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Seach Results for — “breast cancer”

Letrozole in Preventing Breast Cancer in Healthy Postmenopausal Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

Phase I Dose-Finding Trial of Letrozole in Postmenopausal Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

This randomized phase I trial studies the side effects and the best dose of letrozole in preventing breast cancer in healthy postmenopausal women at high risk for breast cancer. Chemoprevention is the use of drugs to keep breast cancer from forming or coming back. The use of letrozole may keep cancer from forming in healthy postmenopausal women at high risk for breast cancer.

NCT01077453 — Healthy, no Evidence of Disease
Status: Completed

Tamoxifen for the Prevention of Breast Cancer in High-Risk Women - IBIS-1

International Breast Cancer Intervention Study: A Multicentre Trial of Tamoxifen to Prevent Breast Cancer

The International Breast Cancer Intervention Study I (IBIS-I) was designed to investigate the use of tamoxifen in preventing breast cancer in women with a higher risk of developing the disease. Recruitment of women to IBIS-I ended in March 2001 and it recruited 7154 women from 36 centres in 9 countries. The results of the study showed that tamoxifen reduced the incidence of breast cancer by one third in these high risk women but with some serious side effects. IBIS-II was designed to continue the work started in IBIS-I by examining the role of anastrozole in the prevention of breast cancer which we hope will reduce breast cancer by even more than tamoxifen with less serious side effects.

NCT00002644 — Breast Cancer
Status: Active, not recruiting

Breast Cancer Screening With Diffusion-weighted MRI in Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Screening With Mammography, Ultrasound, Contrast-enhanced MRI, and Diffusion-weighted MRI in Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

A prospective observational multicenter study to compare the outcome of breast cancer surveillance using mammography, breast US, contrast-enhanced MRI, and diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) as a screening tool, in the high-risk women for breast cancer. - Primary objective: To compare the sensitivity of mammography, breast US, contrast-enhanced MRI, and DWI for the detection of breast cancer - Secondary objective: 1. To compare the specificity of mammography, breast US, contrast-enhanced MRI, and DWI for the detection of breast cancer 2. To compare the cancer detection rate of mammography, breast US, contrast-enhanced MRI, and DWI 3. To compare the characteristics of detected cancers

NCT03835897 — Breast Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Breast Cancer Vaccine in Combination With Pembrolizumab for Treatment of Persistent, Recurrent, or Metastatic Breast Cancer

A Phase I/II Study of the SV-BR-1-GM Regimen in HLA Matched Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients in Combination With Pembrolizumab

This phase I/II trial studies the side effects of a breast cancer vaccine (SV-BR-1-GM) and how well it works in combination with pembrolizumab for the treatment of breast cancer that is persistent, has come back (recurrent), or has spread to other places in the body (metastatic). Breast cancer vaccine SV-BR-1-GM is a human breast cancer cell line that has been genetically engineered to produce a substance called "GM-CSF" (granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor) which occurs naturally in the body. GM-CSF is normally produced by white blood cells and helps the body develop immunity to disease-causing germs. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies such as pembrolizumab may help the body's immune system attack the cancer and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Anti-cancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide may help boost the immune response. Interferon alpha 2b may help stimulate the immune system to fight cancer. This trial may help doctors see whether SV-BR-1-GM injections help boost the immune system and/or help control or help shrink breast cancer along with the other drugs that also boost the immune system.

NCT04418219 — Anatomic Stage IV Breast Cancer AJCC v8
Status: Withdrawn

Breast Cancer Trial of RPR109881 Versus Capecitabine in Male or Female Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer

A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III Study of RPR109881 IV Every 3 Weeks Versus Capecitabine (Xeloda) Tablets Twice Daily for 2 Weeks in 3-Week Cycles in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Progressing After Taxanes and Anthracycline Therapy

The purpose of this clinical trial is to determine if RPR109881 is a better treatment than capecitabine (Xeloda) for advanced breast cancer in patients that no longer benefit from docetaxel and/or paclitaxel.

NCT00081796 — Breast Cancer
Status: Completed

Phase 2 Study of Pembrolizumab+Carboplatin in Breast Related Cancer Antigens-related Metastatic Breast Cancer (PEMBRACA)

A Phase II Study of Pembrolizumab Plus Carboplatin in BRCA-related Metastatic Breast Cancer

This is a prospective two-stage single arm phase II study to be conducted in conformance with Good Clinical Practices. This study will enrol 53 patients, based on a two steps Simon's design. Patients will entry into the study if the following conditions will be satisfied: - BRCA1/2 germline mutations. - Metastatic disease with measurable lesions will be evaluated by computed tomography or by PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan. - Patients must have received anthracycline and taxanes before entry into the study. Patients will be treated with Carboplatin AUC6 (Area Under The Curve) EV (endovenous) every 3 weeks in combination with Pembrolizumab 200 mg EV every 3 weeks for 6 cycles. Afterwards, the Pembrolizumab will recontinued with the same schedule until unacceptable toxicity or disease progression. The primary endpoint will be Objective Responses Rate (ORR) (complete answers + partial answers) evaluated according to the RECIST criteria.

NCT03732391 — Metastatic Breast Cancer
Status: Completed

Pain and Fatigue Management in Patients With Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colon Cancer, or Lung Cancer

Reducing Barriers to Pain and Fatigue Management

RATIONALE: Collecting information over time about patients' and health care providers' understanding of pain and fatigue and providing education about pain and fatigue management may improve quality of life. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying pain and fatigue management in patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, or lung cancer.

NCT00900835 — Breast Cancer
Status: Completed

BN-Brachyury, Entinostat, Adotrastuzumab Emtansine and M7824 in Advanced Stage Breast Cancer (Breast)

A Phase 1b Trial of Sequential Combinations of BN-Brachyury, Entinostat, Ado-trastuzuamb Emtansine and M7824 in Advanced Stage Breast Cancer (Breast)

Background: Breast cancer is the second most common cause of United States (U.S.) cancer deaths in women. Immunotherapy drugs use a person's immune system to fight cancer. Researchers want to see if a new combination of immunotherapy drugs can help treat breast cancer that has gone to places in the body outside of the breast (metastasized). Objective: To learn if a new combination of immunotherapy drugs can shrink tumors in people with metastatic breast cancer. Eligibility: Adults 18 and older who have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, such as Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) or estrogen receptors (ER)-/progesterone receptors (PR)-/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)+ Breast Cancer (HER2+BC) Design: Participants will be screened with: medical history physical exam disease confirmation (or tumor biopsy) tumor scans (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and/or bone scan) blood and urine tests electrocardiogram (measures the hearts electrical activity) echocardiogram (creates images of the heart). Participants will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups. The drugs they get will be based on the group they are in. Drugs are given in cycles. Each cycle = 3 weeks. Participants will be seen in clinic every 3 weeks, prior to the start of a new cycle. At each visit, participants will have an clinical exam, have blood drawn and will be asked about any side effects. They will repeat the screening tests during the study. New scans, like a computed tomography (CT) scan, will be done every 6 weeks to see if the treatment is working. All participants will get Bavarian Nordic (BN)-Brachyury. It is 2 different vaccines - a prime and a boost. First the priming vaccines, called MVA-BN-Brachyury help to jump start the immune system. Next the boosting vaccines, called fowlpox virus (FPV)-Brachyury help to keep the immune system going. They are injected under the skin during different cycles. All participants will get M7824 (also known as Bintrafusp alfa), which is an immunotherapy drug. Some participants will get a commonly used drug is HER2+ breast cancer called adotrastuzumab emtansine (also known as T-DM1DM1 or kadcyla). For both, a needle is inserted into a vein to give the drugs slowly. Some participants will take Entinostat weekly by mouth. It is in tablet form. Participants will keep a pill diary. Participants will continue on their assigned treatment until their cancer grows, they develop side effects or want to stop treatment. About 28 days after treatment ends, participants will have a follow-up visit or a telephone call. Then they will be contacted every 3 months for 1 year, then every 6 months for 1 year. They may have more tumor scans or continue treatment.

NCT04296942 — Breast Cancer
Status: Terminated

A Study of EDP1503 in Patients With Colorectal Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Checkpoint Inhibitor Relapsed Tumors

A Phase I Open-label Study of EDP1503 Alone and in Combination With Pembrolizumab in Patients With Advanced Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma, Triple-negative Breast Cancer, and Checkpoint Inhibitor Relapsed Tumors

This study is being conducted to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of EDP1503 alone and in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced metastatic colorectal carcinoma, triple-negative breast cancer, and checkpoint inhibitor relapsed tumors

NCT03775850 — Bladder Cancer
Status: Completed

Breast Cancer, Breast Disease, and Pesticides

A Study of Breast Cancer, Breast Disease, Mammographic Density and Pesticides Among a Population From Triana, Alabama

This study will collect information on the height and weight of women who participated in a 1998 study in Triana, Alabama, on the risk of breast cancer and benign breast disease in relation to environmental exposure to the pesticide DDT and similar chemicals. This additional information is needed to calculate the participants' body mass index (BMI), which is required for completing analysis of the data. The 1998 study-a collaborative effort of the National Cancer Institute, the Triana Area Medical Fund, and the College of Nursing at the University of Alabama at Huntsville-investigated possible effects of DDT and other compounds on the risk of breast cancer, predominantly among African-American women in the area of Triana, Alabama. The study was initiated as a result of medical findings showing high blood levels of DDT among the local population who had consumed fish from a tributary of the Tennessee River that had been polluted by the discharge over several decades of large quantities of pesticides from a DDT production plant. Women participating in the study had a mammogram, physical examination, breast examination, and blood draw, and completed a questionnaire on diet and lifestyle factors. In order to complete analysis of the data and determine whether there is an association between environmental exposure to DDT and related chemicals and breast cancer risk, additional information on BMI is required.

NCT00341315 — Breast Cancer
Status: Completed