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Psychiatric Disorder clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04100213 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Stress, Psychological

Real-Time Assessment of Stress and Stress Response

Start date: November 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Stress is a complex natural phenomenon, frequently related to a physiological response, including heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, skin conductance and temperature. The subjective experience varies greatly; broadly, it may be conceived as a freeze, flight, fight, fright or faint response. Many studies have demonstrated the negative influence of psychological stress on health and well-being. Through the digital phenotyping of physiological and psychological stress reactions, in a controlled laboratory setting (Trier Social Stress Test- TSST) and real-life situations, in a population of healthy participants and patients with a major psychiatric disorder, we expect to find reliable and valid digital biomarkers. The results of this study will, therefore, not only contribute to a better understanding of stress and stress response but also have the potential to improve diagnostic and treatment approaches.

NCT ID: NCT04099173 Completed - Suicidal Ideation Clinical Trials

A Brief Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Suicidal Ideation

Start date: September 1, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The primary aim of this study is to determine whether a Brief Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Suicidal Ideation (MB-SI) is feasible and safe to implement. The secondary aims are short and longer-term reduction in suicidal ideation (SI) and/or suicide-related behaviors (SRBs) as well as improvements in mindfulness and emotional regulation measures compared to Treatment as Usual (TAU).

NCT ID: NCT04096625 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Psychiatric Disorder

Enhancement of a Psychotherapeutic Intervention Through Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)

Start date: September 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), is a neuromodulatory technique, that is safe, well-tolerated, easy to administer and fairly inexpensive. Results from tDCS trials involving participants with several neuropsychiatric disorders, including major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and substance use disorder are encouraging. The clinical effects of tDCS are broad; the underlying condition, the areas stimulated together with the type and duration of stimulation are important factors. In patients with neuropsychiatric conditions, a reduction of symptoms, an enhancement of neurocognitive functions together with an overall improvement in functionality and wellbeing have been consistently reported. These effects emerge during the stimulation period, in the weeks after stimulation, the effects seem to peak and consolidate further. tDCS appears to enhance the effects of other interventions as well; however, to date, there have been no studies into the effects of using tDCS as an add-on intervention to psychotherapy on symptoms and wellbeing

NCT ID: NCT04083404 Completed - Clinical trials for Psychiatric Disorder

Investigating Psychosocial Predictors & Employment Outcomes of Enhanced IPS Intervention

Start date: January 1, 2015
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

The purpose of this cohort study, using an existing database, is to seek to describe the relationship between psychosocial factors (independent variables) and employment outcomes (dependent variables) in a population of people with complex mental health problems receiving evidence-based supported employment (EBSE) augmented with theory-driven occupational therapy interventions. The intention is to understand the predictive nature of psychosocial factors on the positive outcome of success in achieving paid employment. The Worker role interview (WRI) is routinely used in the research site; an National health Service (NHS) occupational therapy led vocational rehabilitation delivering EBSE service for people with complex mental health problems. An existing database of initial assessments and employment outcomes is available for investigation.

NCT ID: NCT04015921 Withdrawn - Clinical trials for Psychiatric Disorder

Self-Referencing Bias in Psychiatric Inpatients

Start date: January 2024
Study type: Observational

People tend to detect and recognise self-related information more quickly and efficiently than other kinds of information. For example, in a cocktail party, people are usually able to attend to just one conversation at a time. Messages from unattended conversations are rarely registered. However, most people would still hear their own name mentioned in unattended conversations. Research has shown that this self-referencing advantage manifests an individual's normal cognitive function and emotional wellbeing. It may be influenced by self worth and strength of self-esteem. Changes in self-related processing are hypothesised in various psychiatric conditions such as dissociative identity disorder and affective disorders, but the connection is poorly understood. Existing research mainly relies on self-report measures, which can be subjective and time consuming. This project will initiate a new approach that the investigators have developed to objectively measure self-related processing. The aim is to investigate how patients suffering from common psychiatric disorders respond to self-related information relative to age-matched control participants. The investigators also hope to establish whether the objective measurement of the self can form a new pathway to improve early diagnosis of mental health issues.

NCT ID: NCT03911960 Completed - Tobacco Smoking Clinical Trials

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Tobacco Cessation Among Psychiatric Partial Hospital Patients

Start date: April 16, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

People with serious mental illness are three times more likely to smoke cigarettes than people without mental illness. People with mental illness are less likely to be successful in quitting smoking than those without mental illness. Therefore, the healthcare community needs to find ways to get people with mental illness treatment to help them stop smoking. This study explores whether a treatment, called acceptance and commitment therapy, which is an affective therapy for serious mental illness, can help patients with serious mental illness stop smoking. In particular, the investigators test whether patients will be interested in receiving acceptance and commitment therapy for smoking cessation in a psychiatric partial hospital (also known as a day treatment program), whether they are able to complete the treatment, and whether it will help them stop smoking compared to usual care. To test these research questions, 40 patients in the Rhode Island Hospital's psychiatric partial hospital will be recruited. Half of the patients will receive acceptance and commitment therapy to help them stop smoking (2 in person sessions, 5 telephone sessions) and half will receive usual care (2 in person sessions, electronic referral to the Rhode Island tobacco quit line). All participants will be offered the nicotine patch. All participants will complete a baseline survey and a follow-up visit at the end of treatment to measure whether they stopped smoking and whether they liked the treatment. The study will also measure how many participants completed the treatment sessions. If successful, this treatment model could be a way to get more patients with mental illness into treatment.

NCT ID: NCT03886584 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Psychiatric Disorder

Source Monitoring Déficit in Neuropsychiatric Population

Start date: March 8, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

the investigators will measure source-monitoring ability in patients with several neuropsychiatric condition and in healthy controls appaired in age, sex and educational level. Source-monitoring will be measured thanks to internal- and reality-monitoring informatic tasks.The investigators hypothesized patients with fronto-temporal abnormalities would show more marked deficits than patients with only frontal abnormalities.

NCT ID: NCT03850184 Completed - Physical Activity Clinical Trials

Translation of the "Exercise in Mental Illness Questionnaire (EMIQ)" to German

Start date: June 1, 2019
Study type: Observational

The "The Exercise in Mental Illness Questionnaire (EMIQ) - Health Practicioners Version" is a questionnaire designed to assess the prescription behaviour of physical activity as well as related knowledge, barriers and exercise behaviour of mental health professionals. As a lot of research on prescription behaviour is done using unvalidated questionnaires we want to translate this validated questionnaire into German for further use in this research field.

NCT ID: NCT03825991 Not yet recruiting - Back Pain Clinical Trials

Psychiatric Comorbidity in Back Pain Disorders

Start date: July 1, 2019
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Introduction: Studies focusing on back pain do not compare different types of back pain diagnosis in relation to a specific psychiatric comorbidity, nor if the presence of psychiatric comorbidity affects treatment. There are limited knowledge on pharmacological treatment of back pain disorders,and especially if the presence of psychiatric comorbidity is an ad-on to the dosage of medication prescribed. Investigating the use of opioids and other pain medication in back patients and the potential effect of concomitant psychiatric comorbidity as well as taking psychiatric medication under consideration is therefore relevant. Aim: This aim of this PhD thesis is: 1) to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with back pain disorders (BPD) compared to patients with no back pain. 2) Investigate if psychiatric comorbidity affects the type of treatment given. 3) Examine if the presence of psychiatric comorbidity affects the levels of pharmacological treatment given with a focus on both pain medication, such as opioids, as well as treatment with psychotropic medication. Methods:The association between back pain disorders and psychiatric comorbidity will be investigated using population-based registry data. The population will be defined as adult patients (+18) with a relevant back pain disorder using The National Danish Patient Registry. The following registries will be also utilized: A subdivision of the DNPR, the National Patient Registry - Psychiatry (NPD-Psych), The Danish National Prescription Database, The Danish National Health Service Register and the DREAM database. By using the Danish Civil Registry and the unique personal identification number assigned to all Danish citizens at birth, data across registries can be linked on an individual level. Ethics:The Region of Southern Denmark is the data controller for this project, and it is included in their records of personal data processing activities (file no. (18/3337).). Additional approvals or consents were not needed for this project based exclusively on national registries according to Danish law. The data processing was conducted according to EU and Danish legislation on processing of sensitive personal information and, as complies with internal regulations from the Region of Southern Denmark.

NCT ID: NCT03782194 Completed - Clinical trials for Cognitive Impairment

Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Emotion Regulation

Start date: June 28, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Amygdala is highly involved in emotional response, emotional reactivity and anxiety. Amygdala functions are therefore involved in a wide range of psychiatric disorders including generalized and social anxiety, specific phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Therefore, potential clinical implications of amygdala stimulation are great. However, to date, such efforts have been limited by the inability of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques (e.g. transcranial magnetic stimulation - TMS) to reach the amygdala and the highly invasive (i.e. neurosurgical) nature of methods (e.g. deep brain stimulation - DBS) which can, but to our knowledge has rarely been used, target these areas. In order to overcome these current limitations, study invesitgators propose the use of low intensity focused ultrasound pulsation (LIFUP) to affect amygdala activity to improve emotion regulation.