View clinical trials related to Post-Traumatic Headache.
Filter by:This is a randomized study of intravenous metoclopramide + intravenous dexamethasone versus intravenous metoclopramide for patients with acute post-traumatic headache.
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of cervical sustained natural apophyseal glide half rotation technique in patients with cervicogenic headache. Not many researches have focused specifically on the cervical sustained natural apophyseal glide half rotation technique and this study intends to see its effect in the cervicogenic headache patients.
Service members and/or recently separated veterans with post traumatic stress symptoms and mild traumatic brain injury may participate in 8 sessions including 2 sessions including interviews and questionnaires as well as 6 sessions of art therapy. In the art therapy, participants will be provided with a blank paper mache mask template and invited to alter the mask however they wish using a variety of art materials. The therapist will use the art-making process and culminating product to aid in self-reflection, reframe negative thoughts and feelings, and work through traumatic content. Prior to the session start participants will get set up with a mobile qEEG (worn like a hat and backpack). The qEEG will measure brain activity in a non-invasive way throughout the art therapy session to improve understanding of brain activity during the art therapy process.
This study will be designed to determining whether there is a relationship between CGH and cervical posture which may potentially provide physical therapists with evidence supporting the assessment and treatment of abnormal posture in this patient group.
Approximately 1.9 million youth sustain a concussion each year, and up to 30% experience persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS) such as headache, dizziness, and difficulty focusing that continue for weeks or months. PPCS results in greater utilization of sub-specialty care and can impact immediate and long-term social development, cognitive function and academic success. Previous recommendations for treating PPCS have focused on cognitive and physical rest, but more recently guidelines have shifted based on new research suggesting the benefit of rehabilitative exercise for PPCS. The rationale behind using exercise to treat youth with concussion is that gradually increasing physical activity facilitates return to full function. Rehabilitative exercise has since become one of the most common approaches to treating youth with PPCS, but access is challenging since most programs require weekly centralized visits with a concussion specialist. To bridge this gap, the investigators developed a telehealth-delivered approach to treat PPCS, utilizing physical activity trackers (Fitbits) and weekly video conferences with trained research staff. They then conducted a series of pilot studies with this approach, finding excellent feasibility, acceptability, and evidence for more rapid declines in concussive symptoms compared to controls. The investigators also found preliminary evidence that mechanisms behind this intervention may stem from both physiologic processes due to increased moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and psychologic processes such as reducing fear- avoidance of concussive symptoms. They now propose a fully-powered randomized controlled trial (RCT) to asses the efficacy of the "Mobile Subthreshold Exercise Program" (M-STEP) for treating youth with PPCS.
Headache is an important health problem. It is the commonest type of all signs of illness in the people worldwide. Cervicogenic Headache is commonest musculoskeletal condition in physiotherapy practice. This study's main objective was to evaluate effectiveness of Dry Needle with exercise in decreasing pain and improving function in patients with Cervicogenic Headache.
The investigators aim to evaluate effects of an outpatient rehabilitation program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy compared to usual care on function in patients with post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and post-traumatic headache (PTH). This study builds on the investigators' previous observational studies and treatment studies in this patient group.
The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of upper cervical thrust joint manipulation and reverse Sustained Natural apophyseal Glide on intensity of pain, pain pressure threshold, range of motion and headache disability in patients with cervicogenic headache. A randomized control trial was conducted at Max Rehab and Physical therapy center, Islamabad. The sample size was calculated through open epi tool is 16. The participants were divided in two groups, 8 participants in experimental group and 8 participants in control group. The study duration was six months. Sampling technique applied was Purposive sampling for recruitment and group randomization using sealed envelope method. Only 20 to 40 years participants with cervicogenic headache and associated symptoms were included in the study. Tools used in this study are Numeric pain rating Scale (NPRS), Algometer, Inclinometer and headache disability index (HDI). Data analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.
Background: Cervicogenic headache (CH) described as a chronic hemi-cranial pain resulted from a disorder of the cervical spine and its anatomic structures innervated by the C1, C2, and C3 cervical spinal nerves. Traditionally noninvasive and invasive techniques were used for treatment. Greater occipital nerve block is the most frequent peripheral nerve block invasive technique used for the management of cervicogenic headache Objectives: The study was done to compare the efficacy of two different techniques: multifidus cervicus plan block and greater occipital nerve block in treatment of refractory cervicogenic headache using ultrasound guided. Patients and Methods: sixty patients with cervicogenic headache were recruited and diagnosed according to ICHD-ш Beta version. Divided into two group, one for greater occipital nerve block and the other for multifidus cervicis plane block with ultrasound guided.
Cervicogenic headache is defined as unilateral headache associated with neck pain. Effect of manual translatoric therapy of the upper cervical spine associated with cervical exercises in these patients is currently unknown. Our aim was to determine if adding manual therapy to an exercise and home-exercise program improved effects on symptoms and function in short- and mid-term in patients with cervicogenic headache. A randomized controlled study will be conducted with 40 subjects with cervicogenic headache. Each group will receive four 20-minute sessions weekly and a home-exercise program. Upper cervical flexion, flexion-rotation test, Impact Headache Test-6 (HIT-6), headache intensity, craniocervical flexion test, pain pressure thresholds and Global Rating of Change (GROC)-Scale will be assessed at end of the intervention, at 3- and at 6-month follow-ups.