View clinical trials related to Newborn.
Filter by:The intervention proposed is a new organization of care, based on the EXPRIM (EXtrem PRematurity Innovative Management) protocol, involving early, standardized, and multidisciplinary management of women hospitalized for a risk of extremely preterm birth and their children. It will take place in each perinatal network for all pregnant women hospitalized between 22 and 26 weeks with a risk of preterm delivery. Setting up the protocol requires taking into account the parents' time and timing issues, and its potential for change, to plan the implementation of the protocol, especially the degree of emergency of the situation and the probability of imminent delivery. The follow-up collected for this study will take place: - At D4 post-delivery: A questionnaire about the parents' experience of the information delivered and the decisions made will be given to and collected from the parents - At the child's discharge from the hospital, or if he or she dies in the hospital: - Collection of clinical data (principal endpoint) from data in the medical file. - Data to measure practices and adherence to the intervention will be collected - When the child reaches the corrected age of 2 years: - a short questionnaire will be completed by the physician caring for the child at the corrected age of 2 years. The data collected will concern motor and sensory development, in particular, cerebral palsy, blindness, and deafness.. - Information about the child's development will also be collected with a questionnaire including a standardized assessment scale, the ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire), which the parents will complete.
The researchers hope to establish an overall program of early genetic screening for neonatal critical illness in China, and to develop precise intervention strategies to assist clinical diagnosis and treatment of hereditary critical illness.
Primary objective: To determine if placing preterm infants in a polyethylene bag (PB) immediately after birth, before the umbilical cord is clamped, will increase the number of preterm infants with a normal temperature on admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
This study aimed to investigate and compare the effects of different non-pharmacological interventions (kangaroo care, holding on mother's lap, white noise listening, ambient sound listening) on newborns' crying times, voice decibels and pain levels during heel-stick procedure
The project will carry out the genetic testing of 100000 neonates in the next 5 years. The aim of the project is to construct the Chinese neonatal genome database, establish the genetic testing standard of neonatal genetic diseases, and promote the industrialization of neonatal genetic disease gene testing, improve the training system for genetic counseling.
Despite advances in medicine, secondary neonatal infection remains a continuing concern because of the associated high morbidity and mortality. The usual mechanism of infection responds to the transmission of germs by the equipment used for care (eg, catheters) and by the hands of caregivers. In preterm infants in particular, some infections can also have an endogenous source, by translocation of colonization germs present in the digestive tract. The first line of prevention of secondary infection corresponds to compliance with the rules of hand hygiene, work surfaces and equipment carried out, the effect of which on the control of the incidence of secondary infection is regularly demonstrated. When declared, bacterial infection should be treated as quickly as possible with appropriate and effective antibiotics to preserve the healing prognosis. Compared to the infant and the larger child, clinical signs of calling are atypical and discrete. In the absence of staff trained to monitor newborns specifically, there is a real risk of discovering the existence of the infection only at an advanced stage corresponding, among other things, to circulatory collapse. This risk is not completely excluded, even with experienced practitioners, because the positive signs are rude and may go unnoticed (eg, signs of calling such as fever are rare in the newborn). Support for early diagnosis of neonatal infection by automatic monitoring systems has reduced mortality by 30% in the units where it has been applied. This is probably due to the fact that early warning made it possible to start the antibiotic treatment earlier and to complete the bacteriological diagnosis in order to better orient the therapeutic attitude. The best criteria for early diagnosis by automated systems were provided by the statistical analysis of cardiac variability, the results of the research and correspond to the standard deviation, the asymmetry and the entropy of the series d Cardiac intervals. Since microbial aggression has an impact on many vegetative variables outside of the electrocardiogram, our current research aims to determine whether the analysis of the perfusion index (PI) Which are of interest for detecting disturbances in the early stages of infection in newborns. IP corresponds to the ratio of the amplitude of the oscillating phase to the intensity of the constant part of the opto-plethysmography wave; It is obtained from signals recorded in a non-invasive manner by the same infrared sensor for pulse oximetry.
This study aims to collect normative population data on the ultrasound radiographic parameters used to evaluate hip dysplasia in infants between 32 and 46 weeks of gestational age. This data would be utilized to develop a growth chart with standard deviations for this cohort that would be beneficial in the appropriate treatment of suspected hip dysplasia.
This study uses frequency domain near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with diffuse correlation spectroscopy (FDNIRS-DCS) technology for monitoring cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2) at the bedside for newborns with germinal matrix-intraventricular hemorrhage (GM-IVH) and/or post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH) in comparison to newborns with hydrocephalus of a different etiology (VC) and healthy controls (HC). We hypothesize that baseline cerebral metabolic dysfunction is a better biomarker for GM-IVH and PHH severity and response to PHH treatment. This is a Boston Children's Hospital (BCH)-institutional review board(IRB) approved, multi-site study that includes collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). Pei-Yi Lin receives funding from The National Institute of Health (NIH) to support the study and is the overall principal Investigator (PI) overseeing the study.