Pulsatile Tinnitus (Diagnosis) Clinical Trial
Official title:
Role of the Radiologist in Management of Pulsatile Tinnitus
The aim of this study is to detect the role of interventional radiology in management of Pulsatile tinnitus and to detect the best imaging modality for Diagnosis.
Tinnitus is a broad and complex subject concerning a symptom rather than a syndrome or a disease (1 ),New studies indicate that prevalence of tinnitus is 14.5% among those less than 40 years old and 17.5 - 35% among age over 40 years Old( 2-3 ). Vascular tinnitus causes are multiple , Arterial causes like Atherosclerosis , Fibromuscular dysplasia or Dissection of the carotid or vertebral artery , Arteriovenous causes like Cerebral head and neck arteriovenous malformation , Dural arteriovenous fistula and Carotid cavernous fistula Venous like Systemic diseases with hyperdynamic circulation . Chronic anemia, pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis , Idiopathic intracranial hypertension and Dural venous sinus stenosis , Tumors also like Paraganglioma which Some authors believe that para-gangliomas are the most common cause of vascular tinnitus and Vascular metastasis And other Miscellaneous Causes like Paget's disease m Otosclerosis or Otomastoiditis , but others see dural arteriovenous fistula (AVF) ,idiopathicvenous tinnitus, or idiopathic intracranial hypertension the most common causes. (4 - 9) , Also One of the Most important Arterial causes is Atherosclerosis , Atherosclerotic plaques ma produce turbulence of carotid flow and occasionally cause pulsatile tinnitus (10 ) , FMD ( Fibromuscular Dysplasia ) seen in 0.5% to0.6% of carotid angiograms and autopsies, is the second most common cause of extracranial carotid narrowing (11) information obtained from both CT and MRI is complementary In some casesThe angiographic findings may include luminal stenosis, abrupt reconstitution of the lumen, dissecting aneurysm, intimal flap, slow flow, occlusion, and distal emboli (12-15) ;