View clinical trials related to Physical Therapy.
Filter by:This study compares between neurodynamic mobilization and stretching exercises in treatment of chronic dicogenic sciatica
Loss of vestibular function occurs normally with healthy aging but can produce symptoms that reduce motor skills and cause falls. vestibular physical therapy (VPH) exercises are a specific approach to reducing imbalances. The multicomponent therapeutic physical exercise (ME) is an effective non-pharmacological strategy for the improvement of physical condition. Objective: to determine the efficacy of ME versus VPH for gait improvement. Material and method: a randomized clinical trial was carried out with two intervention groups , applying it to one VPH group and the other ME. The participants were residents of Geriatric Centers in the province of Seville, Spain with a score between 4 and 9 points according to the "Short Physical Performance Battery" scale (SPPB).
To investigate if pain severity, scapular upward rotation angle and upper trapezius/serratus anterior isometric strength ratio can predict patient's response to scapular training in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome.
Lack of research oriented health care facilities especially rehabilitation department in Pakistan. 30-50 % of population of age 65 years and above have some problems with balance (3) and 75 % of people aging 70 years and above have poor balance which leads to fall related injuries (5). So fall and related injuries are major problem in this age group. All studies conducted so far addresses only one or two aspects of balance training not to all. This study will address all the aspects and develop a comprehensive balance training protocol and will try to contribute to this under research area.
Children with CP encounter swallow and feeding impairments, especially in infancy and childhood with long meal times with late development of oral motor skills resulting in poor growth.
The effect of combination of hydrodilatation, corticosteroid injection, and joint mobilization for treatment of frozen shoulder, compared with general physical therapy.
Problems such as breathlessness, exercise intolerance and loss of peripheral muscle strength can be observed in individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID19 and have been discharged. In our study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of telerehabilitation physical therapy intervention to these cases by using videoconferencing method on the physical condition of the cases.
Physiotherapy intervention programs in the post-stroke patient should develop strategies to assess functional deficit, prevent poorly adaptive plasticity and maximize functional gain. For relearning and functional training, the required activities require motor control and must comply with the following principles: movements close to normal, muscular activation, movement conduction, focused attention, repetition of desired movements, specificity of training, intensity and transfer. These principles underlie the most widely used conventional physiotherapy intervention programs in the hospital setting. Advances in technology have made it possible to start using immersive VR in the therapeutic approach to various pathologies that affect motor function.
60 healthy participants with right / left upper trapezoidal shortness based on volunteering will be included in the study. Participants were randomly divided into 4 groups; Traction and stretching exercises to group 1 (n = 15), laser therapy and stretching exercise to group 2 (n = 15), hot pack and stretching exercises to group 3 (n = 15), and group 4 (control group) only stretching exercises will be applied.
Web-based physiotherapy might improve care following knee arthroscopy. For this study half of the participants will receive usual care (printed leaflet) and half will receive 6 weeks of web-based physiotherapy.