View clinical trials related to Oncology Patients.
Filter by:Phase 1b/2a, open-label, sequential dose escalation and expansion study of AMG 232 in combination with trametinib and dabrafenib in subjects with metastatic melanoma followed by a direct comparison of AMG 232 combined with trametinib and dabrafenib versus trametinib combined with dabrafenib alone.
Open-label, sequential dose escalation and expansion study of AMG 232 in subjects with acute myeloid leukemia.
First in human, open-label, sequential dose escalation and expansion study of AMG 232 in subjects with advanced solid tumors or multiple myeloma
First in human, open-label, sequential dose escalation and expansion study of AMG 820 in subjects with advanced solid tumors.
This is a multi-center, phase 1, open-label first-in-human study of AMG 319 in subjects with relapsed or refractory lymphoid malignancies. This study consists of two parts. The dose exploration in part 1, studies cohorts of 3 subjects with relapsed or refractory lymphoid malignancies and uses a practical continuous reassessment model [CRM] to guide dose escalation and to define the MTD. The dose expansion in part 2 will enroll 20 subjects with CLL at a dose no higher than the MTD and further explore the safety, PK, and clinical activity of AMG 319 in this patient population.
First in human, open-label, sequential dose escalation and expansion study of AMG 337 in subjects with advanced solid tumors.
First in human, open-label, sequential dose escalation and expansion study of AMG 208 in subjects with advanced solid tumors.