Pregnancy Clinical Trial
Official title:
An Electronic Medical Record Best-Practice Alert of Progesterone to Prevent Preterm Birth: A Pragmatic, Pilot, Cluster Randomized Control Trial
Progesterone can be given to women at risk for preterm birth, and is advocated by many
guidelines as progesterone has been shown to markedly decrease preterm birth, death in
newborns, and disability. However, not all eligible women are currently receiving this
medication. Thus, there is an urgent need to improve prevention of preterm birth with
progesterone. In response to the low number of women receiving this medication, the
investigators have designed a potential method to increase progesterone use.
This method involves the use of an "alert" programmed into electronic medical records, to
prompt doctors to prescribe progesterone to women at risk of preterm birth. This study is a
randomized controlled trial that will assess the feasibility of using this "alert", by
randomly assigning 8 clinics to either use this alert, or to provide their usual prenatal
care. The investigators will then study whether the alert improved prescription of
progesterone, and examine neonatal outcomes such as preterm birth and birth weight. Care
providers will be asked for their feedback and thoughts about the alert, through
questionnaires and structured interviews.
The investigators hypothesize that the electronic medical record alert will increase care
provider recommendations and prescription of progesterone for women at risk of preterm birth.
The investigators hope that this study will lay the groundwork for larger future studies
aimed to strengthen health care quality and improve the health outcomes of women and their
Preterm birth affects a significant number of babies born every year, increasing risks of
death and life-long disability. Progesterone has been found to halve the odds of preterm
birth <34 weeks and neonatal death. Although progesterone is a proven standard medication for
pregnant women at risk of preterm birth based on some guidelines (e.g. recommendations by the
Current Society for Maternal-Fetal Health Medicine, and National Institute for Health and
Care Excellence), few women are receiving this effective prevention. There is an urgent need
to improve prevention of preterm birth with progesterone, which the investigators propose to
do with an innovative and cutting-edge best-practice alert in electronic medical records
(EMRs). Improving care may decrease the risks related to preterm birth, and improve patient
experiences and outcomes for women and their babies.
This study will test the feasibility of an EMR alert for progesterone, which provides the
opportunity for researchers and care providers to implement and advance the use of proven
medical practices in preventing preterm birth and decreasing associated risks of death,
life-long disability, family stress, health care use, and lost economic potential. The EMR
alert would be transferable to other institutions or regions of the province, and is
low-cost, sustainable, embeddable and scalable in the current system health system.
The investigators propose a pilot cluster randomized control trial (RCT) with a 1:1
allocation of 8 clinics randomized to usage of an EMR alert (intervention) versus usual
prenatal care without the usage of the EMR alert (control). Individual women will not be
approached since this is a pilot cluster RCT. Rather, clinics (and care providers therein)
have been approached and have agreed to participate in this study.
Investigators have followed the SPIRIT statement (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations
for Interventional Trials).
The unit of randomization will be the clinic providing pregnancy care. All pregnant women
receiving care at a clinic randomized to the intervention will receive the intervention,
while all pregnant women receiving care at a clinic randomized to usual care will receive
usual prenatal care. Investigators used a 1:1 allocation between the intervention and the
control groups.
This study involves a minimal risk intervention, as it is a pilot cluster RCT of the
implementation of an EMR alert (regarding progesterone prescription for care of pregnant
women at risk of preterm birth, a practice considered standard of care in many guidelines).
The Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (HiREB) has approved for clinics to be
randomized and all eligible women at intervention clinics to receive the intervention (and
all eligible women at control clinics to receive routine prenatal care). As this is a minimal
risk intervention and a pilot cluster RCT, individual participant consent is not required.
Rather, informed, written consent of the clinics and care providers at the clinics will be
obtained for their participation in this study and the use of their questionnaire and
structured interview responses. There will be no interim analysis given the minimal-risk
nature of the intervention, and the pilot nature of the study, and hence investigators will
not have a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB), but will have a Steering Committee.
Data will be collected at the end of pregnancy from the:
1. 3-page Perinatal Records mandated by the Ministry of Health: baseline characteristics*,
process outcomes;
2. Care provider surveys and structured interviews (in intervention group): feasibility,
provider outcomes.
- Baseline characteristics will include: maternal age, education level, ethnic/racial
background, pregnancy history (gravidity, parity), gestational age upon first visit
to randomized clinic, pre-pregnancy body mass index, chronic health conditions,
smoking/alcohol/street drug use during pregnancy, and rate of short cervix.
Investigators have provided a sample size justification, rather than a calculation, for the
following reasons:
1. It is recognized that 'in general, sample size calculations may not be required for some
pilot studies'
2. Given that this is a feasibility study, it was not designed to have statistical power to
detect a difference between the 2 treatment groups.
3. The size of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) required for a sample size
calculation is currently unknown.
The sample size was based on feasibility considerations as follows: In the 8 clinics, there
would be approximately 2400 women over the year. Based on a chart audit, the investigators
estimate that 8% of these women (approximately 192 women) would be available for exposure to
the intervention.
Analysis will be done at the patient level with the exception of care provider outcomes.
Baseline characteristics will be compared between women in the intervention clinics versus
those in the control clinics. Continuous data will be compared using t tests for means
(standard deviations) or Mann-Whitney for medians (interquartile range), as appropriate.
Proportions will be compared using Chi-squared tests.
The analysis of the primary outcome, feasibility, will be based on descriptive statistics of
the proportions (%) of clinics that successfully apply the alert (i.e. get it set up in their
EMR), and of care providers would recommend the alert to colleagues; as well as the
proportions (%) of approached clinics that agree to randomization, and have completeness of
outcome data.
Secondary outcomes (process and care provider outcomes) will be analyzed using t tests or
Chi-squared tests comparing the intervention group versus the control group. The
investigators will use intention to treat analysis: i.e. outcomes of all eligible women in
the intervention group, whether they received the intervention or not, will be evaluated
within the intervention group.
Two sensitivity analyses will be done: 1) a "per-protocol analysis", comparing women who were
prescribed progesterone (either in the intervention or in the control group) to those who
were not prescribed progesterone (either in the intervention or in the control group); 2)
comparing results in women with and without complete data.
The investigators will control for potential covariates which may not be evenly distributed
between the intervention and control groups (e.g. age, socioeconomic status, etc.). Since
observations within each participating clinic will be assumed more likely to be similar than
observations between clinics, a logistic model using a conditional (for paired data)
generalized estimating equation (GEE) method will be performed to account for this clustering
effect within clinics, incorporating both within-clinic and between-clinic variations. An
intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC) and variance inflation factor (VIF) will also be
calculated to assess the impact of the clustering effect.
Results will be considered statistically significant at two-sided alpha of 0.05. A modified
Bonferroni correction will be used given the multiple secondary outcomes. Analyses will be
performed using SAS-PC statistical software (version 9.2; SAS institute Inc., Cary, NC).
Principle Investigator: Sarah McDonald, MD, MSc (Clinical Epidemiology), FRCSC, is an
Obstetrician, Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at McMaster, and a
Tier II Canada Research Chair.
Lehana Thabane, PhD, is a statistician/RCT expert and is the Director of the Biostatistics
Unit at the Centre for Evaluation Medicine at McMaster and the Associate Chair of the
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
Prakesh Shah, MD, MSc, is a neonatologist and Professor in Paediatrics at the University of
Karim Keshavjee, CCFP, MBA, MD, MSc, is a practicing clinical information technology
architect, and an Adjunct Professor with the Institute of Health Policy, Management and
Evaluation at the University of Toronto.
Kathryn May, JD, is an Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Program Analyst responsible for
EMR-related files, eHealth Strategy and Investment Branch, and is responsible for the
strategy, funding and oversight of clinician eHealth.
Kate Robson is our patient representative.
Care providers whose clinics would be involved have provided letters of support. Those whose
clinics are randomized to the intervention will give input into the 'alert', after which it
will be further revised. All clinicians will be involved in interpretation of the results.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
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Enrolling by invitation |
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Completed |
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N/A | |
Completed |
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N/A | |
Completed |
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Recruiting |
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Completed |
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PregSource: Crowdsourcing to Understand Pregnancy
Not yet recruiting |
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CREATE - Cabotegravir & Rilpivirine Antiretroviral Therapy in Pregnancy
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Not yet recruiting |
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Alcohol Self-reporting During Pregnancy. AUTOQUEST Study.
Not yet recruiting |
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N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
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Completed |
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Safety and Immunogenicity of Simultaneous Tdap and IIV in Pregnant Women
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
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Study of Hepatitis C Treatment During Pregnancy
Phase 1 | |
Recruiting |
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Nutritional Markers in Normal and Hyperemesis Pregnancies
N/A | |
Recruiting |
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N/A | |
Recruiting |
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Completed |
NCT02408315 -
Induction With Misoprostol: Oral Mucosa Versus Vaginal Epithelium (IMPROVE)
Phase 3 |