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Seach Results for — “light therapy”

Study of Over-The-Counter Use of Low Level Laser Light Therapy for Body Contouring of the Waist, Hips and Thighs

Evaluation of Efficacy, Usability and Labeling Comprehension for Over-the-Counter Use of the Erchonia Corporation ZERONA® Z6 for Body Contouring of the Waist, Hips and Thighs

The purpose of this study is to test the ability of the lay end user to understand the information contained in the User's Guide; to correctly identify patients who are suitably qualified to receive treatment; and to correctly administer the treatment with the Erchonia ZERONA® Z6 for circumference reduction of the waist, hips and thighs in an over-the-counter setting.

NCT02167867 — Body Contouring
Status: Completed

Study of Low Level Laser Light Therapy to Improve Blood Circulation in People With Chronic Heel Pain

An Evaluation of the Effect of the Erchonia HP Scanner (HPS) Laser on Increasing Blood Circulation in Individuals With Chronic Heel Pain

The purpose of this study is to determine whether low level laser light therapy is effective in increasing local blood circulation in people with chronic heel pain arising from plantar fasciitis.

NCT01882725 — Defective; Circulation
Status: Completed

Light and Exercise in Night-shift Workers

Effects of Timed Intensive Light Therapy or Timed Physical Exercise on Markers of Central and Peripheral Circadian Rhythm and on Cardiometabolic Function in Night Shift Workers

EuRhythDia is a multicenter, controlled and randomized study. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of randomized timed light therapy or timed physical exercise as a chronotherapeutic lifestyle intervention on markers of central and peripheral circadian rhythms and cardiometabolic function in healthy night shift workers.

NCT01767181 — Healthy Night Shift Workers
Status: Completed

Study of the Effect of Low Level Laser Light Therapy on Reducing the Appearance of Cellulite in the Thighs and Buttocks.

A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Evaluation of the Effect of the Erchonia Scanner Device (GLS) Green Diode on Reducing the Appearance of Cellulite Clinical Study Protocol.

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the application of green diode low level laser light therapy is effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite in the thighs and buttocks.

NCT01702259 — Cellulite
Status: Completed

Prevention of Delirium After Bone Marrow Transplantation

Usefulness of Bright Light Therapy in the Prevention of Delirium in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT)

The purpose of this study is to find out if using bright light sessions during bone marrow transplant can prevent people from developing confusion also known as delirium.

NCT01700816 — Delirium
Status: Recruiting

Blue Light Device for Pain Therapy - PAINCT02

A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind, Multi-Centre Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Blue Light Therapy for Relief of Chronic Musculoskeletal Back Pain

The purpose of this study is to determine if the Pain Relief Patch, which shines light of a limited wavelength on the painful area of the back, relieves chronic musculoskeletal back pain. At the same time, this study will gather information on side effects associated with use of the Pain Relief Patch. The study will compare the Pain Relief Patch to a patch that is similar in appearance, but which shines a different, presumed nontherapeutic, wavelength of light.

NCT01528332 — Chronic Pain
Status: Completed

Low Level Laser Therapy to Reduce Chronic Pain

Study of the Effect of Low Level Laser Light Therapy on the Reduction of Chronic Pain of the Neck and Shoulders

The purpose of this study was to determine whether low level laser light directed at the neck and shoulders could be effective in the temporary reduction of chronic pain in the neck and shoulder region.

NCT00929773 — Chronic Pain
Status: Completed

Study of Low Level Laser Therapy and Tinnitus Relief

A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Randomized Evaluation of the Application of Low Level Laser Light Therapy Using the Erchonia Hearing Lasers for the Relief of Tinnitus Clinical Study Protocol.

The purpose of this study is to determine if low level laser light therapy might help to relieve tinnitus in adults.

NCT00845975 — Tinnitus
Status: Terminated

Randomized Controlled Trial on the Treatment Effects of Melatonin and Light Therapy on Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome in Adolescents and Young Adults. Sleep, Personality, Developmental History, Circadian Rhythm, Daytime Functioning and Treatment

In this study the investigators will examine the effects of melatonin and light therapy on delayed sleep phase syndrome in adolescents 16 up to 20 years old. 60 subjects will be randomized into four different groups; melatonin + light therapy (N=15), melatonin + placebo light (N=15), placebo + light therapy (N=15) and placebo + placebo light. This is a double-blinded treatment and the participants will receive this treatment for 2 weeks. Then they will be re-randomized into two groups; full treatment with light therapy + melatonin (N=30) and no treatment (N=30) for 3 months unblinded. The investigators will test the subjects pre-treatment, post 2 week treatment and after 3 months.

NCT00834886 — Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
Status: Completed

Narrowband UVB Light Therapy to Patients With Dark Skin Types Who Have 10% of Their Body Involved With Psoriasis Vulgaris.

A Study To Determine the Efficacy of Whole Body Narrowband UVB Phototherapy in People With Darker Skin Types

This study offers narrowband UVB light therapy to patients with both light and dark skin types who have 10% of their body involved with psoriasis vulgaris.

NCT00220025 — Psoriasis Vulgaris
Status: Completed