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Non Surgical Treatment (Microwave Ablation) of Breast Cancer - MASTER

Minimal Invasive Microwave Ablation in Early Stage breaST cancER, a Feasibility Study

In the Netherlands approximately one out of seven women will develop breast cancer during her life. Most of these breast cancers are early stage, 40% of the women have stage 1. Stage 1 breast cancer means that the cancer is small (size <2cm) and only in the breast tissue or it might be found in lymph nodes close to the breast. The standard treatment for stage 1 breast cancer is breast conserving surgery (BCS), sentinel lymph node procedure (SLNP) and additional radiotherapy. This standard treatment protocol results in a10 years survival rate of 95% for stage 1 disease. However, nowadays there is a discussion whether these early stage breast cancer could be treated less invasively. To reduce the invasiveness of breast cancer treatment, without compromising breast cancer specific survival, minimally invasive ablation procedure of the breast tumor can be an option for small breast lesions. Patients with a tumor size<2 cm will undergo ultra guided microwave ablation (MWA) with local anesthesia. After a small incision 2-3 millimeters, an MWA electrode is placed at the end of the tumor with ultrasound guidance. The microwaves in MWA create heat around the needle and destroy the cancer cells. There are several advantages of ablation procedures: it is a minimal invasive technique, with a small or absent cutaneous scar and thereby potentially improving patient quality of life. Furthermore, ablative treatment can be done under local anesthesia and/or conscious sedation instead of general anesthesia and in daycare setting, which can reduce treatment cost. A post procedural MRI (after ablation) can determine whether the ablation procedure of the tumor volume is complete. The purpose of this study is to assess whether minimally invasive microwave ablation (MWA) followed by postprocedural MRI scan can be an alternative treatment for breast surgery in early stage breast cancer. Is the quality of life, the cosmetic outcome, fear of breast cancer recurrence, and costs in patient treated with MWA comparable or better compared to patients treated with breast surgery?

NCT05887154 — Breast Cancer Stage I
Status: Not yet recruiting

Pilot Study of PACHA Program to Enhance Adherence to Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Among Breast Cancer Survivors - PACHA

Pilot Study of a Community Pharmacy-Based Program to Enhance Adherence to Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Among Breast Cancer Survivors

The goal of this randomized controlled pilot study is to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of the PACHA program designed for women having an adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET) after hormone-sensitive breast cancer. PACHA (programme en Pharmacie pour l'ACcompagnement des femmes ayant de l'Hormonothérapie Adjuvante) is a community pharmacy-based program aimed at optimizing the experience of AET and its use. The main questions it aims to answer are : - Does the program have an effect on factors expected to influence AET adherence? - Is the program acceptable? - Is the implementation of the program feasible? - What is the feasibility of procedures for carrying out a full-scale study? Participating community pharmacies will be randomized. Pharmacists working in pharmacies assigned to the PACHA group (33 pharmacies) will receive web-based training and manuals to use during their consultations with women having an AET. Recruited women attending these pharmacies will also have access to information and resources about AET (videos, evidence-based booklet). Pharmacists practicing in pharmacies assigned to the control group (33 pharmacies) will provide usual care.

NCT05887102 — Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Preoperative Treatment of HR+/HER2+Breast Cancer With Pirotinib, Trastuzumab and AI Research - PYTHON

Preoperative Treatment of HR+/HER2+Breast Cancer With Pyrrolitinib Combined With Trastuzumab and AI Efficacy and Safety of: a Single Arm Multicenter Phase II Exploratory Study

Research topic Preoperative efficacy and safety of pyrrolitinib combined with trastuzumab and AI in the treatment of HR+/HER2+breast cancer Overall: A single arm multicenter phase II exploratory study。Subjects HR+/HER2+breast cancer patients in stage Ⅱ~Ⅲ A。

NCT05885776 — Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting

EC-THP Versus TCbHP in HER2-positive Lymph Node Positive Early Breast Cancer

A Randomized Controlled, Phase III Trial in HER2-positive Lymph Node Positive Early Breast Cancer to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Epriubin Plus Cyclophosphamide Followed by Docetaxel Plus Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab (EC-THP) Versus Docetaxel and Carboplatin Plus Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab (TCbHP) in the Adjuvant Treatment

compare the efficacy and safety of TCbHP and EC-THP regimen in HER2-positive breast cancer patients

NCT05883852 — HER2 Positive Early Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Effects of Exercise Oncology Intervention in Fitness Capacity and Body Composition in Breast Cancer Survivals - WIM_22

Effects of Exercise Oncology Intervention in Fitness Capacity and Body Composition in Breast Cancer Survivals

The goal of this interventional study is to analyze the impact of a supervised oncological exercise intervention in surviving breast cancer patients. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Evaluate the efectivity of a supervised individualized and adapted oncological physical exercise program in the cardiovascular fitness of the participants. - Analyze the impact of this intervention in the body composition, functionality and quality of life of the parcitipants Participants will perform a controlled and adapted program, supervised by an especialized professional during 16 weeks. Researchers will compare this intervention group, where the supervised program will take place, with a control group, where the patients will perform regular physical activity (non-supervised) to see the changes in the efectivity and impact in cardiovascular fitness, body composition and quality of life.

NCT05882578 — Breast Cancer
Status: Active, not recruiting

Evaluation of the Bexa™ Breast Examination (BBE)

Evaluation of the "Bexa™" Breast Examination (BBE) as an Effective Solution to Breast Cancer Early Detection

Objective The "Bexa Breast Exam," or "BBE," for the purposes of this study is defined as the use of a Bexa device in conjunction with a portable, focused ultrasound examination ("spot ultrasound") to identify and further evaluate abnormal breast masses including cancer. Commercially, this combination of Bexa plus focused ultrasound is called "Bexa Plus." This study compares the use of the Bexa Breast Exam (BBE/Bexa Plus) as a breast cancer early detection examination with the current standard of care digital breast tomosynthesis. The specific objectives are: 1. To measure the sensitivity and specificity of BBE as compared to digital breast tomosynthesis. 2. Measure the proportion of women receiving a Bexa Breast Exam that require additional imaging studies. Hypothesis The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that Bexa Breast Examination's sensitivity and specificity in identifying abnormal breast masses are equal to or superior than the standard accepted mammography with tomosynthesis.

NCT05882019 — Breast Cancer
Status: Not yet recruiting

Pyrotinib After Trastuzumab-based Adjuvant Therapy in Patients With HER2-positive Breast Cancer

Pyrotinib After Trastuzumab-based Adjuvant Therapy in Patients With HER2-positive Breast Cancer: an Open-label, Multi-center Trial

This trial is a multicenter, open-label, phase II trial conducted at 23 centers in China. High-risk HER2 positive patients receive pyrotinib 400mg/day for one year or half year for extented adjuvant therapy.

NCT05880927 — Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Study of Dotatate Imaging in Breast Cancer

Somatostatin Receptor Imaging Study of Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+) Metastatic Breast Cancer

This will be a Phase 2 clinical trial to assess somatostatin receptor (SSTR) expression in Stage IV estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer using Gallium-68 DOTATATE or Copper-64 DOTATATE PET/CT.

NCT05880394 — Breast Cancer Stage IV
Status: Active, not recruiting

Prospective Study of Particle Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer With Different Arm Position

Prospective Phase II Randomized Clinical Study of the Accuracy of Multi-modal Guided Particle Radiotherapy for Postoperative Breast Cancer With Different Arm Position

The optical body surface image (C-RAD) was used to guide and track the change of positions, and multimodal images (including 2D X-ray images, CT images and PET-CT images) were used to verify the treatment positions. In order to explore the accuracy of breast cancer patients' treatment positions and its impact on dose of the new fixation device in two different fixed positions of arm up and arm down, optimize the position fixed equipment and methods of particle radiotherapy for breast cancer, and then establish the precision process of particle radiotherapy for breast cancer under the guidance of multimodal images. In a word, this is a dosimetry and prospective Phase II randomized clinical study of the accuracy of multi-modal guided particle radiotherapy for postoperative breast cancer with different arm position.

NCT05878678 — Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training in Patients With Breast Cancer - CaRTiC

Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training in Patients With Breast Cancer (CaRTiC Study)

Background: Creatine supplementation is an effective ergogenic nutrient for athletes, as well as people for people starting a health or fitness program. Resistance training previously been identified as an important method of increasing muscle mass and strength among people, specially in people with cancer to avoid sarcopenia. The potential of creatine supplementation for adaptations produced by strength training in cancer patients are still unknown. Objective: the primary aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a 16-week supervised resistance training program intervention with and without creatine supplementation in patients with breast cancer. Methods: A multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study designed to evaluate the effects of creatine supplementation in addition to resistance training in breast cancer patients. Patients will be randomly assigned to 3 groups: a control group (CG) and two experimental groups. The first resistance training group (RG) will perform resistance training, while the second resistance-creatine experimental group (RCG) will perform the same resistance training as the RG and will also receive a 5 g/day supplementation of creatine for the duration of the exercise the 16-week intervention. RG participants will follow the same daily dosing protocol, but in their case, with dextrose/maltodextrin. Resistance training will be a 16-week supervised workout that will consist of a series of resistance exercises (leg press, knee extension, knee bends, chest press, sit-ups, back extensions, pull-ups, and shoulder press) that involved the largest muscle groups of the body and will be performed three times a week on non-consecutive days. Both the RG and the RCG will receive a supplement of soluble protein powder (20-30 g) daily. Discussion: The results of this intervention will help to better understand the potential of non-pharmacological treatment for improving strength and wellbeing values in breast cancer patients with and without creatine supplementation.

NCT05878106 — Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting