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Seach Results for — “Crohn's Disease”

Microbiome Modification to Enhance Stelara Response in Crohn's Disease - MIM-TESRIC

Microbiome Modification to Enhance Stelara Response in Crohn's Disease

This pilot study is being completed to determine whether a low-serine diet vs a high serine diet will reduce inflammation and symptoms in Crohn's disease (CD), as well as determine whether a low-serine diet (vs. a high serine diet) will improve responses in patients initiating therapy with Ustekinumab (Stelara), an FDA-approved biologic therapy for Crohn's disease.

NCT04795960 — Crohn Disease
Status: Withdrawn

A Phase 2 Clinical Trial: Xanthohumol Metabolism and Signature (XMaS) in Crohn's Disease - XMaS

A Phase 2 Clinical Trial: Xanthohumol Metabolism and Signature (XMaS) in Crohn's Disease

A pilot study to assess the safety and tolerability of an orally administered natural product derived from hops, called xanthohumol, in humans with Crohn's Disease, in order to identify a biological signature of xanthohumol exposure, and to characterize the role of xanthohumol metabolism by intestinal microorganisms in that signature within adults with Crohn's Disease.

NCT04590508 — Crohn Disease
Status: Recruiting

Telephone-based Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation in Crohn's Disease Patients

Telephone-based Motivational Interviewing Delivered by IBD ( Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Nurses for Smoking Cessation in Crohn's Disease: a Randomized Open-label Clinical Trial

Quitting smoking unequivocally improves the course of Crohn's disease (EC), and therefore, it should be one of the main therapeutic targets in the treatment of this disease. The goal of the study was to know the effectiveness of motivational intervention 5 R for smoking cessation in patients with Crohn's disease performed by telephone by nursing, in relation to those who did not receive such intervention. For this purpose, a controlled, randomized, parallel and open clinical trial was designed. The subjects were patients with Crohn's disease that were actively smoking EC. They were all >18 years old and they had internet access and e-mail. Those who were already in a process of smoking cessation were excluded from the study. Experimental intervention consisted of a motivational intervention for smoking cessation through telephone every 3 months for one year.

NCT04225403 — Crohn Disease
Status: Completed

Combinatorial Single Cell Strategies for a Crohn's Disease Gut Cell Atlas

Combinatorial Single Cell Strategies for a Crohn's Disease Gut Cell Atlas

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), consisting of two major forms, Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis, affects more than 1.6 million people in the United States alone. Despite current therapies, remission only occurs in approximately half of patients. The goal of study is to map single-cell spatial relationships across the spectrum of ileum/ascending colon from healthy control patients to uninvolved/quiescent and involved/active CD patients and assess for relationships between single-cell data and patient clinical data. The investigators will utilize endoscopic mucosal biopsies and surgical resection specimens with rapid transfer of fresh tissue to the single-cell preparation for RNA-sequencing and use of tissues for RNA-fluorescence in situ hybridization and multiplex immunofluorescence. Along with machine learning image analysis and bioinformatics, this will generate a robust/detailed single-cell gut cell atlas (GCA) of ileo-colonic CD at all disease activities versus normal tissues. The study will also compare the results of endoscopic mucosal biopsies to those obtained from full thickness surgical specimens by utilizing the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN). The investigators anticipate the GCA data will provide new insights into disease pathogenesis, leading to new therapeutic targets.

NCT04113733 — Crohn Disease
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Anorectal Function in Perianal Crohn's Disease

Evaluation of Anorectal Function in Perianal Crohn's Disease: a Pilot Study.

Perianal Crohn's disease is a disabling disease associated with increased morbidity and impaired quality of life. It is associated with pain, discharge, fecal incontinence and sexual and psychological impairment. In refractory cases, a stoma may be necessary. A higher prevalence is seen with increasing Crohn's disease duration and appears to vary according to the disease location. The presence of symptoms associated with anorectal dysfunction, such as fecal incontinence, can sometimes poorly correlate with the presence of anal sphincter abnormalities. Moreover, even in patients without symptoms, the presence of anal sphincter abnormalities may have important implications for the future selection of type of delivery, and might even pose a contra-indication for certain types of anorectal surgeries. Studies evaluating possible chronic complications of perianal Crohn's disease on anorectal function are lacking. There is a need for a better understanding of the chronic complications of this disease, and the role of high-resolution anorectal manometry in diagnosing these abnormalities during follow-up of these patients. This study will evaluate the chronic repercussions of perianal Crohn's disease in patients with a previous anal fistula and/or abscess that has healed and/or is inactive.

NCT03819257 — Crohn Disease
Status: Completed

Endoscopic Balloon Dilation vs Surgery to Treat Short Strictures in Fibrostenosing Crohns Disease: An RCT

Endoscopic Balloon Dilation as Compared to Surgical Management for the Treatment of Short Strictures in Fibrostenosing Crohns Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

There is currently no standard management to guide the clinicians in treating patients with fibrostenotic disease. European Crohns and Colitis Organization [ECCO] recently developed a topical review on prediction, diagnosis and management of fibrostenosing Crohns disease. The review suggests endoscopic balloon dilation, strictureplasty, and intestinal resection as reasonable treatment options for short strictures based on the low grade of evidence.

NCT03735355 — Crohn Disease
Status: Not yet recruiting

A Study to Characterize Multidimensional Model to Predict the Course of Crohn's Disease (CD) - PREMONITION-CD

Characterization of a Multidimensional Model to Predict the Course of Crohn's Disease: A Pilot Study

The descriptive purpose of this study is to characterize clinical and nonclinical factors of participants with CD, participant flow and visits to other specialists in the hospitals of the healthcare network of the Autonomous Community of Madrid with implementation of electronic medical records. The clinical and nonclinical factors include: demographic and baseline clinical characteristics, lifestyle, relapses, complications, day hospital visits, surgery, presence of complications such as perianal fistulas and complex perianal fistulas. The predictive purpose of this study is to develop a statistical predictive model with the information obtained from the descriptive purpose, in the hospitals of the healthcare network of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, capable of assigning any participant diagnosed with CD a probability of reaching a prototypical clinical condition or a probability of experiencing certain clinical complications.

NCT03668249 — Crohn Disease
Status: Completed

HYSTERIA Evaluation of Clinical HYpnosis After Surgical Resection for Crohn Disease on Post-operative Analgesia - HYSTERIA

Prospective Randomized Study Evaluating the Effect of Pre-operative Hypnosis on Anesthesia, Analgesia and Perioperative Stress Laparoscopic Ileo-caecal Resections of Crohn's Disease.

The aim of this study will be to show a decrease in postoperative morphine consumption by the practice of perioperative self-hypnosis in patients undergoing laparoscopic ileo-caecal resection for Crohn's disease

NCT03261414 — Anesthesia
Status: Completed

Effect of Fluconazole on the Levels of ASCA After Surgical Resection for Crohn's Disease. - AscaMC

Effect of Fluconazole on the Levels of Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies (ASCA) After Surgical Resection for Crohn's Disease. Multicenter, Randomized, and Controlled in Two Parallel Groups Versus Placebo

This was prospective study randomized in two controlled parallel groups verum versus placebo. The objectives were to assess the influence of antifungal treatment with Fluconazole (FCZ) on the rate of ASCA and endoscopic recurrence at 6 months. The rational was based on our previous research having established i) a link between intestinal inflammation and the opportunistic fungal pathogen C. albicans -a yeast colonizing the human digestive tract- ii) the demonstration that this yeast species could be at the origin of ASCA, a prominent serological marker of CD. It was therefore hypothesized that the FCZ could lower the rate of ASCA and/or reduce the occurrence of recurrences.

NCT02997059 — Crohn's Disease Aggravated
Status: Terminated

Long Term Observational Study of a Vagal Nerve Stimulation Device in Crohn's Disease

Long Term Observational Study of the Safety and Efficacy of an Active Implantable Vagal Nerve Stimulation Device in Patients With Crohn's Disease

This will be an open label multicenter study of the safety and efficacy of an active implantable VNS device in patients with Crohn's Disease.

NCT02951650 — Crohn Disease
Status: Active, not recruiting