View clinical trials related to Spasticity, Muscle.
Filter by:Spasticity develops months after spinal cord injury (SCI) and persists over time. It presents as a mixture of tonic features, namely increased muscle tone (hypertonia) and phasic features, such as hyperactive reflexes (hyperreflexia), clonus, and involuntary muscle contractions (spasms). Spasticity is often disabling because it interferes with hygiene, transfers, and locomotion and can disturb sleep and cause pain. For these reasons, most individuals seek treatments for spasticity after SCI. New developments in electrical neuromodulation with transcutaneous spinal stimulation (TSS) show promising results in managing spasticity non-pharmacologically. The underlying principle of TSS interventions is that the afferent input generated by posterior root stimulation modifies the excitability of the lumbosacral network to suppress pathophysiologic spinal motor output contributing to distinctive features of spasticity. However, the previous TSS studies used almost identical protocols in terms of stimulation frequency and intensity despite the great flexibility offered by this treatment strategy and the favorable results with the epidural stimulation at higher frequencies. Therefore, the proposed study takes a new direction to systematically investigate the standalone and comparative efficacy of four TSS interventions, including those used in previous studies. Our central hypothesis is that electrical neuromodulation with the selected TSS protocols (frequency: 50/100 Hz; intensity: 0.45 or 0.9 times the sub-motor threshold) can reduce and distinctly modify tonic and phasic components of spasticity on short- and long-term basis. We will test our hypothesis using a prospective, experimental, cross-over, assessor-masked study design in 12 individuals with chronic SCI (more than 1-year post-injury). Aim 1. Determine the time course of changes and immediate after-effects of each TSS protocol on tonic and phasic spasticity. The results will reveal the evolution of changes in spasticity during 30-min of TSS and the most effective protocol for producing immediate aftereffects. Aim 2. Determine the effect of TSS on spasticity after a trial of home-based therapy with each protocol. The participants will administer 30 min of TSS daily for six days with each of the four TSS protocols selected randomly. This aim will reveal the long-term carry-over effects of TSS intervention on various components of spasticity after SCI. Aim 3. Determine the participants' experience with TSS as a home-based therapy through focus group meetings. We will conduct focus group meetings after participants finish the home-based therapy trial. Accomplishing this specific aim will provide a valuable perspective on the value, challenges, and acceptability of TSS as a home-based intervention. The study addresses important questions for advancing scientific knowledge and clinical management of spasticity after SCI. Specifically, it will examine the efficacy of TSS frequencies and intensities on tonic and phasic spasticity. The study results will be relevant for a high proportion of individuals living with SCI that could benefit from this novel and low-cost non-pharmacological approach to managing spasticity after SCI.
People with spinal cord injury (SCI) experience a host of secondary complications that can impact their quality of life and functional independence. One of the more prevalent complications is spasticity, which occurs in response to spinal cord damage and the resulting disruption of motor pathways. Common symptoms include spasms and stiffness, and can occur more than once per hour in many people with SCI. Spasticity can have a negative impact over many quality of life domains, including loss of functional independence, activity limitations, and even employment. Its impact on health domains is also pronounced, with many people who have spasticity reporting mood disorders, depression, pain, sleep disturbances, and contractures. Spasticity can interfere with post-injury rehabilitation and lead to hospitalization. There are many treatments for spasticity in this population. However, many do not have long-term efficacy, and, if they do, they are often pharmacological in nature and carry side effects that could limit function or affect health. The goal of this pilot, randomized-controlled study is to investigate the potential efficacy and safety of a non-invasive treatment with a low side effect profile, extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT). ESWT has shown some benefits in people with post-stroke spasticity with no long term side effects. Thirty individuals with chronic, traumatic SCI will be recruited. Fifteen will be provided with ESWT while the other fifteen will be given a sham treatment. Clinical and self-report measures of spasticity and its impact on quality of life will be collected, as well as quantitative ultrasound measures of muscle architecture and stiffness. The ultimate goal of this pilot project is to collect the data necessary to apply for a larger randomized-controlled trial. Conducting a larger trial will allow for a more powerful estimation of safety and efficacy of ESWT as a treatment for spasticity in people with SCI.
For many people with spinal cord injury (SCI), the goal of walking is a high priority. There are many approaches available to restore walking function after SCI; however, these approaches often involve extensive rehabilitation training and access to facilities, qualified staff, and advanced technology that make practicing walking at home difficult. For this reason, developing training approaches that could be easily performed in the home would be of great value. In addition, non-invasive spinal stimulation has the potential to increase the effectiveness of communication between the brain and spinal cord. Combining motor skill training (MST) with transcutaneous spinal stimulation (TSS) may further enhance the restoration of function in persons with SCI. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine if moderate-intensity, MST can improve walking-related outcomes among persons with SCI and to determine if the addition of non-invasive TSS will result in greater improvements in function compared to training alone.
this study will be conducted to f find the effects of multiphasic neuroplasticity based training protocol with Shock Wave Therapy on Neurophysiological, Morphological and Functional Parameters of Post Stroke Spasticity.
The purpose of the HSP Sequencing Initiative is to better understand the role of genetics in hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) and related disorders. The HSPs are a group of more than 80 inherited neurological diseases that share the common feature of progressive spasticity. Collectively, the HSPs present the most common cause of inherited spasticity and associated disability, with a combined prevalence of 2-5 cases per 100,000 individuals worldwide. In childhood-onset forms, initial symptoms are often non-specific and many children may not receive a diagnosis until progressive features are recognized, often leading to a significant diagnostic delay. Genetic testing in children with spastic paraplegia is not yet standard practice. In this study, the investigators hope to identify genetic factors related to HSP. By identifying different genetic factors, the investigators hope that over time we can develop better treatments for sub-categories of HSP based on cause.
Stroke is of high morbidity and mortality, and surviving patients are often unable to take care of themselves because of severe motor dysfunction. The brain has plasticity, and makes adaptive changes after stroke, resulting in the reorganization and compensation of neural networks. However, the muscle tone of some patients will significantly increase during the recovery process, which affects the rehabilitation effect. Neuromodulation techniques such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have been widely used to promote brain network remodeling after stroke. The investigators attempted to evaluate the motor brain network characteristics of spastic patients by fNIRS, and used the most active brain regions as rTMS stimulation regions to evaluate the improvement effect of this individualized treatment on post-stroke spasticity.
Background Effective management of spasticity, a debilitating and challenging condition afflicting many recovering from and living with neurological conditions, may reduce long term consequences such as limb contracture, skin breakdown, compromised mobility, caregiver burden and discomfort. In rehabilitation, spasticity represents a significant barrier to successful rehabilitation outcomes. Effective spasticity management can increases the length of individual functional status, reduces equipment/care needs, hospital admissions and extends the time people can stay safely at home, which would represent an economic benefit to the health system. Extra-corporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), an intense short energy wave delivered directly at the region of affected muscles has, in past randomized controlled studies, demonstrated positive outcomes for this population (spastic stroke population, TBI), on its own and as an adjunct to current modalities. In fact, one retrospective observational study demonstrated an increased efficacy of Toxin botulinum at 1 month when combined with ESWT. Where existing treatment options may be limited by coverage, access to delivery, complications and side effects, ESWT represents a potential to be a safe, low cost, efficacious alternative that can be administered by any trained clinician. Aims The aims of this pilot study will be to explore the hypothesis that adding ESWT to Botulinum Neurotoxin A (BoNTA) in spasticity post-stroke (TBI)will demonstrate greater clinical and patient reported outcomes compared to standard treatment with BoNTA alone, a comparison only once previously studied. Methods Incorporating randomization and placebo control (n= 20 in each arm), this patient-centric study will examine treatment goals and holistic perception of benefit after the treatment experience. We will use patient reported outcomes at baseline and at defined intervals after intervention. We will test our hypothesis using clinical and patient reported scales, such as the patient reported numeric rating scale (NRS) and goniometric range for spasticity as our primary outcome in conjunction with measures of muscle stiffness, quality of life, feasibility and acceptability of the protocol to help inform future study direction.
The purpose of the study is to measure the effects of obturator nerve cryoneurotomy, on clinical measures in adult (ages 19+) and paediatric (ages 12-18) patients with hip adductor spasticity, who will receive this procedure as a part of their treatment based on the spasticity treatment available guidelines. The results will provide us valuable information like how long cryoneurotomy is effective, before regeneration happens
The purpose of this study is to validate the capacity of a reflex training system to change the size of the targeted reflex. For this, the researchers are recruiting 25 individuals with chronic incomplete SCI who have spasticity in the leg to participate in the reflex training procedure. The study involves approximately 45 visits with a total study duration of about 6 months.
The primary objective of this study is to apply a biomechanical system (the NeuroFlexor) associated with the EMG recording to study the physiological mechanisms that contribute to the regulation of muscle tone in healthy subjects and in patients with increased muscle tone. A second fundamental objective of this study is to monitor over time the changes in muscle tone that can be found physiologically in healthy subjects and pathologically in patients with spasticy and/or rigidity. A further objective of this study is the quantitative evaluation of the symptomatic effects of specific therapies in improving the impaired muscle tone. Clinical evaluation In this research project the investigators will recruit 20 patients with upper limb spasticity (regardless of the underlying disease responsible for the spasticity), 20 patients with Parkinson's disease characterized by stiffness of the upper limbs and 20 healthy control subjects. Patients will be recruited from the IRCCS Neuromed Institute, Pozzilli (IS). Participants will give their written informed consent to the study, which will be approved by the institutional ethics committee of the IRCCS Neuromed Institute, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants will be right-handed according to the Edinburgh handedness inventory (EDI) (Oldfield, 1971). Parkinson's disease will be diagnosed in accordance with the updated diagnostic criteria of the MDS (Postuma, RB et al. Validation of the MDS clinical diagnostic criteria for Parkinson's disease. Mov. Disord. Off. J. Mov. Disord. Soc. 33, 1601 -1608 (2018)., Nd). Clinical signs and symptoms of parkinsonian patients will be evaluated using the Hoehn & Yahr scale (H&Y), UPDRS part III (Patrick et al., 2001). The diagnosis of spasticity will be made through the neurological clinical evaluation of the patients and on the basis of the specific clinical history of the various pathologies underlying the spasticity itself (e.g. multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal injuries). Spasticity will be assessed with the Modified Ashworth Scale "(MAS) (Harb and Kishner, 2021), the Modified Tardieu scale (MTS) (Patrick and Ada, 2006). Cognitive functions and mood, in both pathological conditions, will be evaluated using the clinical Mini-Mental State Evaluation (MMSE) scale (Folstein et al., 1975) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM_D) ( Hamilton, 1967). No participant must report pain problems and / or functional limitations affecting the upper limbs. Exclusion criteria: - insufficient degree of passive wrist movement (<30 ° in flexion and <40 ° in extension) - tension at rest during NeuroFlexor recordings - hand pathologies (neurological or rheumatological) - upper limb fractures in the previous six months - presence of peacemakers or other stimulators - pregnancy. All patients, and the group of healthy control subjects will have comparable anthropometric and demographic characteristics. Experimental paradigm Participants will be seated comfortably, with the shoulder at 45 ° of abduction, the elbow at 90 ° in flexion, the forearm in pronation and the dominant hand placed on the platform of the Neuroflexor device. Participants will be instructed to relax during the test session, which will consist of the passive extension of the wrist at 7 speeds, one slow (5 ° / s) and 6 rapid (50 ° / s, 100 ° / s, 150 ° / s, 200 ° / s, 236 ° / s, 280 ° / s). The total range of wrist movement will be 50 °, starting from an initial angle of 20 ° in palmar flexion up to 30 ° in extension. Before the start of the experiment, participants will do practical tests in order to become familiar with the device. Two slow and five rapid movements will be made for each speed. The different angular velocities of wrist mobilization will be randomized. Slow movements will be performed before fast movements with an interval of 10 seconds between each test. For each participant, a NC, EC and VC value in Newton will be calculated by a dedicated software. The resistance profiles will also be obtained when the device was running idle (without hand) to allow the biomechanical model to isolate the forces originating from the hand from the intrinsic forces of the device. For each movement, the corresponding surface EMG trace will have been recorded, by placing the electrodes on the skin overlying the belly of the FRC and ERC muscles. An accelerometer, fixed on the back of the hand of the limb to be examined, will be used to synchronize the electromyograph with the NeuroFlexor. The EMG activity recorded by means of surface electrodes with belly-tendon type mounting, will be amplified using the Digitimer, will then be digitized at 5 kHz using the CED, and finally it will be stored on a computer dedicated to offline analysis. EMG recordings will be made at 6 speeds, 50°/ s, 100°/ s, 150°/ s, 200 °/s, 236 °/s, 280 °/s. For each trace the following parameters will be analyzed: latency, peak-to-peak amplitude and area of the EMG response.