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Oral Hygiene clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04025684 Completed - Dental Plaque Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Manual Toothbrushes in Removing Dental Plaque

Start date: September 30, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This clinical methodology development study will evaluate the plaque removal efficacy of four marketed manual toothbrushes, with differing bristle types and brush head designs, in healthy dentate participants. Changes in supra-gingival plaque accumulation will be assessed after first use and following 1-and 4-weeks treatment (twice-daily brushing), using two different clinical measures of dental plaque. Study participants will abstain from oral hygiene for a period of 12-18 hours prior to each assessment visit. Data generated will inform the design of future clinical studies investigating the plaque removal efficacy of manual toothbrushes.

NCT ID: NCT04018534 Completed - Oral Hygiene Clinical Trials

Effects Of Training On Brushing Behavior

Start date: May 5, 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study is a single-blind randomized controlled trial on fixed orthodontic appliance candidates (n = 90) assigned into a control group (n = 30) and two different study groups (n = 30 in each). Patients who requiring non-extraction fixed orthodontic treatment, crowding under 5mm in the incisors and heaving at least 20 permanent teeth with healthy periodontal tissue and devoid of caries were included in the study. The control group received a standard printed educational material assisted with verbal information. The study groups either received video assisted or hands-on training about fixed orthodontic appliance and oral hygiene. The time requirements for all three educational interventions were recorded at the initial visit. The adequacy of oral hygiene is documented through plaque and gingival indices at the initial visit and 8th week of the treatment.

NCT ID: NCT03989479 Completed - Oral Hygiene Clinical Trials

Effectiveness of T-shaped Toothbrush

Start date: April 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study evaluated the effectiveness of two manual toothbrushes, the T-shaped toothbrush (Denson™, Malaysia) and a conventional toothbrush (Kid's Soft Toothbrush, Colgate) in removing plaque and maintaining gingival health among 8-10-year old children. Brushing demonstration was provided at baseline and reinforced at 2 weeks and 1 month interval.Plaque scores and gingival scores were measured at 2 weeks and 1 month and 3 months

NCT ID: NCT03947203 Withdrawn - Oral Hygiene Clinical Trials

Oral Health Promotion: Youth as Agents Of Change

Start date: October 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This upstream communication study may aid in our understanding of the nature of the parent-adolescent relationship and how we can use this relationship to promote better oral health of the parents and adolescents.

NCT ID: NCT03935009 Recruiting - Dental Plaque Clinical Trials

Learning Brushing Using Game Elements in Mobile Phones Apps

Start date: May 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study aims to compare the efficacy of using gamification for oral hygiene in children at home environment.

NCT ID: NCT03862443 Completed - Dental Caries Clinical Trials

BEhavioral EConomics for Oral Health iNnovation Pilot Trial

Start date: May 10, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This Phase I randomized pilot trial will assess the efficacy of a fixed incentive payment program and drawing incentive payment program versus a control program to promote early childhood caries (ECC) preventive health behaviors (i.e., toothbrushing performance and dental visit attendance) for young children of predominantly Latino parents/caregivers enrolled in/waitlisted for Early Head Start (EHS) home visit programs.

NCT ID: NCT03841825 Completed - Gingivitis Clinical Trials

Effects of Active Reminders and Motivational Techniques on Oral Hygiene and Gingival Health in Orthodontic Patients

Start date: February 1, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will compare the use of text message reminders versus multiple in-person sessions of oral hygiene instructions and motivation on improving oral hygiene measurements.

NCT ID: NCT03789812 Recruiting - Oral Hygiene Clinical Trials

Oral Hygiene in Patients With Orthodontic Fixed Appliances

Start date: December 3, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study aims to compare the efficacy of the use of different methods of teeth cleaning on the oral hygiene in patients with orthodontic fixed appliance

NCT ID: NCT03775772 Recruiting - Dementia Clinical Trials

Oral Health, Bite Force and Dementia

Start date: December 13, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Study aims: The primary aim is to identify influencing variables on oral hygiene / oral health and bite force in patients with dementia.

NCT ID: NCT03576326 Completed - Dental Caries Clinical Trials

BEhavioral EConomics for Oral Health iNnovation Trial

Start date: May 9, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This Phase II stratified randomized prevention trial will assess the efficacy of a behavioral economic theory-based financial incentive drawing program versus a control regimen to promote early childhood caries (ECC) preventive health behaviors (toothbrushing performance) for young children of predominantly Latino parents/caregivers in Early Head Start (EHS) and day care center programs.