View clinical trials related to Substance Withdrawal Syndrome.
Filter by:This is a pilot quality improvement implementation study that will measure the impact of a rehabilitation bundle implementation on the outcomes of interest. Advancements in the care provided in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) have led to fewer deaths in children. These improvements are unfortunately countered by the emergence of side effects of critical illness, known as PICU-acquired complications (PACs). Delirium, muscle weakness, drug dependency and withdrawal are increasingly common. PACs occur because children are often over-sedated and experience long periods of immobilization. PACs delay recovery, increase disability and worsen long-term function and quality-of-life. Although they are preventable, PACs are very common and frequently overlooked by clinicians. This study aims to "liberate"children from critical illness and improve their recovery and functioning after discharge, through an innovative rehabilitation bundle of 8 complementary steps (PICU Liber8) to reduce sedation, allow children to awaken and breathe comfortably, encourage early mobilization, and engage families in their child's care.
The primary goal of the proposed research is to test whether varenicline (Chantix) is safe and effective as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication.
This is a pilot study to collect preliminary data to support a grant application. The goal of the study is to evaluate whether the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved and generically-available medication buspirone reduces symptoms of opioid withdrawal among patients undergoing a clinically-indicated and supervised taper from their opioid pain medications. This is premised on strong preclinical scientific support but has not yet be well-examined in humans.
The investigators are trying to determine whether they can effectively treat patients suffering from acute opioid withdrawal in the Emergency Department at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (VCUHS) and subsequently transfer them to an outpatient addiction clinic within the existing infrastructure. This will be a descriptive investigation of the process to reveal areas of success and opportunities for improvement in order to determine feasibility of the study procedures in preparation for a larger clinical investigation.
A 30 alcohol dependent patients were divided into A: Treatment group and B: Placebo group using simple randomization technique. (Liver function tests) GGT, ALT and AST levels and MCV (Mean corpuscular volume) at admission and 2 weeks later were estimated. Daily withdrawal symptoms were assessed using the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment scale (CIWA-Ar) and DTs by Delirium Observation Screening (DOS) Scale (version 0 - 1). The data collected from the two groups were compared.
Mechanically ventilated critically ill adults may require prolonged administration of opioids to facilitate ventilator support and maintain comfort. The prolonged use has been associated with withdrawal symptoms upon rapid weaning in critically ill patients, known as the opioid-associated withdrawal syndrome (OIWS). Such withdrawal symptoms are well described in the paediatric population, however there is a lack of information in the adult population. Currently there is no bedside tool to rapidly identify such patients. Recognition of withdrawal symptoms is the basis for the development of an assessment tool to identify patients with OIWS.
This project aims at examining the following hypotheses: - Treatment with NADA and clonidine reduces intensity of withdrawal symptoms to a greater extent than treatment with clonidine. - Opioid withdrawal improves pain, physical and mental functioning and reduces opioid consumption 3 months and 1 year after withdrawal.
Most critically ill patients encounter pain and distress from acute illness, medical procedures and devices as well as routine care in the intensive care units (ICU). Opioids are principal analgesics that alleviate moderate to severe pain and facilitate patients to co-operate the course of treatment. However, prolong administration of opioids especially in mechanically ventilated patients can cause withdrawal symptoms if analgesics are rapidly weaning or acutely disruption. The opioid withdrawal symptoms (OWS) are well reported in critically ill children that cause discomfort and prolong weaning from mechanical ventilation. Weaning opioids and treatment of withdrawal symptoms are needed in order to decrease ventilator days, ICU and hospital length of stay. Conversely, there is lack of knowledge about incidence, clinical presentation, time course and appropriated assessment tool for withdrawal detection. Therefore, we conduct the study to explore an incidence of OWS, to identify factors associated OWS, to establish the assessment tool for OWS, and to report efficacy of the pharmacological treatment for OWS, in adult critically ill patients.
Alcohol use disorder, or heavy drinking, is commonly seen in patients who present to trauma centers. These patients are at risk for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS), which is collection of symptoms that can range from anxiety and restlessness to seizures, delirium and even death. The Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment (CIWA) tool is routinely used to assess alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Benzodiazepines (BZD) are commonly administered to trauma patients who exhibit symptoms of AWS based on the CIWA scoring system. Although these medications have proven efficacy, they can also have negative side effects which may affect recovery. Valprate (VPA) is a medication which may have efficacy in management of AWS symptoms, thus ameliorating or preventing the need for BZD administration. This trial will study the effectiveness of VPA in the prevention of AWS symptoms by comparing the amount of BZD use in trauma patients who receive BZD treatment as indicated by CIWA scores with patients who receive prophylactic VPA therapy in addition to BZD as indicated by CIWA scores.
This is a pilot randomized control trial randomizing patients presenting in opioid withdrawal to the emergency department to receive either one of clonidine (usual standard of care) or buprenorphine for their opioid withdrawal. Primary treatment outcome is attendance at a rapid access addiction medicine clinic within a few days of emergency room presentation. Secondary treatment outcome is treatment status with respect to opioid agonist treatment at one month post emergency room visit.