View clinical trials related to Radiotherapy Side Effect.
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Men with high risk prostate cancer who underwent radiotherapy of the prostate/seminal vesicles or underwent postoperative radiotherapy including pelvic lymph nodes between 2010 and 2016 are analyzed retrospectively. The aims are to estimate progression-free survival as well as toxicity according to CTCAE v4.03.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of changes in the care environment in pediatric radiotherapy. The definitions of the changes is a part of the study, and is constructed in collaboration with the institute of design at Umeå University. The implementation is however not part of the study, but done as part of Clinical routine. The study consist of two parts, where the first 1.5 years are a Control phase where the changes are designed and also function as a baseline period. The following 1.5 years are the case period where the Changes that are accepted for Clinical implementation are implemented. The impact of the changes are evaluated using surveys and interviews of both parents and children
The main objective of the study is to estimate the efficiency and to determine the optimal dose of Botulinum toxin A, administered by intramuscular way in cervical spasms after radiotherapy, as well as the optimal sites for these injections. The concerned muscular groups are the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), the trapezius muscle and the splenius capitis.