Spirit Nurture" (FSN), on American Indian (AI) parent feeding practices associated with increased risk for early childhood obesity, with a primary focus on delaying introduction of infants' Sugar Sweetened Beverage (SSB) (including soda, energy drinks, juice with added sugar and other drinks with added sugar) intake while teaching mothers complementary feeding and responsive parenting practices. The investigators will also assess how water insecurity may moderate parents' feeding of SSBs to young children. Finally, the investigators will explore whether maternal knowledge of oral health practices and/or reduction of infants' SSB intake influences early indicators of infant's oral health (i.e., infants' oral microbiome and plaque formation). Our evaluation will employ a randomized controlled design, in which the control condition receives a beneficial home-safety educational model and assistance in safety proofing their homes for small children. Assessments in both groups will occur at baseline (between 6 and 10 weeks postpartum) and 4 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months postpartum. Primary Aims: Aim 1: To determine the effectiveness of the brief (6 lessons) FSN home-visiting parent feeding practice module on reducing SSB initiation and frequency among infants between 3 and 12 months of age. Hypothesis 1: Infants whose mothers receive FSN vs. controls will be less likely to introduce SSBs between 3 and 12 months of age. Aim 2: To determine the effectiveness of FSN to promote optimal complementary feeding and responsive parenting practices. Hypothesis 2: Mothers who receive FSN vs. controls will be more likely to practice recommended complementary feeding and responsive parenting practices between 3 and 12 months of age. Aim 3: To determine the impact of water insecurity on SSB consumption among infants between 3 and 6 months of age. Hypothesis 2: Parents who report water insecurity vs. those who do not will be more likely to give infants SSBs between 3 and 6 months of age. Secondary Aims: Secondary Aim 1: To explore if provision of water to families reduces SSB intake among mothers and infants ages 6 to 9 months of age. Secondary Aim 2: To explore if infants in the FSN intervention have better oral health outcomes than control infants up to 12 months postpartum.
Healthy volunteers are observationally wearing an intraoral device with bovine tooth samples once for two hours. Afterwards, Calcium release from the bovine enamel and dentin samples is measured after extraoral erosion. Total protein concentration within the formed salivary pellicles on the bovine samples is determined. Further Salivary parameters (unstimulated and stimulated saliva flow rate, pH, buffer capacity, albumin and total protein content as well as concentration of inorganic calcium, phosphate and fluoride) are being measured. The aim of this study is to investigate whether gender differences in the salivary composition correlate with predisposition to erosion.
Not only caries but also exposure to acids can lead to loss of tooth structure. This acid-related tooth structure loss is defined as dental erosion. A relationship between dental erosion and occurence of reflux disease was shown in numerous studies. On the one hand, patients with dental erosions frequently show reflux disease. On the other hand, many - but not all - reflux patients show dental erosions. It is believed that certain salivary parameters might explain, why not all reflux patients alike are affected of dental erosions. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship and the extent of occurrence of dental erosions and reflux symptoms, including investigation of certain salivary parameters.
The study design is a randomised, split mouth, blind with respect to study analysts (microscopist, image grader) two treatment clinical study in 10 healthy participants with sound tooth enamel. The study will comprise of a screening visit, pre-baseline visit and 5 subsequent clinic visits. At the screening visit, participants will give consent to participate in the study. Medical history and concomitant medications will be recorded. Eligibility will be determined following an oral soft tissue (OST) examination and an evaluation of dentition exclusions. Two suitable anterior teeth will be identified for study assessments, these teeth must be at least one tooth apart in the mouth. Saliva samples will be collected from the participants at set points during the study to look at any changes in salivary pH.
The aim of this study is to assess the impact of formulation differences on fluoride retention clearance with US levels of fluoride (1150 ppm of fluoride) by evaluating and comparing between treatments the concentrations of fluoride and calcium ions in saliva over 60 minutes after a single brushing with US marketed fluoridated dentifrices and following a dietary acid challenge post 60 minutes of brushing with study treatment.
This exploratory study is designed to help develop a clinical model to measure the earlier stages of dietary acid medicated enamel loss. The study will use fluoride as positive control to explore the validity of this design.
In vitro results showed a protective effect against acids for the mouthwash containing Curolox™ peptide. The goal of this in situ study is to detect the Curolox™ peptide under natural oral conditions on the tooth surface and to proof the in vitro results obtained. So far there are no effect and safety data of the Curolox™ mouthwash under natural oral conditions available.
Dental erosions, the chemical dissolution of enamel without bacterial involvement, are considered to be an established complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by the Montreal global consensus statement. Given the high prevalence of dental erosions and the absence of any pH-impedance data or medical management guidelines for GERD-associated dental erosions, reflux characteristics will be characterized using questionnaires, endoscopy and esophageal pH-impedance testing, in successive patients dental erosions referred by dentists for evaluation of GERD. For assessment of the role of additional factors besides H+ activity in the refluxate, a sample of gastric juice will be aspirated during endoscopy and frozen for analysis of pepsin and other proteases. Prognostic factors for progression of dental erosions will be determined by repeating the evaluation after chronic dosing with esomeprazole 20mg twice-daily, which is prescribed to all patients.
The purpose of this study is to compare and evaluate the ability of two European Union (EU) regulated gel to foam toothpaste formulations versus a non-fluoride toothpaste using a modified in-situ model of dental erosion and remineralization. A positive control i.e fluoride containing toothpaste marketed in EU will also be compared to non-fluoride toothpaste.
The investigators have now established a technique to measure enamel thickness which has been shown to work well in-vitro. The teeth tested so far, obtained from the Dental School Tissue Bank, have been molars or pre-molars. In these cases, the measurement is made more difficult by the curvature of the tooth surface and it seems likely that flatter larger, incisors would give more satisfactory results. The investigators therefore wish to establish in-vivo whether this hypothesis is correct.