To Determine Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of ONCOS-102 in Combination With Chemotherapy Clinical Trial
Official title:
A Randomised Phase II Open-label Study With a Phase Ib Safety lead-in Cohort of ONCOS-102, an Immune-priming GM-CSF Coding Oncolytic Adenovirus, and Pemetrexed/Cisplatin in Patients With Unresectable Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
The trial is an open-label, parallel group, multicentre trial that will recruit a total of 30 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. The trial will be conducted in 2 phases: a non-randomised safety phase and a randomised phase. The safety phase will consist of a lead-in cohort of 6 patients treated with ONCOS 102 and pemetrexed/cisplatin. The randomised phase will not commence until the DSMB has deemed the safety lead-in data appropriate for continuation. A total of 24 patients will be included in the randomised phase; 14 patients will be randomised to receive ONCOS 102 and pemetrexed/cisplatin, and 10 patients will receive pemetrexed/cisplatin alone. If cisplatin is seen to be too toxic after one or more cycles, the patient may change to carboplatin during the study. Furthermore, if treatment with cisplatin is deemed to be too toxic by the investigator due to age, presence of neurological toxicities or other relevant medical conditions, carboplatin can be administered from start of study. The trial's main objectives are determination of safety, immune activation, clinical response and the correlation between clinical outcome and the immunological data.