View clinical trials related to Pulmonary Valve Insufficiency.
Filter by:The study aims to assess the agreement between respiratory mechanics parameters measured noninvasively by means of brief airways occlusions at the beginning of inspiration and the reference parameters obtained with standard techniques of esophageal and gastric pressure under static and dynamic conditions in a mixed population of ICU patients mechanically ventilated in pressure support ventilation mode.
This is a non-commercial study to explore the use of Heliox21 in a new patient cohort. The fundamental aim is to assess the therapeutic benefits of Heliox21 and practicalities of gas delivery in patients who require non-invasive ventilatory support following extubation on the Intensive Care Unit. Thus, the investigators aim to extend our knowledge of the potential role for Heliox21 in the post-extubation environment of the Intensive Care Unit. The purpose of this study is to answer a specific, clinically relevant question. That is whether Heliox21 helps to reduce the effort of breathing in the period following withdrawal of mechanically assisted ventilation in patients on the intensive care unit.
Non-invasive ventilation has become increasingly important in the management of patients with acute respiratory failure. One of its major goals is to prevent the need for invasive ventilation, which is associated with numerous complications. This study compares the usefulness and safety of two noninvasive techniques which are used in Medical practice: Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation using a face mask and extrathoracic biphasic ventilation using a cuirass. Each of these techniques has advantages and disadvantages and both may not suit all patients. It is therefore important to compare the two in terms of effectiveness in preventing invasive ventilation and their side effects profile, so that we can improve our understanding and expertise in the treatment of patients in respiratory failure.