View clinical trials related to Pulmonary Nodule, Multiple.
Filter by:GGO is a characteristic focus of early lung cancer. Due to the abundant peripheral blood vessels and bronchial tissues around the GGO lesions located in pulmonary hilar, only lobectomy could be used for the surgical treat of hilar GGO lesions which will make the significantly decline of the pulmonary function after surgery and affect the quality of life to a great extent. Our previous study has reported a new blunt-tip MWA electrode (MTC-3CA-II3, Vison Medical Inc.) for the treatment of GGO lesions. The blunt-tip MWA electrode could improve the safety of GGO ablation, significantly reduce the occurrence of bleeding and hemoptysis, which made it possible to ablate GGO in the hilar region safely. In this study, the blunt-tip MWA electrode was used in the treatment of patients with hilar GGO lesions, and the efficacy and safety of microwave ablation and lobectomy in the treatment of ground glass nodules located in the pulmonary hilar region were evaluated and compared.