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James EMBARĀ® Light Therapy in the Treatment of Burn Wounds of Intermediate Depth

A Prospective, Randomized, Single Blinded, Controlled Clinical Investigation of James EmbarĀ® Light Therapy in the Treatment of Burn Wounds With Little Healing Potential

This will be a prospective, randomized, single blinded, controlled study in a single center setting to assess the effect of either phototherapy with the Embar® light therapy or sham irradiation.

NCT00329654 — Burns
Status: Completed

Light Therapy in the Treatment of Leg Pain - MilCAM

Monochromatic Near-Infrared Light Energy (MIRE) in the Treatment of Tibial Stress Reaction

The purpose of this study is to apply Anodyne therapy to active duty soldiers, who have shin splints, to evaluate healing time and effectiveness.

NCT00253981 — Tibial Fractures
Status: Terminated

Ultraviolet B (UVB) Light Therapy in the Treatment of Skin Conditions With Altered Dermal Matrix

The Effectiveness of UVB Irradiation in the Treatment of Skin Conditions With Altered Dermal Matrix: An Open Pilot Study

This research study will evaluate the effectiveness of high dose UVB light therapy in the treatment of keloid (or hypertrophic scar), scleroderma, acne keloidalis nuchae, old burn scars, granuloma annulare or related conditions.

NCT00129428 — Keloid
Status: Completed

Ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) Light Therapy in the Treatment of Inflammatory Skin Conditions

The Effectiveness of UVA1 and UVB Irradiation in the Treatment of Inflammatory Dermatoses: An Open Pilot Study

The purpose of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of longer wavelength UVA1 (340-400nm) or shorter wavelength ultraviolet B [UVB] (290-320nm) irradiation in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions (such as: atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, mycosis fungoides, alopecia areata, stretch marks and urticaria). This research study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an investigational device which is similar in appearance to a "tanning bed" but which emits ultraviolet irradiation of a specific wavelength known as UVA1. This device has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for general use in this country, as of yet, but it has been used quite successfully in Europe for several years in treating such conditions as scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, urticaria pigmentosa and other skin conditions. Instead of UVA1 therapy, patients may receive ultraviolet radiation of a specific wavelength known as UVB. UVA1 light is a longer wavelength and therefore a lower energy wavelength than UVB. UVB light is often the light associated with getting a sunburn since it has a higher level of energy. UVB light has been used successfully in the treatment of many skin conditions.

NCT00129415 — Psoriasis
Status: Terminated

Utilization of Narrow Band Ultraviolet B (UVB) Light Therapy and Etanercept for the Treatment of Psoriasis

A Multicenter, Open-Label, Pilot Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness and Safety of ENBREL(r) in Combination With Narrowband UVB Phototherapy for the Treatment of Psoriasis

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of combination therapy with etanercept and narrow-band (NB) UVB phototherapy for the treatment of psoriasis in a pilot study. This is a Phase 4 clinical study being conducted under an Amgen Investigational New Drug Application (IND).

NCT00110981 — Psoriasis
Status: Completed

Ultraviolet-B Light Therapy and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Treating Patients With Hematologic Malignancies

Immunomodulation by Ultraviolet B-Irradiation (UVB) to Facilitate Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies

RATIONALE: Peripheral stem cell transplantation may be able to replace immune cells that were destroyed by chemotherapy. Sometimes the transplanted cells from a donor are rejected by the body's normal cells. Ultraviolet-B light therapy given before and after allogeneic stem cell transplantation may help prevent this from happening. PURPOSE: Clinical trial to study the effectiveness of combining ultraviolet-B light therapy with allogeneic stem cell transplantation in treating patients who have hematologic malignancies.

NCT00068523 — Lymphoma
Status: Completed

High Intensity Light Therapy in Alzheimer's Disease

High Intensity Light Therapy in Alzheimer's Disease

The purpose of this study is to determine whether bright light improves the sleep, mood, and behavior of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD) who live in long-term care settings and, if so, to determine the best timing for the light therapy. The light levels being used in the study have been shown to improve depression in persons with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and to relieve sleep problems in persons with jet lag and other body rhythm disturbances. Because persons with AD often will not remain still in front of a fluorescent panel, this project has involved renovations in the study units that provide for even, regulated, high-intensity light in all public areas of the study settings.

NCT00065689 — Dementia
Status: Completed

Ultraviolet Light Therapy Using Methoxsalen With or Without Bexarotene in Treating Patients With Mycosis Fungoides

A Randomized, Open-Label Phase III Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Bexarotene (Targretin) Capsules Combined With PUVA, Compared to PUVA Treatment Alone in Patients With Mycosis Fungoides

RATIONALE: Ultraviolet light therapy uses light and drugs that make cancer cells more sensitive to light to kill tumor cells. It is not yet known whether ultraviolet light therapy is more effective with or without bexarotene in treating mycosis fungoides. PURPOSE: Randomized phase III trial to compare the effectiveness of ultraviolet light therapy using methoxsalen with or without bexarotene in treating patients who have mycosis fungoides.

NCT00056056 — Lymphoma
Status: Terminated

Ultraviolet Light Therapy for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

OBJECTIVES: I. Evaluate the mechanisms of ultraviolet A-1 light therapy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and normal controls.

NCT00004375 — Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Status: Recruiting

Effects of CBT and BLT in Youth With Unipolar Depression and Evening Chronotype - DELAY

Effects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Bright Light Therapy in Youth With Unipolar Depression and Evening Chronotype: An Assessor-blind Parallel-group Randomised Controlled Trial

The goal of this prospective randomised controlled trial is to examine the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy and bright light therapy in youths with unipolar depression and evening chronotype. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. What is the efficacy of CBT-D and CBT-D plus bright light therapy in reducing depression severity in adolescents with depression and eveningness? 2. What are the effects of CBT-D and CBT-D plus bright light therapy on the subjective and objective sleep and circadian measures, as well as the quality of life, daytime symptoms, and functioning (e.g., sleepiness, fatigue)? Participants will participate in 8 weekly group sessions of CBT-D intervention based on the well-established CBT elements for treating depression. Concurrently participants will also be asked to wear a portable light device at home for 30 minutes daily for seven weeks, starting from the second week of the group intervention. Participants in the CBT-D only group will receive a placebo light via the device, whereas participants in the CBT-D plus light therapy group will receive the active bright light via the device.

NCT06092411 — Depression, Unipolar
Status: Recruiting