View clinical trials related to Spinal Diseases.
Filter by:The purpose of this pilot clinical trial is to evaluate the device design as a method of facilitating spinal fusion.
This study is designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the rhBMP-2/ACS/LT-CAGE® Device using laparoscopic surgical technique as compared to an historical control group treated with Autogenous Bone/LT-CAGE® Device using an open surgical technique in patients with symptomatic degenerative disc disease.
This study is designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the rhBMP-2/ACS/LT-CAGE® device as compared to the LT-CAGE® device with autogenous bone in patients with symptomatic degenerative disc disease using an open surgical technique.
The objective of this pilot study is to determine if degenerative spinal disorders such as acute radiculopathy, myelopathy, stenosis, or disc and facet disease cause detectable alterations in Substance P levels in saliva, serum and cerebrospinal fluid. If this pilot study shows a correlation between Substance P levels and pain associated with degenerative spinal disorders, then a larger study will be initiated to determine the feasibility of using Substance P levels in the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative spinal disease.
This study will be a non-randomized trial consisting of patients with single level (C3 to C7) symptomatic cervical disc disease who have not previously received fusion surgery at the same level, and have failed to improve with conservative treatment for at least 6 weeks prior to enrollment, or who present with progressive neurological symptoms or signs in the face of conservative treatment.
The research is about a prospective study conducted in patients suffering from dysphagia and cervical spine disorders and how they are interrelated. Three questionnaires have been given to patients with neurologic deficits, the first of these investigates the occurence of dysphagia in the three stages of swallowing, the second looks into the quality of life following a stroke or other neurologic damage and the third analyses how cervical spine disorders can affect every day life. After the bedside examination, VFSS or FEES, the patients are submitted to swallowing and cervical resistance exercises in fixed time periods after their hospitalisation. The results will be collected and evaluated using the statistical programme SPSS.
Current methods for endotracheal intubation in the presence of cervical spine (c-spine) instability are not evidence-based. This is so because the relationships between the forces applied during intubation (by the laryngoscope) and the resulting c-spine movement have not yet been quantitatively characterized. As a result, with the current level of knowledge, it is not known, and it is not possible to predict, which types of c-spine instability have the greatest risk of cervical spinal cord injury with intubation. This shortcoming makes it impossible to know which intubation devices and techniques are likely to be safest in the presence of c-spine instability. To address this critical lack of knowledge, the overarching purpose of the proposed research is to: 1) quantitatively relate c-spine movement that results from the forces applied to the peri-airway tissues during intubation (force-motion relationships), and 2) use these data to develop a mathematical model of the c-spine that will predict which types of c-spine instability result in the greatest amount of abnormal c-spine motion and associated spinal cord compression during intubation. This clinical study will utilize laryngoscope blades that are instrumented with a high resolution pressure mapping system to make high-resolution measurements of the forces and pressures of intubation while making simultaneous measurements of c-spine motion. In this study, study subjects will be intubated using both a conventional (Macintosh) laryngoscope and an alternative (Airtraq) laryngoscope. By using two different laryngoscopes, we, the investigators, will introduce forces of differing magnitudes and distributions to peri-airway tissues. The Airtraq does not require a direct line of sight to visualize the vocal cords, and among the various new alternative laryngoscopes it is the only one that has been shown to result in 30-50% less cervical motion than a conventional (Macintosh) laryngoscope. Accordingly, we hypothesize 1) 30-50% less force will be applied with the Airtraq laryngoscope than with the conventional (Macintosh) laryngoscope and 2) 30-50% less c-spine motion will occur with the Airtraq. By studying (intubating) each subject twice, any differences in the c-spine force-motion relationships between devices will be due to the devices themselves. By studying each subject twice, we can account for (and eliminate) differences among study subjects in c-spine biomechanical properties.
Multi-center, prospective nonrandomized study of treatment for 1 and 2 level degenerative disc disease between L2 and S1. Patients will be followed for a minimum of 2 years. The primary objective of this study to measure fusion success in patients with lumbar degenerative disc disease using the ATB and ALIF/FRA Spacer. The Secondary objective is evaluation of the patient's quality of life, pain and function.
The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of a new biomechanical device and treatment methodology (AposTherapy) on gait patterns, pain, function and quality of life of patients with musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. Based on previous reports the investigators hypothesis that this therapy will have a positive effect on these measurements.
The creation of a multi-center cooperative research group encompassing academic and community-based spinal practices . . .