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Clinical Trial Summary

The goal of this research is to investigate three different methods of perineal skin closure during second-degree perineal wound repair and determine which method is associated with the least amount of patient pain.

Null hypothesis: There will be no difference in patient pain among the three different methods for second degree perineal wound repair.

Clinical Trial Description

At the University of Michigan, there are currently two standard techniques for repairing second-degree perineal lacerations that differ only in management of the perineal skin :

1. Closure of the deep tissues and superficial perineal skin using a continuous 3-0 Vicryl suture

2. Closure of the deep tissues with a continuous 3-0 Vicryl suture and reapproximation of, but not suture-closure of the perineal skin.

The primary goal of our study is to compare patient pain amongst the following three perineal skin repair techniques after second degree laceration:

1. Perineal skin closure with suturing

2. Not suturing the perineal skin

3. Closure of the perineal skin with n-Butyl 2-cyanoacrylate (Indermil®) surgical glue.

In all women, the deep vaginal and perineal tissues will be closed using a continuous 3-0 Vicryl suture, as is current standard practice.

Aim: To assess and compare patient pain among the three groups at intervals of 1 day, 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months postpartum. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT02055794
Study type Interventional
Source University of Michigan
Status Completed
Phase N/A
Start date February 2014
Completion date September 2017