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Primary Dysautonomias clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT02276716 Completed - Clinical trials for Familial Dysautonomia

The Nutritional Supplement Phosphatidylserine in Patients With Familial Dysautonomia

Start date: November 2011
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Familial dysautonomia (FD) is a devastating hereditary disease in which the development of selective neuronal populations is impaired because of a deficiency of the protein IKAP (Slaugenhaupt, 2002). There is no known cure. Treatments are supportive, often ineffective and around half of all patients die before reaching age 40 (Axelrod et al., 2002). Phosphatidylserine is an FDA approved food supplement that was shown recently to correct the genetic abnormality and restore IKAP protein levels in cell lines derived from patients with FD (Keren et al., 2011) and a humanized mouse model of the disease (Bochner et al., 2013). Despite its safety and efficacy in this fragile population being unknown, many patients with FD are currently taking phosphatidylserine The investigators propose to conduct a safety, tolerability and early proof of concept efficacy study of phosphatidylserine in patients with FD. The study will be divided into two independent arms. The first phase of the study will be an open-label dose titration study to determine the safety and optimal dose of phosphatidylserine and its effect of normal IKBKAP mRNA levels in 40 patients with FD. The second phase will be a longitudinal observational study in which we will follow, on a yearly basis, patients with FD of all ages who opt to take phosphatidylserine. In this study, we will evaluate the long-term safety of phosphatidylserine in patients with FD and hope to determine whether phosphatidylserine has any impact on the clinical evolution of the disorder. Our long-term goal is to find an effective therapy that will improve the quality of life for patients with FD and alter disease prognosis. We believe that the promise of phosphatidylserine and its availability in health food shops warrants a controlled safety, tolerability and efficacy study to determine whether it should be taken by patients with FD. This study is not intended to determine whether phosphatidylserine has a new indication to treat FD.

NCT ID: NCT02274051 Completed - Clinical trials for Familial Dysautonomia

The Safety and Tolerability of Kinetin, in Patients With Familial Dysautonomia

Start date: November 2009
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

This is a study of kinetin, a nutritional supplement that corrects the mRNA splicing defect in patients with familial dysautonomia (FD, also known as Riley Day syndrome or hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type III). FD is a rare fatal autosomal recessive disease in which the growth and development of selective neuronal populations is impaired. The disease is the result of a point mutation in the gene sequence that encodes for kinase complex associated protein (IKAP) in chromosome 9q31. The mutation, at the start of the non-encoding intron 20, weakens the splice site, causing the spliceosome to wrongly join together exons 19 and 21 when transcribing the mRNA strand and miss out exon 20. The mutated mRNA produces a short unstable IKAP protein that is quickly degraded. Interestingly, the mutation does not lead to a complete loss of function. Instead, it results in a tissue specific deficiency in splicing efficiency with both normal (wild type) and mutant IKAP mRNA being expressed in different ratios in different tissues. Some cells, like fibroblasts, produce mostly normal mRNA and protein, where as others, like neurons, produce mostly mutant mRNA and almost no functional protein product.

NCT ID: NCT02164123 Completed - Clinical trials for Vertebra; Degeneration

Autonomic Effects of T4 Mobilization in Asymptomatic Subjects

Start date: July 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine whether passive accessory intervertebral mobilization applied to the fourth thoracic vertebra produces autonomic effects.

NCT ID: NCT02132780 Completed - Clinical trials for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Autonomic Dysfunction in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Start date: May 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

There is a significant association between autonomic dysfunction and symptoms experienced by NAFLD patients mediated by increased systemic inflammation and insulin resistance, resulting in deteriorating quality of life of affected patients; fatigue and other symptoms drive worsening autonomic dysfunction in these patients. We aim to describe the severity of autonomic dysfunction (AD) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the relationship of AD to symptoms experienced by NAFLD patients (such as fatigue, chronic pain, depression, sleep disturbance, and cognitive dysfunction), and to the quality of life of NAFLD patients. We also hope to examine the impact of systemic inflammation and insulin resistance as mediators of manifestations of AD and symptoms experienced by NAFLD patients.

NCT ID: NCT02099890 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

The Effect of Diet on Chronic Inflammation and Related Disorders Following Spinal Cord Injury

Start date: September 2014
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Spinal cord Injury (SCI) is a condition commonly associated with a state of chronic low-grade inflammation due to a variety of factors such heightened risk for infection and development of metabolic disorders. Many disorders which have been demonstrated to have an inflammatory basis have also been found to be at much higher prevalence following SCI. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, depression, cognitive impairment, neuropathic pain, and somatic/autonomic nerve function. The fact that such disorders have an inflammatory basis provides a unique opportunity to treat them with intervention strategies which target the immune system. Natural anti-inflammatory interventions including a diet consisting of foods and supplements with anti-inflammatory properties may be an effective option for treating inflammation in this population. As this treatment strategy will target the inflammatory basis of many disorders it would be expected to lead to a reduction in pro-inflammatory mediators thereby leading to more sustainable long-term immune improvements regarding enzyme function and protein balances. Despite this, surprisingly little research has focused on the use of anti-inflammatory foods for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, and effects specific to SCI have been almost completely neglected. As such, the current study will focus on the daily intake of natural supplements with anti-inflammatory properties over a 3 month intervention and the effects on inflammation and associated disorders will be assessed. It is hypothesized that the supplementation will result in positive alterations in enzyme regulation and protein balances resulting in improvements in each of the outcome measures of interest.

NCT ID: NCT02035761 Completed - Clinical trials for Multiple System Atrophy - Parkinsonian Subtype (MSA-P)

PET Imaging Study of Neurochemical and Autonomic Disorders in Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)

Start date: July 2011
Study type: Observational

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a disorder of the nervous system of unclear cause. In MSA there is degeneration (progressive loss) of nerve cells in several brain and spinal cord regions. The result is a variety of symptoms, from physical (parkinsonism, ataxia, incoordination, falls, slowness) to autonomic (fainting, bladder incontinence, sexual dysfunction) to sleep problems (dream enactment, sleep apnea). This research aims to help us better understand the patterns and timing of nerve degeneration relatively early in the disease, and how this affects symptoms and progression. For instance: 1. Does MSA affect certain nerves that stimulate heart pumping? If so, does the severity of loss of heart nerves affect disease progression and survival? 2. It is thought that MSA does not affect memory and thinking much, unlike other diseases (such as Parkinson's). Is this accurate? Is there loss of nerves that transmit acetylcholine (a neurochemical important in mental functioning)? 3. What can we learn about mood and sleep in MSA, through visualizing the serotonin system in the brain? How does this relate to symptoms that subjects report in these often underappreciated areas? To answer these and other questions, investigators will take images of specific nerves in the brain and heart using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans. Such imaging gives us information that cannot be obtained from MRIs and CT scans. We will measure the levels of several nerve cell types: serotonin, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine. Subjects will also have many standardized assessments including quality-of-life and symptom assessments, neurological examination, autonomic assessments, neuropsychological assessments, coordination tests, and even assessments of vision and sense of smell. By pooling these results from many MSA patients, and comparing with other diseases (such as Parkinson's disease) we hope to gain a better understanding of what is happening early in MSA. Such knowledge could be very valuable in future efforts to develop better therapies in this rare disease.

NCT ID: NCT01999257 Completed - Canavan Disease Clinical Trials

Efficacy Study of an Online Educational Module Before Carrier Genetic Screening in Persons of Ashkenazi Jewish Descent.

Start date: July 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The investigators have developed a new website to educate persons of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry about their increased risk for having children with certain genetic conditions, and the genetic testing the investigators offer. This study aims to pilot the website to find out whether it is effective and to learn what the investigators can improve. Participants in the study will be assigned to one of two conditions: 1. Standard in-person genetic counselling session to learn about inheritance of Ashkenazi Jewish genetic conditions and genetic testing. Participants will fill out two short questionnaires, one before and one after the genetic counselling session. They will then be given a requisition form to undergo blood draw for genetic testing at the Montreal General Hospital test centre. 2. Use of a web-based pre-test genetic counselling tool to learn about inheritance of Ashkenazi Jewish genetic conditions and genetic testing. They will fill out two short questionnaires, one before, and one after using the web-based tool. They will then be electronically sent a requisition form to undergo blood draw for genetic testing at the Montreal General Hospital test centre. In both conditions, genetic test results will be communicated by telephone once they are available. Participants' genetic test results will not be used in any way for the study.

NCT ID: NCT01987219 Completed - Clinical trials for Familial Dysautonomia

The Effects Of Bronchodilator Therapy On Respiratory And Autonomic Function In Patients With Familial Dysautonomia

Start date: March 2013
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Evaluate the effects of bronchodilator therapy on respiratory function. Our overall goal is to determine whether, in patients with familial dysautonomia (FD), there is a component of airway obstruction that is reversible. To this end, we will evaluate airway resistance before and after receiving the anti-cholinergic ipratropium (Atrovent ®) and the beta-2-agonist albuterol (ProVentil®/Ventolin®). We predict that the response to either drug will depend on the underlying level of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and airway tone. We will then determine the cardiovascular effects of inhaled ipratropium and albuterol in patients with FD. Because patients with FD have fewer sympathetic neurons and denervation supersenstivity, we predict that following albuterol inhalation, there will be non-selective activation of alpha-1-adrenergic receptors. Furthermore, because of a congenital defect in the afferent baroreceptor neurons that sense blood pressure, we suspect that the resulting vasoconstriction will be unopposed leading to a pressor effect. We hypothesize that inhalation of the anti-cholinergic ipratopium will produce little rise in heart rate, due to the extent of parasympathetic denervation to the heart.

NCT ID: NCT01877993 Completed - Clinical trials for Autonomic Dysfunction

The Effect of Autonomic Function on Coronary Vasomotion

Start date: May 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Autonomic nerve function is involved in both blood pressure (BP) regulation and the pathogenesis of coronary artery spasm (CAS), but few studies have been published about the relationship between CAS and BP, with the exception of studies that explore hypertension as a risk factor for CAS. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of CAS and atrioventricular (AV) block in association with BP level. The investigators will register consecutive patients who underwent coronary angiography with an acetylcholine (Ach)-induced provocation test from November 2004 to May 2012. The investigators exclude from the patients who were taking antihypertensive drugs or who had a documented history of cardiovascular disease in order to avoid the confounding effects of cardiovascular medications on coronary vasomotion. CAS is defined as >70% luminal narrowing on Ach provocation and /or concurrent chest pain. The study population will be divided into quartiles of rising systolic BP and diastolic BP. The incidence of Ach-induced CAS according to each systolic BP/diastolic BP quartile will be evaluated.

NCT ID: NCT01692561 Completed - Dysautonomia Clinical Trials

MRI to Assess the Effects of Dysautonomia and Chronic Nausea on Brain Transmitters

Start date: August 2012
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this research study is to better understand what causes dysautonomia and how this affects blood pressure and pulse. Dysautonomia is a condition of the autonomic nervous system. It is associated with fluctuations in blood pressure and pulse and may cause symptoms of nausea and belly pain, fatigue, excessive thirst, lightheadedness, dizziness, feelings of anxiety or panic, and fainting. A common example of dysautonomia is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTS. Sometimes symptoms worsen when people move from lying down to standing, called orthostatic intolerance. We would like to learn more about the link between orthostatic intolerance and nausea. While medications currently used to treat orthostatic intolerance and nausea have proven to be effective in some patients, this may not be the best treatment for everyone as long term use could pose certain risks including high blood pressure. In order to provide a more focused and safer treatment for patients suffering from nausea and orthostatic intolerance, we have looked at how the blood pressure, pulse, and certain blood tests change during a tilt table test. This test helps to create the same circumstances that patients with orthostatic intolerance experience when they stand. To better understand if some of these problems are associated with the brain, we will study MRI in patients with dysautonomia compared to children without dysautonomia. This information may allow us to use alternative and safer treatments in the future.