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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Media Addiction, Insomnia, and Family Relationship Among Individuals With Social Media Addiction: A Randomized Control Tria

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Media Addiction, Insomnia, and Family Relationship Among Individuals With Social Media Addiction: A Randomized Control Tria

Objectives This study is designed to investigate the following objectives To manage the social media addiction in order to improve lifestyle, attitude and family relations of the individuals and explore related psychological problems which can arise because of this addiction. To explore the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) in the management of social media addiction in individuals which is decreasing the health of their lifestyle, attitude and family bonding. To explain how abusive use of social media can increase the risk of psychological and behavioural problems.

NCT06189534 — Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Media Addiction
Status: Active, not recruiting

Efficacy of Digital Game Addiction Awareness Training for Parent

The Effect of Digital Game Addiction Awareness Training Given to Parents of Secondary School Students on the Awareness Level of Parents

The study will be conducted with the randomized controlled experimental method. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of digital game addiction awareness training given to parents of 6th-grade secondary school students on their parents' awareness levels of digital game addiction. Parents will be randomly assigned to groups by lottery method. After the randomization parents of students in the intervention group will be given 'Digital Game Addiction Awareness Training'. The digital game addiction awareness level of all parents will be determined with the 'Digital Game Addiction Awareness Scale' before and 3 months after the training. Parents in the control group will not be educated. The digital game addiction awareness level of the parents in the control group will be determined with the 'Digital Game Addiction Awareness Scale' when they are included in the research and 3 months later.

NCT06188117 — Game Addiction, Video
Status: Completed

Effects of Social Media Addiction on Physical Activity Level and Exercise Capacity in University Students

Effects of Social Media Addiction on Physical Activity Level and Exercise Capacity in University Students

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of social media addiction on functional exercise capacity and maximal exercise capacity in university students.

NCT06187766 — Physical Inactivity
Status: Recruiting

Addiction & Stroke - ADDICT-STROKE

Addiction in the Secondary Prevention of Stroke

Modifiable stroke risk-factors, which include poor lifestyle habits, account for 90 % of the risk of stroke. Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) related to cerebrovascular disorders rely on three main factors, including the severity of stroke-related symptoms, the occurrence of stroke complications, and stroke recurrences. Stroke complications and the risk of stroke recurrence are highly dependent on the control of vascular risk factors. Thus, the secondary prevention of stroke involves profound lifestyle modifications including substance use cessation and diet changes.

NCT06187025 — Stroke
Status: Recruiting

Individualized Neuromodulation for the Core Clinical Features of Drug Addiction

Individualized Neuromodulation Intervention Techniques for the Core Clinical Features of Drug Addiction

Using specific EEG biomarkers in methamphetamine-dependent individuals, this study systematically probes closed-loop tACS based on brain states, assessing dosage, neurologic and behavioral effects, while comparing its efficacy with traditional open-loop tACS methods.

NCT06165198 — Amphetamine Use Disorders
Status: Recruiting

Doctors' Perspective on Tobacco Addiction

Approaches of Doctors in Different Branches to the Smoking Habits of Their Patients; Patient's Perspective Survey Study

ABSTRACT Aim: Our study aimed to determine the approaches of our physicians to the smoking habits of their patients other than those with pulmonary diseases. Method: Patients examined in different outpatient clinics of our hospital will be asked 7 questions about the doctor's approach to smoking habits. 1) Do you have information about smoking cessation clinic? 2) Has your doctor asked if you smoke? 3) Did he suggest you stop using it? 4) Did he inform you about the relationship between smoking and your disease? 5) Did he provide information about smoking cessation outpatient clinic services? 6) Have you ever thought about quitting smoking after your doctor's briefing? 7) Did you quit smoking after your doctor's briefing?

NCT06163872 — Nicotine Dependence
Status: Completed

Ketamine and Neurofeedback-Training: Effects on Neuroplasticity in Cocaine Addiction - Co-Boost

Boosting and Guiding Neuroplasticity by Combining Ketamine With Neurofeedback-assisted Learning - Towards an Individualized and Integrated Pharmaco-psychotherapy for Cocaine Addiction

The goal of this clinical trial is to learn about the effects of the combination of ketamine and realtime functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) neurofeedback training in individuals with cocaine use disorder. The main questions the investigators aim to answer are: - Can the investigators observe a positive, significant effect on percentage of cocaine use days of both interventions combined as well as stand alone interventions? - Is there a significant transfer effect of the neurofeedback training? - Is there a significant, ketamine-dependent change in glutamate levels in the nucleus accumbens? Participants will be given ketamine and a realtime fMRI neurofeedback training. Both interventions are placebo-controlled. The investigators will compare the four intervention groups to investigate the effects of the stand-alone effects of the intervention and the combination of it.

NCT06125054 — Cocaine Dependence
Status: Recruiting

The Effect Of Smartphone Addiction On Trunk Muscles Performance In Adolescents

The Effect Of Smartphone Addiction On Trunk Muscles Performance In Adolescents

Statement of the problem: Does overuse of the smartphones affect trunk muscles performance in normal adolescents it will be assumed that There will be no affection of smartphone addiction on trunk muscles performance in normal adolescents

NCT06120738 — Adolescents
Status: Recruiting

Effect of Smartphone Addiction on Myoelectrical Activity of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle in Adult

Effect of Smartphone Addiction on the Myoelectrical Activity of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle in Adult

This study will be conducted to identify the effect of smartphone addiction myoelectrical activity on sternocleidomastoid in adults by measuring The amplitude of EMG signals of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in adults and Root mean square of EMG signals of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in adults

NCT06112496 — Heavy Smart Phone Users
Status: Completed

Motivational Interview Based Intervention Program on Smartphone Addiction and Sleep Quality

The Effect of Transtheoretic Model and Motivational Interview Based Intervention Program on Smartphone Addiction and Sleep Quality Levels in Nursing Students

Smartphones are the technological devices of our age that are constantly evolving and whose use is becoming more widespread day by day. Smartphones, which are preferred by almost everyone for reasons such as being easily portable, providing quick access to transactions, providing ease of use and sometimes as a status indicator, can pose a risk of addiction when used uncontrolled. Since young people are more intertwined with technology and use smartphones more, they are at greater risk of addiction and the problems that addiction can cause. Poor sleep quality is an important problem that can occur with smartphone addiction and negatively affects both daily life and the health of the individual. Smartphone addiction and the problems it causes are an important public health problem that threatens the whole society, especially young people. In solving this problem, it is among the duties of nurses to teach individuals healthy lifestyle behaviors instead of problematic behaviors. A road map is needed to facilitate the behavior change process. Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is widely used today to improve the behavior change process in the individual and to achieve the most effective health behavior change. TTM, which targets interventions appropriate to the individual's stage of change, is used as a guide that facilitates behavioral change. TTM is a model that contributes to change, accelerates it, and supports individuals considering change. In addition to TTM, another method that is more frequently used and contributes to change, especially in addicted individuals, is the "motivational interviewing" method. Motivational interviewing is very effective in gaining positive health behaviors and changing negative health behaviors and aims to reveal the individual's internal motivation. It is thought that the university years, which are an important period in terms of developing and maintaining health-protective and preventive behaviors, will both increase students' health responsibility and protect them from health-threatening behaviors with the healthy lifestyle behaviors acquired during this period. In line with all this information, this study was planned to determine the effect of the Transtheoretical model and motivational interview-based online intervention program on smartphone addiction and sleep quality levels in nursing students who are in the smartphone addiction risk group.

NCT06098274 — Smartphone Addiction
Status: Not yet recruiting