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Comparison of Foscarnet Versus Vidarabine in the Treatment of Herpes Infection in Patients With AIDS Who Have Not Had Success With Acyclovir

Treatment of Acyclovir-Resistant Mucocutaneous Herpes Simplex Infection in Patients With the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: A Randomized Multicenter Study of Foscarnet Versus Vidarabine

To compare the safety and effectiveness of foscarnet and vidarabine treatments for AIDS patients who have herpes simplex virus infections that are resistant to standard treatment with acyclovir. Foscarnet is a drug that inhibits viruses and has been shown to be effective against infection with Cytomegalovirus and also against infection with the Herpes simplex virus in several patients with AIDS. Vidarabine has been shown to have activity against the Herpes simplex virus in patients who do not have AIDS, but it has not been studied in patients who do have AIDS. This study compares foscarnet and vidarabine treatments for AIDS patients who have herpes simplex infection that has not responded to therapy with acyclovir in the hope that one of these two drugs will help to stop further progression of the herpes simplex infection and may have fewer side effects.

NCT00000985 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Study of Itraconazole in the Treatment and Prevention of Histoplasmosis, a Fungal Infection, in Patients With AIDS

Pilot Study To Determine the Feasibility of Itraconazole for Primary Treatment and Suppression of Relapse of Disseminated Histoplasmosis in Patients With the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

To evaluate the feasibility of itraconazole as (1) primary therapy in histoplasmosis and (2) maintenance therapy after completion of primary therapy. To evaluate the effect of therapy of CNS histoplasmosis. To determine if resistance to drug occurs in patients who fail therapy. Histoplasmosis is a serious opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS. Although the clinical response to amphotericin B treatment in the AIDS patients is generally good, administration difficulties and toxicity detract from its usefulness. Oral treatment with ketoconazole overcomes these limitations of amphotericin B, but does not appear to be effective for primary treatment in patients with AIDS. Itraconazole is a triazole compound in which preclinical studies have demonstrated activity against Histoplasmosis capsulatum. Preclinical studies have also shown that itraconazole appears effective in the treatment of histoplasmosis. The frequency of adverse reactions to itraconazole has been low in several studies. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement occurs in up to 20 percent of patients with histoplasmosis, and appears to have a poor response to amphotericin B treatment. Itraconazole has been used successfully in a small number of patients with cryptococcal meningitis, supporting a study of its use in CNS histoplasmosis.

NCT00000975 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

The Safety and Effectiveness of Clarithromycin Plus Zidovudine or Dideoxyinosine in the Treatment of Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) Infections in Children With AIDS

A Phase I/II Dose-Ranging, Pharmacokinetic, Drug Interaction, Safety and Preliminary Efficacy Study of Oral Clarithromycin Granules for Suspension, in Combination With Zidovudine or Dideoxyinosine, in the Treatment of Disseminated Mycobacterium Avium Complex Infections in Pediatric Patients With AIDS

To evaluate three doses of clarithromycin in children with AIDS and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection who are receiving concurrent antiretroviral therapy. Before more extensive evaluation of this promising drug for treatment of MAC infection in children can be done, it is important to study the pharmacokinetics of this drug in this population, to get information regarding its use in pediatric patients receiving currently available antiretroviral drugs, and to get information on the antimycobacterial activity of this drug.

NCT00000971 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Study of Foscarnet Plus Ganciclovir in the Treatment of Cytomegalovirus of the Eye in Patients With AIDS Who Have Already Been Treated With Ganciclovir

A Phase I Open-Labeled Study of Long Term Combined or Alternating Foscarnet/Ganciclovir Maintenance Therapy for AIDS Patients With CMV Retinitis After Ganciclovir Induction Therapy

To examine the safety and tolerance of the administration of ganciclovir and foscarnet given together or alternately; to determine the interactive pharmacokinetics (blood level) profile of long-term combined and alternating therapy with these two drugs. Additional objectives are to examine the effect of these treatments in controlling time to cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis progression and to examine the antiviral activity of combined and alternating ganciclovir/foscarnet treatment and development of antiviral resistance. Sight-threatening CMV retinitis occurs in at least 6 percent of AIDS patients. By 1991 (US), there may be 6000 to 10000 patients with CMV retinitis. Many clinical reports suggest that both ganciclovir (DHPG) and foscarnet have an antiviral effect against CMV that is often associated with clinical stabilization. Effectiveness of ganciclovir and foscarnet is correlated with weekly maintenance and since toxicity is dose-limiting in up to 20 percent of patients receiving either drug for long periods, it may be beneficial in long-term maintenance treatment to combine or alternate these two drugs at a lower total weekly dose of each drug. This strategy may result in a greater net antiviral effect with less toxicity than is seen with either drug alone, because the toxicities of each drug are quite different.

NCT00000970 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Study of Azithromycin Plus Pyrimethamine in the Treatment of a Brain Infection in Patients With AIDS

A Dose-Escalation, Phase I/II Study of Oral Azithromycin and Pyrimethamine for the Treatment of Toxoplasmic Encephalitis in Patients With AIDS

To evaluate the effectiveness and toxicity of oral azithromycin and pyrimethamine as acute therapy for toxoplasmic encephalitis in AIDS patients. To assess the toxicity and effectiveness of azithromycin alone as maintenance therapy. Encephalitis caused by Toxoplasma gondii is the most frequent cause of focal central nervous system infection in patients with AIDS. Untreated, the encephalitis is fatal. Standard treatment for toxoplasmic encephalitis is associated with serious adverse effects. Thus, alternative treatments are needed.

NCT00000966 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Study to Evaluate the Use of Cidofovir (an Experimental Drug) for the Treatment of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) in AIDS Patients

A Pilot Study of the Effect of Cidofovir for the Treatment of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) in Subjects With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerance, and overall effectiveness of cidovir to treat PML in AIDS patients. PML is an opportunistic infection (HIV-associated, due to weak immune system) caused by a virus that attacks the brain. Cidovir has been used effectively to treat cytomegalovirus (CMV) of the eye. Cidovir could be an effective treatment for PML as well.

NCT00000945 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Study of the Effects of Giving Two Anti-HIV Vaccines to Babies of HIV-Positive Mothers

A Phase I/II Study to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of ALVAC HIV Vaccines Alone and With AIDSVAX B/B in Children Born to HIV-Infected Mothers

The purpose of this study is to see if giving the ALVAC vCP1452 anti-HIV vaccine alone or with another vaccine called AIDSVAX B/B to babies of HIV-positive mothers is safe. The study will also look at how these vaccines affect a baby's immune system. Most HIV-positive children get HIV from their mothers during pregnancy or birth. Treatment with anti-HIV drugs can reduce the baby's risk of getting HIV. Vaccines also may help prevent HIV infection. This study will look at whether the ALVAC vCP1452 vaccine and the AIDSVAX B/B vaccine can help the body fight off HIV infection. There is no chance of getting HIV infection from the vaccines. (This study has been changed. In earlier versions, ALVAC vCP205 and AIDSVAX B/E were going to be used.)

NCT00000879 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Study to Evaluate the Use of Memantine In Combination With Anti-HIV Drugs to Treat AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC)

A Phase II, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Memantine for AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC) as Concurrent Treatment With Antiretroviral Therapy

The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of memantine, an experimental drug, in improving AIDS dementia complex (ADC). The symptoms of ADC can be improved with zidovudine (ZDV). However, ZDV therapy has been associated with significant toxicities, and the effectiveness of ZDV seems to decrease during the second and third years of therapy. The effectiveness of other antiretroviral drugs as treatment for ADC is not known, so it is important to explore alternative therapies.

NCT00000867 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Phase II, Comparative Study of Seroconversion of Single-Dose and Two-Dose Measles Vaccination in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Children: A Multicenter Trial of the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group

A Phase II, Comparative Study of Seroconversion of Single-Dose and Two-Dose Measles Vaccination in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Children: A Multicenter Trial of the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group

To compare measles seroconversion rates (development of antibodies) at 13 months of age in HIV-infected and uninfected children on one of two immunization schedules: attenuated measles/mumps/rubella virus (M-M-R II) vaccine at 12 months versus attenuated measles vaccine (Attenuvax) at 6 months plus M-M-R II vaccine at 12 months. Recommendations for the age at vaccination should balance the need to minimize the risk of morbidity and mortality with the benefit of achieving the highest seroconversion rates. Immunizing a more intact immune system at an earlier stage of HIV infection may in turn achieve better and long-lasting measles protection. This study will help define a more effective measles vaccine regimen for children diagnosed with HIV infection and will provide greater insight into the functional status of the HIV-infected children's humoral immune system.

NCT00000815 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

A Randomized Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of Oral Ganciclovir After Treatment With Intravenous Ganciclovir for Cytomegalovirus Gastrointestinal Disease in AIDS Patients

A Randomized Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of Oral Ganciclovir After Treatment With Intravenous Ganciclovir for Cytomegalovirus Gastrointestinal Disease in AIDS Patients

To determine the oral bioavailability of three dose levels of oral ganciclovir given with and without glutamic acid hydrochloride in patients with cytomegalovirus (CMV) GI disease, and to compare the bioavailability of these regimens to that of standard intravenous (IV) ganciclovir. Long-term ganciclovir maintenance therapy has been recommended for CMV colitis or esophagitis following induction treatment. Oral ganciclovir is a likely candidate for maintenance because of its possible therapeutic value and ease of administration, but an optimum dose has not been determined. Since oral ganciclovir has a low bioavailability and is more soluble in an acid pH environment, the addition of glutamic acid hydrochloride may enhance gastrointestinal absorption of this drug.

NCT00000768 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed