View clinical trials related to Retinal Disease.
Filter by:In 2013, it was estimated that 16% (7.5 million) of all Egyptian adults between the ages of 20 and 79 years have type 2 diabetes and 2.6 million have diabetic retinopathy. A small pilot study looking at 323 patients with previously diagnosed diabetes mellitus (DM) and 183 patients with newly diagnosed DM found that the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) was 48.3% and 10.4% in each group respectively. By 2035, the Middle Eastern Region and Egypt is projected to have an over 96% increase in the diabetes population. Ultrawide field (UWF) imaging is a novel technology that allows the visualization of approximately 82% of the retina in a single image. Its use in diabetic retinopathy (DR) has been widely explored both as a diagnostic as well as a screening tool. Using this technology, more of the peripheral retina can be readily visualized allowing significantly greater hemorrhages/microaneurysms, intraretinal microvascular abnormalities and non-perfusion to be detected. UWF imaging in patients with DM allowed the identification of a distinct sub-set of eyes with lesions that are predominantly distributed in the peripheral retina. Eyes with significantly greater DR lesions in the extended peripheral fields compared to their respective ETDRS fields are said to have predominantly peripheral lesions or PPL. Eyes with PPL are at greater risk of progressing to more advanced DR and developing proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) after 4 years of follow up. The increased risk of vision threatening complications in eyes with PPL has made the identification of these eyes an essential part of DR evaluation and screening. Furthermore, the presence of lesions in the peripheral retina results in a more severe DR grade in approximately 20% of eyes thereby making this tool more accurate at grading DR severity. A recent DRCR retina network multicenter study established earlier findings confirming the validity of this tool in DR management. I-care Ophthalmology Center will acquire the first UWF device in Egypt, the Optos California (Optos Plc, Dunfermline). Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy UWF imaging has been approved by both the FDA and EMA since 2011. Patients with DM, with or without known DR, will be imaged using the UWF imaging device both for diagnosis and screening purposes at I-care Ophthalmology center after informed consent. These images will be graded for the level of retinopathy and the presence/absence of PPL by certified trained graders. Internal validation and continuous quality control will routinely be conducted. Patients with vision threatening retinopathy (moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy or worse, or the presence of diabetic macular edema) will be instructed to come back for further retinal evaluation and ancillary testing. Patients with mild retinopathy will be instructed to come for yearly follow up imaging. The expected duration for data collection will be 5-years, with interim data analysis on a yearly basis. The design although cross sectional, will have a prospective sub-analysis group in patients who have repeat imaging. Data collection and imaging will be conducted in Egypt and anonymized deidentified data will be shared with the Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Ophthalmology Department for joint research purposes. Data will be analyzed for the prevalence of DR and the distribution of DR severity levels in the studied population. In addition, the presence and absence of PPL and its association with DR progression will be studied. Non-modifiable (duration of DM, age of onset, type of DM etc.) and modifiable risk factors (HbA1c, hypertension, hyperlipidemia etc.) for increased risk of DR progression will also be analyzed. Sensitivity analysis will explore the sensitivity/specificity of initial DR grading compared to trained retina specialists.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a single intravitreal injection of virally-carried Multi-Characteristic Opsin I (vMCO-I)
Accumulating evidence suggest that the functional unit of photoreceptor/ retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/Bruch's membrane/choriocapillaris plays a key role in pathophysiologic processes of a wide range of medical retinal disorders of the eye. Little is known about in vivo morphometric characteristics of human RPE cells as in vivo observation of these cells was so far technically challenging and hence nearly impossible to implement in a clinical setting. Transscleral optical phase imaging is a novel in-vivo microscopy technique allowing human RPE imaging on a cellular level with the potential of clinical application in a multimodal retinal imaging approach for diagnostic purpose in medical retina patients.
This study aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of vitrectomy probe with different shaft lengths in vitreoretinal surgery of highly myopic patients. In this randomized controlled study, highly myopic patients who had axial length more than 26 mm and needed vitreoretinal surgery will be enrolled. The enrolled patients will be randomized into "30 mm shaft length group"(trial group) and "27mm shaft length group"(controlled group). We will compare the rate of wound leakage, hypotony, subconjunctival hemorrhage, probe bending, trocar removal, and endophthalmitis between the two groups. We would like to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the 30 mm shaft length vitrectomy probe.
Retinal tissue parameters of pediatric patients with vitamin D deficiency will be evaluated in this prospective case-control study. The patients will be divided into 2 groups according to the vitamin D level. Retinal vessel diameters, retinal nerve fiber evaluation, choroidal thickness will be evaluated. Choroidal thinning decrease in retinal artery diameter and increase in retinal vein diameter will be detected in the vitamin D deficiency group.
PQ-110-005 (BRIGHTEN) is an open-label, dose escalation and double-masked, randomized, controlled study evaluating safety and tolerability of sepofarsen administered via intravitreal (IVT) injection in pediatric subjects (<8 years of age) with LCA10 due to the c.2991+1655A>G mutation over 24 months of treatment.
This study is designed to investigate the safety and tolerability of GEM103 IVT injection + standard of care vs. sham + standard of care.
The objective of this study is to apply an artificial intelligence algorithm to diagnose multi retinal diseases from fundus photography. The effectiveness and accuracy of this algorithm was evaluated by sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and area under curve.
This is a prospective clinical study conducted at one clinical site in the United States.
This study is designed to investigate the safety, PK/PD, biomarker and early clinical effects of repeat GEM103 IVT injections.