A Phase I/II, Open Label Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of ABTL0812 in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in Patients With Advanced Endometrial Cancer or Squamous NSCLC
A phase I/ II, open label study to assess the efficacy and safety of ABTL0812 in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in patients with advanced endometrial cancer or squamous NSCLC.
NCT03366480 — Endometrial Cancer
Status: Completed
Pilot Study of Daily Exemestane in Women With Complex Atypical Hyperplasia of the Endometrium/Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia or Low Grade Endometrial Cancer
This pilot phase IIa trial studies how well exemestane works in treating patients with complex atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium/endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia or low grade endometrial cancer. Exemestane may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth.
NCT03300557 — FIGO Grade 1 Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
Status: Active, not recruiting
Pilot Study: Can Ultrasound Guided Biopsy be Used as an Alternative to Hysteroscopy in the Detection of Endometrial Cancer?
Aim: Assess accuracy of histological diagnosis using ultrasound guided biopsy for women with suspected endometrial cancer (as an alternative to hysteroscopy guided biopsy). All women presenting to clinic with suspected endometrial cancer will have an internal ultrasound. If the endometrial lining is thickened an endometrial biopsy will be performed. This can sometimes be done in an outpatient clinic, or sometimes a hysteroscopy and biopsy is needed (on a different day). Hysteroscopy guided biopsy has the advantage of enabling the clinician to perform directed biopsies under vision. Ultrasound guided biopsy is a ubiquitous procedure when used elsewhere in the body however it is not routinely used in this context. It does have the advantage of being easily performed on the same day as the first consultation. In this pilot study we will assess the diagnostic ability and tolerability of ultrasound guided biopsy of women with suspected cancer, as an alternative to hysteroscopy guided biopsy.
NCT03207126 — Endometrial Cancer
Status: Recruiting
Can 3D Ultrasound be Used as an Alternative to MRI to Assess Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer?
Aim: Assess the diagnostic accuracy of 3D Ultrasound, compared to MRI and final histology with respect to myometrial invasion of endometrial cancer. This study will assess whether 3D ultrasound is accurate at predicting myometrial invasion aqnd lymph node metastasis of endometrial cancer. All patients will receive routine standard of care (MRI). The results of the 3D ultrasound will be compared to the MRI report and final histology.
NCT03207061 — Endometrial Cancer
Status: Recruiting
An Open Label, Phase 1 Study of SC-004 as Monotherapy and in Combination With ABBV-181 in Subjects With Epithelial Ovarian, Including Fallopian Tube and Primary Peritoneal and Endometrial Cancers
This is a two-part study consisting of Part A (dose regimen finding) followed by Part B (dose expansion). Part A (dose regimen finding) will allow definition of the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) through dose escalation and possible dose interval modification. In Part B (dose expansion), potential therapeutic doses may be studied with SC-004 as monotherapy and SC-004 in combination with ABBV-181 in disease-specific cohorts.
NCT03138408 — Cancer
Status: Terminated
Compare the Performance of Targeted Biopsy Versus Aspiration Biopsy With a Pipette for the Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer is the most common pelvic gynecological cancer in so-called developed countries, with 320,000 new cases annually, including more than 1,500 in Belgium. It preferentially affects postmenopausal women. Overall survival at 5 years is 76% but is 95% for early forms, which represent more than 70% of diagnoses. The main risk factors are obesity, diabetes and tamoxifen intake for breast cancer, which explains the increasing incidence. Half a million new annual cases are expected in 2035. The main symptom is postmenopausal metrorrhagia.Among these women, the prevalence of the disease is estimated between 10 and 15%. Currently the recommendations are to make an evaluation by endovaginal ultrasound followed by an endometrial biopsy. The histological type is the main predictor of the severity of the disease and acts as guideline for the treatment.It is therefore essential to have precise biopsy results before starting therapeutic management. The most widely used technique is the blind biopsy by aspiration using a pipette because it is inexpensive, easy, without any specific equipment. However, recent studies showed that this technique has a poor sensitivity in the target population of postmenopausal women. Other studies have shown that targeted biopsies under hysteroscopic control could have a much higher sensitivity. The main objective of this study is thus to compare the performance of the targeted biopsy under hysteroscopy to the performance of the biopsy by aspiration with a pipette, for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer.
NCT03115593 — Endometrial Cancer
Status: Withdrawn
Study of Differences in Skeletal Muscle Energy Metabolism Alterations in Women With Weight Loss and Ovarian and/or Endometrial Cancer Based on the Body Mass Index
the aim is to study skeletal muscle metabolism alterations métaboliques associated with weight loss in women with ovarian and/or endometrial cancer according to BMI.
NCT03027479 — Weight Loss
Status: Completed
Selective lymphadenectomy Sentinel (LSS). This technique is already well established in breast cancer and melanoma and more recently in vulvar and cervical cancer. Compared to lymphadenectomy, it has several theoretical advantages: - this is a sensitive technique with a detection rate of> 90% and a false negative rate of <5%. - the anatomopathological techniques used (immunohistochemistry with anti-cytokeratin antibodies, serial sections) are more sensitive than the standard histological analysis of lymphadenectomy, which allows an improvement in the detection of metastases (micro-metastases, isolated tumor cells). In the SENTI-ENDO study, it was possible to detect lymph node metastases in 11% of patients with low-risk endometrial cancer and in 15% of intermediate-risk patients. - it avoids short-term and long-term operative and post-operative morbidity of lymphadenectomy. Early studies of LSS in endometrial cancer demonstrated superior efficacy of the colorimetric method coupled with the Technetium 99m isotopic method with an overall detection rate of 78% [95% CI: 73-84]. The fluorescent green of indocyanine appears to give better results with an overall detection rate of 94% and a bilateral detection rate of 80%. It seemed useful to take stock of this technique using this new dye.
NCT03024398 — Cancer of the Endometrium
Status: Recruiting
Feasibility of the NEXT Steps Weight Loss Intervention +/- Resistance Training for Endometrial Cancer Survivors: Effect on Lean Mass & Biomarkers
The goal of this research study is to learn if a home-based physical activity program is feasible and can help endometrial cancer survivors lose weight.
NCT02774759 — Malignant Neoplasms of Female Genital Organs
Status: Active, not recruiting
Evaluating the Anti-Proliferative Effects of Atorvastatin on the Endometrium of Endometrial Cancer Patients: A Pre-Operative Window Study
This is a preoperative window, phase 0 study of short-term atorvastatin treatment in obese women who are to undergo surgical staging for endometrial cancer.
NCT02767362 — Endometrial Cancer
Status: Completed