View clinical trials related to Speech Therapy.
Filter by:In studies of children born at term, language delay at the age of 2 years exhibits a spontaneously favourable course in 30 to 50% by the age of 3 years. In France, there is no recommendation for speech therapy before the age of 3 years. However, for term-born children, parent-implemented language interventions conducted during the third year of life have already shown a positive short-term effect on language skills. In these interventions, a skilled interventionist, generally a speech therapist, teaches parents how to use specific language strategies with their child. The investigators' hypothesis is that such parent-implemented interventions would be particularly appropriate at short and medium term for the improvement of linguistic performances in very preterm children, a population with a high prevalence of early language delay. Currently, there is an opportunity to partly nest an intervention trial in a national prospective population-based cohort of very preterm children, the EPIPAGE (Etude EPIdémiologique sur les Petits Ages GEstationnels) 2 cohort, which has included 5 000 babies born alive in France in 2011. This situation provides considerable methodological advantages.