View clinical trials related to Substance Use.
Filter by:People with psychosis have significantly higher rates of adversity (e.g., abuse) and substance misuse (i.e., problematic drug and alcohol use) than people with other mental illnesses. Research has found that adversity and substance use both negatively influence recovery from a psychotic disorder. Currently, there are few treatment options for people living with psychosis, substance misuse, and adversity-related symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression). This is especially true for young adults who are in the first years of a psychotic illness (i.e., early phase psychosis; EPP) who may be in the best position to benefit from treatment because they have not been ill for as long as others with more chronic psychosis (i.e., >10 years). Research has demonstrated that Prolonged Exposure (PE), a psychological therapy that helps improve adversity-related symptoms, may be appropriate for people in EPP, although there is limited evidence regarding its adaptation from use in chronic psychosis to EPP. The aim of the proposed study is to adapt and optimize PE therapy for young adults in EPP. We aim to recruit 20 individuals from the Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program (NSEPP) aged 19-35 who will participate in 15 sessions of adapted PE; we will compare their scores before and after treatment on measures of psychotic symptoms, amount and frequency of substance use, and adversity-related problems. Our goal is to target two factors that may be contributing to and maintaining negative outcomes: avoidance and hopelessness. These factors will be addressed by asking participants to face feared reminders of adversity and learn new ways to think about adverse experiences and mental health problems. The adaptation and application of this evidence-based intervention has the potential to create a new treatment avenue for EPP, reducing impairment and distress, and improving recovery rates.
This study provides substance use and mental health treatment for young sexual and gender minority adults in Durham and Charlotte, NC and seeks to provide intensive wraparound services that address factors that influence substance use and mental health among this population such as minority stressors and lack of social support, housing instability, lack of access to affirmative health care, and limited job opportunities.
Methamphetamine misuse has become a growing concern in Alberta, creating a burden on the health care system. Further, individuals who use methamphetamine in Alberta exhibit significant difficulty remaining in treatment. These troubling patterns necessitate the provision of evidence-based practices (EBPs)-those grounded in empirical evidence-to ensure the best possible care and outcomes for those struggling with this addiction. Within the field of substance use (SU), contingency management (CM) is an extensively studied evidence-based treatment (EBT) for addictive disorders. CM is an intervention that provides incentives to encourage positive behavioural change. Compared to standard care (treatment-as-usual (TAU)), CM has resulted in improvements in abstinence, attendance, adherence, retention, and quality of life. The efficacy of CM has largely been investigated in the context of reinforcing abstinence, though the literature suggests that CM which reinforces attendance may be as effective. Research from the US has examined the cost-effectiveness of CM and found that although CM costs more, it was associated with greater abstinence, treatment completion, and substance-absent urine compared to TAU. Despite the promising literature, the uptake of CM in Canada is limited making it difficult to understand whether this EBT is equally efficacious as compared to the US. This study will implement and evaluate the efficacy of virtually delivered attendance-based CM in outpatient addiction treatment in Alberta. Participants (N=544) will be individuals seeking treatment for methamphetamine use (n=304) and individuals seeking treatment for substance use issues other than methamphetamine use (n=240). It is hypothesized that compared to participants in TAU, participants in CM will evidence: (1) greater retention, (2) greater attendance, (3) greater abstinence from methamphetamine and less methamphetamine use, (4) greater abstinence from other SU and less SU, and (5) greater improvement in quality of life over the intervention and follow-up periods. Exploratory aims include understanding how: outcomes differ based remote versus in-person delivery of CM; outcomes differ between participants who use methamphetamine and participants who use substances other than methamphetamine; the costs of CM differ from TAU; CM changes health service use.
This study is a randomized control trial of the Fathering Through Change intervention, delivered via text messaging, to fathers in recovery for substance use disorders.
The aim of the study is to pilot a peer-provided, manualized intervention to increase the proportion of young people with first episode psychosis who reduce or stop substance use and improve psychiatric and functional outcomes. Coordinated specialty care teams will be randomly assigned to implement the intervention, Peer Approaches to Substances in Early Psychosis Programs (PAS-EPP), or usual care. The pilot study aims to: (a) determine if peer providers can implement PAS-EPP with adequate fidelity; (b) determine if youth and young adults engage in the intervention with peer providers and find it acceptable; (c) estimate the rates of drop-out for each of the two study arms; (d) estimate both between-participant (within-provider team) and between-team variability on key outcome measures; and (e) identify any changes needed to the intervention approach, manual, or training materials. The pilot study will set the stage for a future comparative cluster randomized trial of the intervention;
Youth involved in the juvenile justice system (YJJ) bear a disproportionate burden of the addiction crisis. YJJ substance use (SU) is extremely prevalent, with a third of YJJ meeting criteria for a substance use disorder (SUD). The investigators seek to address the national addiction crisis at its epicenter. Despite their high need for SUD services, and the proliferation of evidence-based interventions to reduce SU, YJJ are rarely connected to needed, high-quality SU care. A care cascade model highlights gaps in YJJ achieving the full continuum of SUD care (i.e., SUD risk identification, treatment referral, treatment initiation, and treatment engagement). YJJ on community supervision/probation face a unique problem accessing SUD services; while the courts or probation may identify YJJ need for SUD care, YJJ must receive care through healthcare agencies in the community. The primary goal of the project, Alliances to Disseminate Addiction Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) is to address this and other gaps along the care cascade for YJJ. The investigators will accomplish this goal by creating alliances between the juvenile justice system (JJ) agencies and community mental health centers (CMHCs) in eight Indiana counties. ADAPT takes a two-pronged approach. First, the investigators will employ a Learning Health System (LHS) to develop collaborative alliances between JJ agencies and CMHCs, organizations that traditionally operate independently. Second, the investigators will present local Cascade data during continuous quality improvement cycles within the LHS alliances. By offering agency representatives an opportunity to view and discuss, for example, the local rate at which YJJ with SUD risk are initiating CMHC SU services, the investigators will facilitate development of tailored, local solutions to improve the Cascade for each county's YJJ. To maximize long-term sustainability of ADAPT's JJ-CMHC alliances, the investigators will conduct this research in collaboration with leaders from an existing statewide initiative, the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI). JDAI is a juvenile justice reform effort that utilizes data-driven decision-making and is implemented in almost 300 counties across the US. If this project is successful, the JDAI infrastructure and support for this research will inform sustainment and expansion across Indiana and the nation. The investigators hypothesize that ADAPT - novel LHS alliances using Cascade data to implement localized solutions to YJJ receiving evidence-based addictions care - will positively impact SU and recidivism outcomes over time. The investigators seek to complete the following specific aims: AIM 1: Implement LHS alliances between JJ agencies and CMHCs. The investigators will establish LHS alliances: novel, collaborative partnerships between JJ agencies and CMHCs. AIM 2: Generate and track local solutions to address gaps in the Cascade for YJJ in rural Indiana counties. Quantifying local Cascade data will enable JJ agencies and CMHCs to suggest and implement tailored, evidenced-based interventions, which will be tracked through LHS quality improvement cycles. AIM 3: Assess implementation outcomes and processes. We will assess implementation outcomes, such as system alliance, among JJ and CHMC personnel using mixed methods. AIM 4: Assess the impact of ADAPT. Conduct a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of LHS alliances on the Cascade for YJJ. We will analyze administrative data linked across JJ and health systems to assess the long-term, community-wide effects of ADAPT on public health and safety outcomes (e.g., lower rates of SU-related outcomes and criminal recidivism).
Deviant peer affiliation is one of the most important predictors of alcohol use in adolescence. These affiliations arise when socially marginalized youth self-aggregate and reinforce alcohol use and other deviant activity (i.e., "deviant peer clustering"). Existing efficacious school-based prevention programs generally have small effects and can be difficult to disseminate with fidelity and challenging to sustain due to complex designs and significant time-and-money expenditures required for materials and training. Existing school-based prevention programs have not provided compelling value to schools, which has limited their dissemination. The investigators found significantly lower rates of deviant peer affiliation and alcohol/tobacco use and moderate-to-strong suppressive effects on bullying, victimization, stress, and emotional problems, and strong positive effects on student engagement, achievement, and social-emotional skills in peer-learning intervention schools compared to control schools. However, teachers in intervention schools faced challenges implementing peer learning, including: (1) design fidelity: ensuring that peer learning provided the most positive student experience by including all the essential design elements; and, (2) instructional support: managing the flow and timing of the activities to complete the lesson on time while dealing with unexpected disruptions. Investigators developed an initial version of a mobile software application ( that provided easy-to-use organizational templates with workflow support that teachers used to automate the design and delivery of peer learning lessons. In this cluster randomized trial of the app, the investigators will use a sample of middle and high schools and conduct pre/post student assessments of peer relations, alcohol/drug use, antisocial/prosocial behavior, and social-emotional skills. They will also collect information on stress, bullying/victimization and related outcomes, including sleep quality and mental health. Investigators will also collect data on the frequency of lesson delivery with the app by teacher and school to assess dosage, which will be incorporated into our analyses. The investigators hypothesize that use of will have significant suppressive effects on alcohol use and related outcomes (i.e., tobacco/marijuana use, antisocial behavior, bullying, emotional problems) and promote increased levels of social-emotional skills and prosocial behavior. The investigators hypothesize that these results will be moderated by dosage (i.e., use of the app), such that greater usage yields larger effects.
The Primary objective is to explore ambulance service attendance at incidents involving alcohol and/or substance use over the period of the pandemic lockdown, and the following months. This will be to determine prevalence and explore factors such as patient gender, age, ethnicity or location. Analysis will examine the calls over the course of the year prior to the lockdown, and then compare this to the period of lockdown and following months.
This study explores the efficacy and feasibility of a self-management wellness intervention that is integrated, prescriptive, and trackable in a population of registered nurses in the state of Texas enrolled in the TExas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (TPAPN). This 30-day wellness intervention (called "KickStart30") combines five wellness elements: exercise,mindfulness, sleep, social connectedness, and nutrition. Additionally, the program requires that participants implement 5 wellness interventions daily for the 30-day study, document daily online adherence, complete daily HERO (happiness, enthusiasm, resilience, and optimism) exercises to improve mental wellness, and complete online program forms before and after the 30-day intervention. Participants are assessed pre- and post-intervention to determine whether the intervention promotes wellness behavior changes.
80 young adult men will complete an initial survey and receive 1 of 2 types of alcohol and sexual health education and information to encourage prevention of alcohol-related problems, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Participants will then take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention and complete a daily 5-minute, telephone-based interactive voice response (IVR) assessment of alcohol/substance use, sexual behavior and PrEP taking for 30 days. Medication will all be active PrEP. There is no placebo control in this study. Follow-up will occur after 30-days and 6-months later.