View clinical trials related to Olfaction Disorders.
Filter by:Covid 19 cause an olfactory loss in more than 80% of cases. This loss most often regresses but leaves 20% of patients with an olfactory complaint, particularly with regard to the quality of daily life. The neuro-cognitive implications involved with COVID19 and the consequences of persistent olfactory loss remain unknown. The effectiveness of therapeutic management, in particular olfactory re-education, has not yet been clarified. Objectives are the assessment of patients olfactory disorders, psychiatrics and neurocognitives specificities after a COVID, before and after treatment or specific cares.
Odor and taste disturbances have increased dramatically during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, we have very little information on the demographic and clinical characteristics of the affected population, on the severity and course of the olfactory / taste loss. The main objective of this research is to analyze the epidemiological, demographic and clinical characteristics of patients suspected or already confirmed of infection with SARS-Cov2 presenting with anosmia and / or ageusia.
One of the most common causes of loss of smell is upper respiratory tract infection. These disorders can be quantitative (hyposmia or anosmia) or qualitative (parosmia or phantosmia). Loss of smell has been found as a major and frequent clinical sign of Sars Cov2 infection (more than 50% of patients screened at the CHU Nancy). Spontaneous recovery remains possible. It usually occurs in the first month . But when symptoms persist, the therapeutic management of post-viral anosmias is poorly codified in the literature. Olfactory rehabilitation could allow faster recovery and better quality, but the published protocols are numerous and could only be tested on small inhomogeneous series of patients (mixture of post-viral and post-traumatic hypo-ansomy). The significant increase in the population of patients suffering from post-viral anosmia following the current pandemic situation makes it possible to consider a prospective study aiming to compare two olfactory rehabilitation protocols: "classic" and "intensive" in a population of patients. suffering only from post-viral hypoanosmia. Hypothesis: Intensive or classic olfactory rehabilitation allows better results than spontaneous recovery
Background: Anosmia is a debilitating common symptom of COVID-19. The therapeutic effect of systemic steroid for the treatment of anosmia has been studied with various findings of its efficacy. However, the effect of local steroid was not assessed before. Objective: To estimate the efficacy of local steroid in the treatment of anosmia in COVID-19 patients.
Prevalence and Outcomes of Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunctions in Patients with COVID-19
This study is designed to investigate the acuity of olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19 positive patients in the United Kingdom. In particular defining severity with objective testing and determining if this has any predictive value on the outcome of the SARS CoV-2 infection. In addition, this study will strive to determine duration / natural history of olfactory dysfunction in these patients in respect to a positive SARS CoV-2 diagnosis. It should also demonstrate the impact of olfactory dysfunction on patient Quality of Life (QOL).
Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal disorder; with the increasing life expectancy, about 80% of DS adults reach age 65 years old. Early Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of death within this population. DS individuals already show AD neuropathology by the age of 30, while it becomes clinically recognized in their late forties. DS subjects also exhibit olfaction defects in adulthood. To date, there is no treatment available for the cognitive or olfactory defects in DS. The development of an effective treatment targeting cognitive dysfunction in DS adolescents/adults would be warranted. GnRH, a decapeptide secreted by hypothalamic neurons is the pilot light of reproduction in all mammals. Pulsatile GnRH acts on the gonadotrophs via the GnRH receptor (GNRHR) in the pituitary gland to stimulate LH and FSH, which themselves will act on the gonads to produce gametes and steroids. However, GNRHR are also expressed in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, habenula, olfactory structures, and adrenal gland, suggesting that GnRH may have a role beyond reproduction. Recently, GnRH has been shown to be involved in the process of ageing and lifespan control. Notably, in murine models, GnRH acts as an anti-ageing factor, independent of sex hormones. While ageing is characterized by hypothalamic inflammation and diminished neurogenesis, particularly in the hypothalamus and the hippocampus, GnRH was able to promote adult neurogenesis. The regulation of GnRH secretion is complex and involves hormonal, neuronal input, and environmental factors. Prévot et al. recently explored cognition within the Ts65Dn model and showed an age-dependent loss of the ability to recognize new objects. Also, these mice exhibit defects in olfaction. Given the role of GnRH in anti-aging mice model, pulsatile GnRH or continuous GnRH infusion (leading to desensitization of the GNRHR) were given to the Ts65Dn mice for two weeks. Amazingly, pulsatile but not continuous GnRH therapy was able to recover cognitive and olfaction defects.
The Malaysian COVID-19 Anosmia Study is a nationwide multicentre observational study to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of olfactory and gustatory/taste disturbances in COVID-19 infection in Malaysia, and to evaluate the predictive value of screening for these symptoms in COVID-19 infection. This study consists of two phases: the first phase is a cross-sectional study and the second phase is a case-control study. The case-control study is described here (the cross-sectional study is described in a separate record).