View clinical trials related to Psychosis.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to evaluate Community Reinforcement and Family Training for Early Psychosis (CRAFT-EP) for families experiencing early psychosis and substance use delivered exclusively or primarily via telehealth (video conferencing).
A focus of research for youth and Emerging Adults with early phase psychosis (EPP) has been cannabis use. However, this focus has led to overlooking the possible negative influence of another legal recreational drug, alcohol. Previous studies our research group has done have demonstrated that over use of alcohol reduces the effectiveness of early intervention in psychosis treatment services. These treatment services are wrap around services that address medical, and social needs of young people with psychosis. Individuals with alcohol use disorder and EPP have fewer positive symptoms such as hallucinations which are the aspects of psychotic disorders that respond most readily to medication but have greater levels of depressive symptoms. Biologically, we can see the negative impact of alcohol on brain structure in our MRI studies. Our aim presented in this grant is to pilot a psychosocial intervention using cognitive enhancement therapy to reduce alcohol consumption in individuals with early phase psychosis. This intervention has shown promise in reducing alcohol use in individuals with long standing schizophrenia and compare it to treatment as usual which involves brief (1 session) psychoeducation. The investigators hope to reduce substance use in young people in the early stages of a psychotic disorder and improve their odds of a full recovery. In addition to measuring symptoms and hospitalizations, this trial will measure what are called social determinants of health such as return to school or work and resumption of relationships. These variables have not been measured previously in alcohol use interventions in this population but in our experience are the best indicators of long term recovery from psychosis. The symptoms will generally improve with antipsychotic drug treatment but reach a threshold after 6 months in most individuals who engage with our 5 year program. Further functional and social recovery seem to be the best determinants of a full return to health in this population.
Investigators will evaluate the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of modified Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention for psychosis (CBSPp) in comparison to services-as-usual (SAU) in a randomized controlled trial. Investigators will recruit adult clients receiving services at a community mental health (CMH) setting who have a schizophrenia spectrum disorder and recent suicidal thoughts or behaviors within 3 months of screening (n=60). Client participants will be screened, enrolled and randomized to the CBSPp or SAU group. A 4-wave design will include quantitative assessments at baseline (T1), 1-month after baseline (T2), 3-months after baseline (T3), and 5-months after baseline (T4) with in-depth qualitative interviews at T3 for a random sample of adults in the CBSPp group (n=10). Providers (n=12) will be trained to deliver CBSPp and be assessed from T1-T3 to evaluate the implementation process, including in-depth qualitative interviews at T3.
The outline of the current project is to establish a cohort of patients with treatment refractory schizophrenia eligible for clozapine, to identify clinical and biological characteristics of clozapine responding patients. Patients will be offered treatment with clozapine according to national clinical guidelines. Before clozapine is initiated, patients will be offered a thoroughly neurobiological examination, and re-examination will be carried out after 12 weeks of treatment. The primary focus of the examinations will be immunological markers and autoantibodies in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, permeability of the blood-brain barrier and magnetic resonance imaging of structural, neurochemical and functional brain changes.
This proposal will examine the effects of estradiol administration on perimenopausal-onset (PO) anhedonia and psychosis symptoms as well as on brain function using simultaneous positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging (PET-MR).
The purpose of this study is to examine state representation in individuals aged 15-45 who have been diagnosed with a psychotic illness, as well as young adults who do not have a psychiatric diagnosis. State Representation is our ability to process information about our surroundings. The investigators will complete some observational tests as well as a cognitive training clinical trial.
This pilot feasibility trial aims to evaluate the "Goals in Focus" intervention for motivational negative symptoms in people with psychosis. Goals in Focus interventions translate findings of basic clinical research on psychological mechanisms of motivational negative symptoms into a tailored and comprehensive novel psychological treatment program. The current single-blind randomized-controlled study aims to test feasibility and to examine first estimates of the expected effect size of Goals in Focus to inform a subsequent fully-powered RCT. The feasibility data will be used to improve on the trial design and the provision of the "Goals in Focus" intervention where necessary.
Difficulties in reciprocal social interaction are hallmark features of several neuropsychiatric disorders, most notably autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD). While recent studies have demonstrated substantial overlap in genetic etiology between ASD and SSD, little is known about common versus unique neural mechanisms that may underlie these downstream social deficits that cross diagnostic boundaries. Thus, a comprehensive imaging study examining social deficits in youth with ASD and adolescent- onset SSD at the neurochemical, connectivity, as well as functional activation level will be crucial in furthering our understanding of these underlying neural mechanisms. Specifically, the current project aims to examine how targeted social skills interventions may impact the organization of large-scale functional brain networks implicated in social cognition in these disorders, leading to improved outcomes. Thirty adolescents with ASD and 30 adolescents with SSD will undergo the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS), which is a 16-week parent-assisted social skills intervention that aims to improve friendship quality and social skills in teens with social difficulties. All participants will receive pre- and post-treatment MRI scans including functional MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy to quantify neural changes resulting from the intervention. All participants will also receive behavioral and social cognition assessments pre- and post-intervention to quantify real- world gains in social behaviors resulting from the intervention. Additionally, 30 typically developing adolescents will be recruited to serve as control participants and undergo two MRI and behavioral assessment sessions 16-weeks apart with no intervention in between. Specific aims include (1) examining inter-group disruptions in connectivity patterns, activation levels, and neurometabolite concentrations in key social brain regions pre-treatment in ASD and SSD groups, (2) examining inter-group changes in connectivity patterns, activation levels, and neurometabolite concentrations in key social brain regions in response to treatment in ASD and SSD groups, and, (3) dimensionally identifying intra-group differences in brain responses and how they relate to real-world treatment outcomes.
Hallucinations are a core diagnostic feature of psychotic disorders. They involve different sensory modalities, including auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, and gustatory hallucinations, among others. Hallucinations occur in multiple different neurological and psychiatric illnesses and can be refractory to existing treatments. Auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations are found across diagnostic categories of psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar disorder). Despite visual hallucinations being approximately half as frequent as auditory hallucinations, they almost always co-occur with auditory hallucinations, and are linked to a more severe psychopathological profile. Auditory and visual hallucinations at baseline also predict higher disability, risk of relapse and duration of psychosis after 1 and 2 years, especially when they occur in combination. Using a newly validated technique termed lesion network mapping, researchers demonstrated that focal brain lesions connected to the right superior temporal sulcus (rSTS) plays a causal role in the development of hallucinations. The rSTS receives convergent somatosensory, auditory, and visual inputs, and is regarded as a site for multimodal sensory integration. Here the investigators aim to answer the question whether noninvasive brain stimulation when optimally targeted to the rSTS can improve brain activity, sensory integration, and hallucinations.
This 10 week intervention, Specific Cognitive Remediation with Surround (or SCORES), is designed to target processing speed, a cognitive domain related directly to social functioning, which in turn, represents a vulnerability factor for psychosis. This remotely-delivered intervention combining targeted cognitive training exercises and group support was developed to directly impact processing speed, and at the same time, boost motivation and engagement in adolescents at risk for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.