Eligibility |
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Written informed consent was signed before admission;
2. Under 21 years old, both male and female;
3. Patients with distant metastasis or locally advanced neuroblastoma judged by the
researchers to be unsuitable for surgical treatment;
4. According to RECIST v1.1, at least one measurable lesion was judged by CT or MRI;
5. Patients who have used at least one chemotherapy regimen (including anthracycline) for
treatment and are evaluated as disease progression or intolerable according to RECIST
6. PS score: 0-1 (for amputees, it can be relaxed to 2); the expected survival time is
more than 12 weeks;
7. At least 2 weeks after the last biotherapy and 3 weeks after the last chemotherapy;
8. All acute toxicity reactions caused by previous anti-tumor therapy or surgery were
alleviated to 0-1 level before the screening period (according to NCI CTCAE 5.0) or to
the level specified by the inclusion / exclusion criteria (except for the toxicity of
alopecia, etc., which was considered by the researchers to have no safety risk to the
9. Adequate organ and bone marrow functions are defined as follows:
routine blood test
Neutrophil count (ANC) = 1000 / mm3 (1.0 × 109 / L);
Platelet count (PLT) = 70000 / mm3 (70 × 109 / L);
Hemoglobin (HB) = 7.5 g / dl (75 g / L);
Blood biochemistry
Serum creatinine (CR) = 1.5 × upper limit of normal (ULN) or creatinine clearance rate
(cockroft Gault)
Total bilirubin (TBIL) = 1.5 × ULN;
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level = 2.5 × ULN,
liver metastasis subjects should be = 5 × ULN;
Coagulation function
International normalized ratio (INR) = 1.5, prothrombin time (PT) and activated
partial thromboplastin
Urinary protein < 2 +; if urinary protein = 2 +, 24-hour urinary protein quantitative
display protein must be = 1g;
Cardiac function
Doppler ultrasound evaluation: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) = lower limit
of normal value (50%)
10. All women of childbearing age should be given adequate contraceptive treatment before
and after 7 weeks of pregnancy.
11. The subjects voluntarily or their legal guardians agreed to join the study, with good
compliance and follow-up of safety and survival.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Received the following treatment within 3 weeks before treatment:
Radiotherapy, surgery, chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy for tumors;
Other clinical research drugs;
Live attenuated vaccine.
2. Patients who had received anti angiogenic targeted drugs in the past 3 months, such as
apatinib, pazoparib, sunitinib, sorafenib, bevacizumab, imatinib, clotriminib,
famitinib, anlotinib, repaglinide, endostatin, etc.
3. Patients who have previously received irinotecan or combined with temozolomide for
4. Surgery and / or radiotherapy for solid tumors were planned during the study period
(regardless of < 5% of bone marrow areas).
5. Long term unhealed wounds, ulcers or fractures, major surgery 28 days before
enrollment or minor surgery 7 days before enrollment, known bleeding tendency, history
of thrombosis 3 months before enrollment, cerebrovascular events, abdominal fistula,
gastrointestinal perforation, abdominal abscess 6 months before enrollment, known
brain metastasis.
6. Severe infection (e.g. intravenous antibiotics, antifungal or antiviral drugs)
occurred within 1 week before treatment, or fever of unknown origin > 38.5 ° C
occurred during screening / before the first administration.
7. Hypertension could not be well controlled by antihypertensive drugs (infants > 100 /
60mmhg, preschool children (< 6 years old) > 110 / 70mmhg, school-age children (6-12
years old) > 120 / 80mmHg, adolescence and adults (> 18 years old) > 140 / 90mmHg).
8. There were significant clinical bleeding symptoms or clear bleeding tendency within 3
months before treatment, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhagic gastric ulcer,
baseline fecal occult blood + + and above, vasculitis, etc.; or arteriovenous
thrombosis events within 6 months before treatment, such as cerebrovascular accident
(including transient ischemic attack, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction), deep
vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism Long term anticoagulant therapy with warfarin
or heparin or long-term antiplatelet therapy (aspirin = 300 mg / day or clopidogrel =
75 mg / day) is needed.
9. There were active heart diseases, including myocardial infarction, severe / unstable
angina pectoris, etc. within 6 months before treatment. The left ventricular ejection
fraction (LVEF) was less than 50% and the arrhythmias were poorly controlled
(including QTCF interval > 450 ms in male and > 470 MS in female).
10. Any other malignant tumor was diagnosed within 3 years before treatment.
11. Known to be allergic to the study drug or any of its excipients.
12. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, active hepatitis B (HBsAg positive and
HBV DNA = 500 IU / ml), hepatitis C (HCV antibody positive and HCV-RNA higher than the
detection limit of the analytical method).
13. The patients with huge tumor, easy to burst and bleeding, tumor regression, easy to
lead to bleeding and other high-risk patients.
14. According to the judgment of the researcher, there are concomitant diseases (such as
poorly controlled hypertension, severe diabetes, neurological or mental diseases,
etc.) or any other conditions that seriously endanger the safety of the subject, may
confuse the results of the study, or affect the completion of the study.