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Seach Results for — “light therapy”

Ixazomib Maintenance Study in Patients With AL Amyloidosis

Ixazomib Maintenance Following Initial Therapy in Patients With Immunoglobulin Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis

The purpose of this study is to learn if Ixazomib maintenance treatment (chemotherapy) works to control the disease. Through this study, the investigators hope to learn more about ways to prevent or delay relapse of AL Amyloidosis.

NCT03618537 — AL Amyloidosis
Status: Active, not recruiting

Blue vs Red Light During Levulan Based Photodynamic Therapy in Patients With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

Pilot Trial Comparing Two Different Wavelengths of Light (Blue Versus Red) During Levulan™-Based Photodynamic Therapy of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Patients With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

The investigators will be testing whether aminolevulinate-based (Levulan™) Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) shows effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (BCNS) patients. Levulan™ PDT is an FDA-approved method widely used currently for squamous precancers of the skin. The investigators hypothesize that PDT will provide exceptional benefit in the BCNS population because PDT is nonmutagenic, nonscarring, and can be safely repeated many times. Additionally, the study will investigate whether there are any differences in tumor clearance between the Blu-U® (blue lamp) and Aktilite™(red lamp) therapies.

NCT02157623 — Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
Status: Completed

Near-infrared Light-emitting Diode (NIR-LED) Therapy for Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) - LHON

Near-infrared Light-emitting Diode (NIR-LED) Therapy for Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)

The overall objective of the proposed research is to test the hypothesis that Near-infrared Light-emitting Diode (NIR-LED) therapy will stimulate mitochondrial function, attenuate oxidative stress, and improve cell survival and vision in subjects with Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON).

NCT01389817 — Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)
Status: Terminated

Treatment of Actinic Keratoses With Photodynamic Therapy Using Sunlight Versus Red light

The objective of the study is to evaluate the use of sunlight instead of red light during photodynamic therapy of actinic keratoses using methyl aminolevulinate

NCT00432224 — Actinic Keratoses
Status: Completed

Cyclosporine and Intense Pulsed Light for Dry Eye in Contact Lens Users - CycliP

Combination of 0.09% Cyclosporine and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease in Symptomatic Contact Lens Wearers: a Sham-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial

In this study, two treatments typically used for dry eye disease will be tried for contact lens users to see if their symptoms when they use their contact lenses get better. Cyclosporine is a drop that is used for long-term management of the inflammation and Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a treatment done in a clinic to improve the health of the eyelid glands. The main question in this study is: Does the combined treatment of cyclosporine and IPL improve the symptoms and the dry eye signs of contact lens wearers? All the participants will receive the cyclosporine drops for 4 months twice a day. The research team will split the group of participants in two, half receiving the real IPL treatment and half receiving a sham IPL treatment during the last two months of the study. This will allow to compare the two groups to see how IPL helped. The dry eye tests will be done at the start of the study, after two months and after 4 months. The tests will include a dry eye symptoms questionnaire, measures on the tears, the structures of the front of the eye and the eyelids.

NCT06392438 — Dry Eye
Status: Recruiting

Short Contact Protocols to Reduce Pain During 10% ALA Gel Red-light Photodynamic Therapy of Actinic Keratoses

Short Contact Protocols to Reduce Pain During Treatment of Actinic Keratoses With 10% ALA Gel Red-light Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

The goal of this clinical trial is to see if shorter Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatment times will still be effective at treating actinic keratoses (AK) while reducing or eliminating the pain that patients sometimes experience during conventional PDT treatment. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Will the application of the nanoemulsion (10% ALA gel), in the absence of occlusion, still achieve significant inflammation and lesion clearance? - Will shortened incubation times of Ameluz still achieve significant inflammation and lesion clearance? - Will the new test regimens achieve reduced pain during illumination? - Will the new test regimens be safe? Participants will be randomly assigned to one of three treatment regimens, which will determine the length of time that the topical medication will incubate on the face before red light exposure in PDT treatments. The incubation period will be either 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or 60 minutes.

NCT06027619 — Actinic Keratosis
Status: Recruiting

Regular Home Use of Dual-light Photodynamic Therapy on Oral Health in Adolescents Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Treatment

Efficacy of Regular Home Use of Dual-light Photodynamic Therapy on Oral Health in Adolescents Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Treatment - Randomized, Controlled Clinical Study

This study is designed to determine the efficacy of the Lumoral method on oral health in adolescents undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment. Improved supragingival plaque control can help to also sustain the subgingival plaque management in the long term. In addition, the device might have a photobiomodulation effect on periodontal tissues.

NCT05825742 — Orthodontic Appliance Complication
Status: Recruiting

Choroidal and Retinal Changes After RLRL Therapy in Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy

Effect of Repeated Low-level Red-light (RLRL) Therapy on the Choroid and the Retina in Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy

The choroidal thickness was found to be thinner in diabetic eyes without retinopathy compared to healthy eyes, thus choroidal thickness might be an important parameter for the development of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic eyes without retinopathy. Repeated low-level red-light (RLRL) therapy is an emerging innovative and non-invasive treatment for a variety of eye diseases. Notably, RLRL was found to be effective in thickening choroidal thickness in a 1-year randomized controlled trial, indicating its potential in modulating blood flow in the fundus. This study aims to answer whether RLRL therapy can thicken choroidal thickness in adults with diabetes mellitus or diabetic retinopathy.

NCT05773209 — Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Status: Not yet recruiting

Regular Home-use of Dual-light Photodynamic Therapy in the Management of Chronic Stage III-IV Periodontitis

Regular Home-use of Dual-light Photodynamic Therapy in the Management of Chronic Stage III-IV Periodontitis

This study is designed to determine the efficacy of the Lumoral method in chronic periodontitis with a targeted group of stage III and IV periodontitis. Improved supragingival plaque control can help to also sustain the subgingival plaque management in the long term. In addition, the method might have a photobiomodulation effect on periodontal tissues.

NCT05698823 — Periodontitis Chronic Generalized Severe
Status: Recruiting

40 Hz Light Neurostimulation for Patients With Depression (FELIX)

A Double-blinded, Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of 40 Hz Light Neurostimulation Therapy for Patients With Depression

Recent research in mice models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has demonstrated that one hour per day of exposure to 40 Hz flickering light therapy can halt the disease's progression, and improve cognition and memory. Moreover, recent data suggest that 40 Hz light stimulation may induce neuroplasticity and reduce neuroinflammation. In this study, the investigators aim to evaluate the antidepressant effects of 40 Hz light stimulation in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Patients will be exposed to 40 Hz invisible spectral flickering light (active setting) or continuous non-flickering white light (sham setting) in a home setting for 1 hour each day.

NCT05680220 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting