Neoplasm Metastasis Clinical Trial
Official title:
An Open-Label, Multicenter Extension Study of Trastuzumab Emtansine Administered as a Single Agent or in Combination With Other Anti-Cancer Therapies in Patients Previously Enrolled in a Genentech and/or F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd-Sponsored Trastuzumab Emtansine Study
This is a global, multicenter, open-label safety extension study. Participants receiving single-agent trastuzumab emtansine or trastuzumab emtansine administered in combination with other anti-cancer therapies in a Genentech / Roche-sponsored parent study who are active and receiving benefit at the closure of parent study are eligible for continued treatment in this study.
Status | Recruiting |
Enrollment | 720 |
Est. completion date | September 20, 2029 |
Est. primary completion date | September 20, 2029 |
Accepts healthy volunteers | No |
Gender | All |
Age group | 18 Years and older |
Eligibility | Inclusion Criteria: - Completed single-agent trastuzumab emtansine or combination trastuzumab emtansine treatment in the parent study or who continue to receive single-agent trastuzumab emtansine or combination trastuzumab emtansine treatment at the time of the parent study closure and received the last study drug dose within the 6 weeks (42 days) prior to the first dose of study therapy on the extension study or Continue to receive treatment in the control arm of study BO21976/TDM4450g (NCT00679341) at the time of the parent study closure if the participant received the last dose of control arm study drug within the 6 weeks (42 days) prior to the first dose of control arm study therapy in the extension study - Participants in the control arm from Study BO21976/TDM4450g whose disease progression has occurred during the transition interval between the parent study and this extension study may initiate trastuzumab emtansine treatment at the time of enrollment into study TDM4529g (NCT00781612) - Expectation by the investigator that the participant may continue to benefit from additional single-agent trastuzumab emtansine or combination trastuzumab emtansine treatment or Expectation of the investigator that the participant may continue to benefit from control arm treatment as given in study BO21976/TDM4450g and at the time of disease progression may benefit from single-agent trastuzumab emtansine treatment - Women of childbearing potential and men with partners of childbearing potential, must be willing to use a highly effective form of non-hormonal contraception or two effective forms of non-hormonal contraception by the participants and/or partner, and to continue the use of contraception for the duration of study treatment and for at least 5 months after the final dose of atezolizumab (if applicable) or 7 months after the final dose of trastuzumab, trastuzumab emtansine or pertuzumab, whichever is later. Women must refrain from donating eggs during this same period - Male participants whose partners are pregnant should use condoms for the duration of the pregnancy. Men must refrain from donating sperm during this same period Exclusion Criteria: - AEs leading to single-agent trastuzumab emtansine or combination trastuzumab emtansine treatment discontinuation in the parent study - Ongoing SAEs from the parent study - Progressive disease on single-agent trastuzumab emtansine or a trastuzumab emtansine-containing regimen during the parent study or before starting the extension study, with the exception of participants from study TDM4688g (NCT00943670) with early disease progression who went on to receive pertuzumab + trastuzumab emtansine treatment and have not experienced further disease progression on the combination regimen - Peripheral neuropathy of Grade greater than or equal to (>/=) 3 per the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI CTCAE), Version 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0, as utilized in the parent study - History of symptomatic congestive heart failure ([CHF]; New York Heart Association [NYHA] Classes II-IV), ventricular arrhythmia requiring treatment, current unstable angina, or history of myocardial infarction within 6 months prior to study entry - Severe dyspnea at rest due to complications of advanced malignancy or current requirement for continuous oxygen therapy - Current severe, uncontrolled systemic disease (for example [e.g.] clinically significant cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease) - Major surgical procedure or significant traumatic injury within 28 days prior to study entry or anticipation of the need for major surgery during the course of study treatment - Current pregnancy or lactation - History of receiving any investigational treatment or other systemic therapy directed at controlling cancer (e.g., chemotherapy, trastuzumab, etc.) since the participant's last study drug dose in the parent study - History of hypersensitivity with previous trastuzumab emtansine or any agent used with trastuzumab emtansine in the parent study, precluding further dosing - Assessed by the investigator to be unable or unwilling to comply with the requirements of the protocol |
Country | Name | City | State |
Australia | Peninsula and South Eastern Haematology and Oncology Group | Frankston | Victoria |
Australia | Peter MacCallum Cancer Center | North Melbourne | Victoria |
Austria | Klinik Favoriten; 1 Medizinische Abteilung | Wien | |
Belgium | UZ Gent | Gent | |
Belgium | Sint Augustinus Wilrijk, Apotheek | Wilrijk | |
Brazil | Trymed Clinical Research | Belo Horizonte | MG |
Brazil | Clinica de Neoplasias Litoral | Itajai | SC |
Brazil | Clinica de Oncologia de Porto Alegre - CliniOnco | Porto Alegre | RS |
Brazil | Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao | Porto Alegre | RS |
Brazil | Hospital Sao Lucas - PUCRS | Porto Alegre | RS |
Brazil | Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre | Porto Alegre | RS |
Brazil | Instituto Nacional de Cancer - INCa; Oncologia | Rio de Janeiro | RJ |
Brazil | Nucleo de Oncologia da Bahia - NOB | Salvador, Bahia | BA |
Brazil | Faculdade de Medicina do ABC - FMABC; Oncologia e Hematologia | Santo Andre | SP |
Brazil | Hospital Perola Byington | Sao Paulo | SP |
Bulgaria | Complex Oncology Center - Plovdiv First Internal Chemotherapy Department | Plovdiv | |
Bulgaria | SHATO - Sofia | Sofia | |
Canada | BC Cancer ? Kelowna (Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre) | Kelowna | British Columbia |
Canada | Centre Hospitalier de l?Université de Montréal (CHUM) | Montreal | Quebec |
Canada | Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre; Civic Hospital Division | Ottawa | Ontario |
Canada | CHU de Québec ? Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement / ONCOLOGY | Quebec | |
Canada | Saskatoon Cancer Centre | Saskatoon | Saskatchewan |
Canada | St. Michael'S Hospital | Toronto | Ontario |
Canada | University Health Network; Princess Margaret Hospital; Medical Oncology Dept | Toronto | Ontario |
Chile | Fundacion Arturo Lopez Perez | Santiago | |
China | Beijing Cancer Hospital | Beijing | |
China | The Affiliated Hospital of Military Medical Sciences(The 307th Hospital of Chinese PLA) | Beijing | |
China | the First Hospital of Jilin University | Changchun | |
China | Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University; Breast Tumor Center | Guangzhou City | |
China | Sun Yet-sen University Cancer Center | Guangzhou City | |
China | Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital; Oncology& Breast | Hangzhou | |
China | Zhejiang Cancer Hospital; Zhejiang Cancer Hospital cancer department | Hangzhou City | |
China | Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital | Harbin | |
China | Jiangsu Cancer Hospital | Nanjing City | |
China | Jiangsu Province Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital With Nanjing Medical University) | Nanjing City | |
China | Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center | Shanghai City | |
Croatia | Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb | Zagreb | |
Czechia | Masarykuv onkologicky ustav | Brno | |
Czechia | Fakultni nemocnice Olomouc; Onkologicka klinika | Olomouc | |
Czechia | Fakultni Poliklinika Vseobecne Fakultni Niemocnice; Onkologicka Klinika | Praha 2 | |
Denmark | Odense Universitetshospital, Onkologisk Afdeling R | Odense C | |
Denmark | Vejle Sygehus; Onkologisk Afdeling | Vejle | |
France | Centre Francois Baclesse; Comite Sein | Caen | |
France | Centre Georges Francois Leclerc; Oncologie 3 | Dijon | |
France | Centre Hospitalier Departemental Les Oudairies | La Roche Sur Yon | |
France | Institut Paoli Calmettes; Oncologie Medicale | Marseille | |
France | Institut régional du Cancer Montpellier | Montpellier | |
France | Hopital Tenon; AP HP | Paris | |
France | Institut Curie; Oncologie Medicale | Paris | |
France | Ico Rene Gauducheau; Oncologie | Saint Herblain | |
France | Institut Curie - Hopital Rene Huguenin | Saint-Cloud | |
Germany | Studienzentrum Aschaffenburg | Aschaffenburg | |
Germany | Frauenarzt-Zentrum Zehlendorf an der Teltower Eiche | Berlin | |
Germany | HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch; Klinik für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Berlin | |
Germany | Klinikum Essen-Mitte Ev. Huyssens-Stiftung / Knappschafts GmbH; Klinik für Senologie / Brustzentrum | Essen | |
Germany | Uniklinik Köln, Klinik und Poliklinik und Geburtshilfe; Brustzentrum Köln | Köln | |
Germany | Klinikum der Universität München; Campus Großhadern; Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde | Muenchen | |
Germany | Rotkreuzklinikum München; Frauenklinik | Muenchen | |
Germany | Gynäkologie Kompetenzzentrum; Praxis Dr. med. Carsten Hielscher | Stralsund | |
Germany | Hämatologisch-Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis Dres. Schlag & Schöttker | Würzburg | |
Guatemala | Grupo Angeles | Guatemala City | |
Hong Kong | Queen Mary Hospital; Dept of Medicine | Hong Kong | |
Hungary | Semmelweis Egyetem Aok; Iii.Sz. Belgyogyaszati Klinika | Budapest | |
Hungary | Szent Margit Hospital; Dept. of Oncology | Budapest | |
Hungary | Debreceni Egyetem, Klinikai Kozpont, Onkologiai Klinika | Debrecen | |
Hungary | Markusovszky Hospital | Szombathely | |
Israel | Shaare Zedek Medical Center | Jerusalem | |
Israel | Kaplan Medical Center; Oncology Inst. | Rehovot | |
Israel | Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Ctr; Oncology | Tel Aviv | |
Italy | RCCS - Centro di Riferimento; Oncologia Medica B | Aviano (PN) | Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
Italy | Fondazione Del Piemonte Per L'oncologia Ircc Di Candiolo; Dipartimento Oncologico | Candiolo | Piemonte |
Italy | Campus Universitario S.Venuta; Centro Oncologico T.Campanella | Catanzaro | Calabria |
Italy | IRST Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo Per Lo Studio E Cura Dei Tumori, Sede Meldola; Oncologia Medica | Meldola | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | IRST Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo Per Lo Studio E Cura Dei Tumori, Sede Meldola; Oncologia Medica | Meldola | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | Irccs Istituto Nazionale Dei Tumori (Int);S.C. Medicina Oncologica 1 | Milano | Lombardia |
Italy | Istituto Europeo Di Oncologia | Milano | Lombardia |
Italy | Humanitas Istituto Clinico Catanese S.p.A | Misterbianco (CT) | Sicilia |
Italy | Istituto Nazionale Tumori Irccs Fondazione g. PASCALE;U.O.C. Oncologia Medica Senologica | Napoli | Campania |
Italy | Ospedale Regionale Di Parma; Divisione Di Oncologia Medica | Parma | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | A.O. Universitaria Pisana; Oncologia | Pisa | Toscana |
Italy | Ospedale San Carlo; Day Hospital Oncologia Medica | Potenza | Basilicata |
Italy | Ospedale Misericordia E Dolce; Oncologia Medica | Prato | Toscana |
Italy | Ospedale Civile; Oncologia Medica | Sassari | Sardegna |
Italy | Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Dipartimento Interaziendale Di Oncologia | Udine | Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
Japan | Hiroshima University Hospital; Breast Surgery | Hiroshima | |
Japan | Hyogo Cancer Center; Breast Surgery | Hyogo | |
Japan | Saitama Medical University International Medical Center; Breast Oncology | Saitama | |
Korea, Republic of | Kyungpook National University Medical Center; Oncology | Daegu | |
Korea, Republic of | National Cancer Center | Goyang-si | |
Korea, Republic of | Gachon University Gil Medical Center | Incheon | |
Korea, Republic of | Asan Medical Center | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Asan Medical Center | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Samsung Medical Center | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Seoul National University Hospital | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Seoul National University Hospital; Department of Oncology | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Severance Hospital, Yonsei University Health System | Seoul | |
Mexico | Centro de Investigacion; Clinica Del Pacifico | Acapulco | Guerrero |
Mexico | Instituto Nacional de Cancer | D.f. | Mexico CITY (federal District) |
Mexico | Consultorio de Medicina Especializada | Mexico | Mexico CITY (federal District) |
Mexico | Oaxaca Site Management Organization | Oaxaca de Juárez | Oaxaca |
New Zealand | Auckland city hospital; Auckland Regional Cancer Centre and Blood Service | Auckland | |
North Macedonia | Private Health Organization Acibadem Sistina Hospital | Skopje | |
Norway | Oslo Universitetssykehus HF; Radiumhospitalet | Oslo | |
Panama | The Panama Clinic | Panama | |
Peru | Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas | Lima | |
Peru | Instituto;Oncologico Miraflores | Lima | |
Philippines | Cebu Cancer Institute; Perpetual Succour Hospital | Cebu City | |
Philippines | Veterans Memorial Medical Ctr; Cancer Research Centre | Quezon City | |
Philippines | Cardinal Santos Medical Center | San Juan | |
Poland | Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne | Gdansk | |
Poland | ?wi?tokrzyskie Centrum Onkologii; Dzia? Chemioterapii | Kielce | |
Poland | COZL Oddzial Onkologii Klinicznej z pododdzialem Chemioterapii Dziennej | Lublin | |
Poland | Europejskie Centrum Zdrowia Otwock Szpital im. Fryderyka Chopina, Klinika Onkologii | Otwock | |
Poland | Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii; Oddzial Chemioterapii | Poznan | |
Poland | Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny Nr 3 | Rybnik | |
Poland | Narodowy Instytut Onkologii im. M.Sklodowskiej-Curie; Klinika Nowotworow Piersi i Chirurgii Rekonstr | Warszawa | |
Portugal | Hospital da Luz; Departamento de Oncologia Medica | Lisboa | |
Portugal | Centro Hospitalar do Porto ? Hospital de Santo António; Oncologia | Porto | |
Portugal | IPO do Porto; Servico de Oncologia Medica | Porto | |
Russian Federation | City Clinical Oncology Hospital | Moscow | Moskovskaja Oblast |
Russian Federation | Blokhin Cancer Research Center; Combined Treatment | Moskva | Moskovskaja Oblast |
Russian Federation | City Oncology Dispensary | St Petersburg | Sankt Petersburg |
Russian Federation | FSBI?National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N.Petrov? MHRF | St Petersburg | Sankt Petersburg |
Russian Federation | SBI of Healthcare of Stavropol region Stavropol Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary | Stavropol | |
Russian Federation | Bashkirian Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary | UFA | Baskortostan |
Singapore | National University Hospital; National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS) | Singapore | |
Slovenia | Institute of Oncology Ljubljana | Ljubljana | |
Spain | Hospital del Mar; Servicio de Oncologia | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital Duran i Reynals; Oncologia | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital San Pedro De Alcantara; Servicio de Oncologia | Caceres | |
Spain | Hospital General Universitario de Elche; Servicio de Oncologia | Elche | Alicante |
Spain | Hospital de Jerez de la Frontera; Servicio de Oncologia | Jerez de La Frontera | Cadiz |
Spain | Hospital Severo Ochoa; Servicio de Oncologia | Leganes | Madrid |
Spain | Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida; Servicio de Oncologia | Lerida | |
Spain | Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon; Servicio de Oncologia | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Ramon y Cajal; Servicio de Oncologia | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario La Paz; Servicio de Oncologia | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital de Donostia; Servicio de Oncologia Medica | San Sebastian | Guipuzcoa |
Spain | Hospital Univ Vall d'Hebron; Servicio de Oncologia | Sant Andreu de La Barca | Barcelona |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio; Servicio de Oncologia | Sevilla | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet; Servicio Oncologia | Zaragoza | |
Sweden | Mälarsjukhuset; Onkologkliniken Sörmland | Eskilstuna | |
Switzerland | Universitätsspital Zürich | Zürich | |
Taiwan | Chi-Mei Medical Center | Tainan | |
Taiwan | National Cheng Kung Uni Hospital; Surgery | Tainan | |
Taiwan | National Taiwan Uni Hospital; Dept of Oncology | Taipei | |
Taiwan | Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center; Hemato-Oncology | Taipei City | |
Taiwan | Chang Gung Memorial Hospital - Linkou | Taoyuan | |
Thailand | Bumrungrad International Hosp | Bangkok | |
Thailand | Rajavithi Hospital; Division of Medical Oncology | Bangkok | |
United Kingdom | Ninewells Hospital | Dundee | |
United Kingdom | Western General Hospital; Clinical Oncology | Edinburgh | |
United Kingdom | Diana Princess of Wales Hosp. | Grimsby | |
United Kingdom | Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Morecambe Bay Hospitals Nhs Trust | Lancaster | |
United Kingdom | Royal Free Hospital; Dept of Oncology | London | |
United Kingdom | Christie Hospital NHS Trust | Manchester | |
United Kingdom | Mount Vernon Hospital | Middlesex | |
United Kingdom | Mount Vernon Cancer Centre | Northwood | |
United Kingdom | Nottingham City Hospital; Oncology | Nottingham | |
United Kingdom | Poole General Hospital | Poole | |
United Kingdom | Queen's Hospital; Oncology | Romford | |
United Kingdom | Abertawe and Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust; Clinical Researdh Institute | Swansea | |
United Kingdom | Royal Cornwall Hospital | Truro | |
United States | Anne Arundel Medical Center; Anne Arundel Health System | Annapolis | Maryland |
United States | Univ of Colorado Canc Ctr | Aurora | Colorado |
United States | University of Colorado | Aurora | Colorado |
United States | Johns Hopkins Univ Med Center | Baltimore | Maryland |
United States | Texas Oncology | Bedford | Texas |
United States | Hematology-Oncology; Associates of the Quad Cities | Bettendorf | Iowa |
United States | Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Breast Oncology | Boston | Massachusetts |
United States | Massachusetts General Hospital | Boston | Massachusetts |
United States | Oncology Assoc of Cedar Rapids; Iowa Cancer Care | Cedar Rapids | Iowa |
United States | Sarah Cannon Research Institute / Tennessee Oncology | Chattanooga | Tennessee |
United States | The Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Cleveland | Ohio |
United States | The Mark H. Zangmeister Ctr; Mid Ohio Onc/Hem Inc. | Columbus | Ohio |
United States | Texas Oncology - Dallas Presbyterian Hospital | Dallas | Texas |
United States | Karmanos Cancer Institute | Detroit | Michigan |
United States | City of Hope National Medical Center | Duarte | California |
United States | Florida Cancer Specialists; Department of Oncology | Fort Myers | Florida |
United States | Sarah Cannon Research Institute / Tennessee Oncology | Germantown | Tennessee |
United States | Carolina Oncology Specialists, PA - Hickory | Hickory | North Carolina |
United States | Millennium Research & Clinical Development | Houston | Texas |
United States | Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center | Indianapolis | Indiana |
United States | US Oncology | Irving | Texas |
United States | US Oncology Research Pharm. | Irving | Texas |
United States | Baptist - MD Anderson Cancer Center | Jacksonville | Florida |
United States | Capitol Comprehensive CA Care | Jefferson City | Missouri |
United States | NS-Long Island Jewish Hlth Sys | Lake Success | New York |
United States | Rocky Mountain Cancer Center - Denver | Littleton | Colorado |
United States | St. Barnabas Health Care Sys | Livingston | New Jersey |
United States | Can Care Assoc Med Group Inc; Beach Cities Offices | Los Angeles | California |
United States | Comp Cancer Centers of Nevada | Los Angeles | California |
United States | Northwest Georgia Oncology Centers PC - Marietta | Marietta | Georgia |
United States | Loyola University Med Center | Maywood | Illinois |
United States | Univ of Miami Health Systems | Miami | Florida |
United States | Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Pa | Minneapolis | Minnesota |
United States | University of Minnesota. | Minneapolis | Minnesota |
United States | Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Ctr | Nashville | Tennessee |
United States | Laura and ISAAC Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone. | New York | New York |
United States | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | New York | New York |
United States | Christina Care Institutional Review Board | Newark | Delaware |
United States | Memorial Cancer Institute at Memorial West | Pembroke Pines | Florida |
United States | Illinois Cancer Care | Peoria | Illinois |
United States | Fox Chase Cancer Center | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania |
United States | USO | Plano | Texas |
United States | Northwest Cancer Specialists - Portland (N Broadway) | Portland | Oregon |
United States | Kootenai Cancer Center | Post Falls | Idaho |
United States | Mayo Clinic - Rochester | Rochester | Minnesota |
United States | St. John's Mercy Medical Ctr; David C. Pratt Cancer Center | Saint Louis | Missouri |
United States | Florida Cancer Specialists (St. Petersburg ? St. Anthony?s Professional Building) | Saint Petersburg | Florida |
United States | Cancer Therapy & Research Center | San Antonio | Texas |
United States | Univ of Calif, San Francisco; Breast Cancer Center | San Francisco | California |
United States | Central Coast Medical Oncology | Santa Maria | California |
United States | UCLA Oncology Office; Oncology | Santa Monica | California |
United States | New England Cancer Specialists | Scarborough | Maine |
United States | Uni of Washington Medical Center; Dept of Oncology | Seattle | Washington |
United States | Univ of WA Medical Center | Seattle | Washington |
United States | Mercy Clinic Cancer & Hematology | Springfield | Missouri |
United States | Stanford Cancer Institute | Stanford | California |
United States | Northwest Medical Specialties | Tacoma | Washington |
United States | Florida Cancer Specialists - Tampa (Dr. MLK Blvd) | Tampa | Florida |
United States | US Oncology Research, Inc. | The Woodlands | Texas |
United States | USO - Tyler Cancer Ctr | Tyler | Texas |
United States | Kaiser Permanente; Oncology Clinical Trials | Vallejo | California |
United States | Kaiser Permanente - Walnut Creek | Walnut Creek | California |
United States | Clinical Research Alliance | Westbury | New York |
United States | Cancer Center of Kansas | Wichita | Kansas |
United States | Midwestern Regional Medical Center; Office of Research | Zion | Illinois |
Lead Sponsor | Collaborator |
Genentech, Inc. | Hoffmann-La Roche |
United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Mexico, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom,
Type | Measure | Description | Time frame | Safety issue |
Primary | Percentage of Participants With Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) | Baseline up to 30 days after last dose of study drug administration (up to approximately 14 years) | ||
Primary | Percentage of Participants With Adverse Events Leading to Study Treatment Discontinuation or Dose Reduction | Baseline up to 30 days after last dose of study drug administration (up to approximately 14 years) |
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Withdrawn |
NCT06057636 -
Hypnosis for Pain in Black Women With Advanced Breast Cancer: A Feasibility Study
N/A | |
Terminated |
NCT03166631 -
A Trial to Find the Safe Dose for BI 891065 Alone and in Combination With BI 754091 in Patients With Incurable Tumours or Tumours That Have Spread
Phase 1 | |
Terminated |
NCT01441115 -
ECI301 and Radiation for Advanced or Metastatic Cancer
Phase 1 | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT03775980 -
CIRSE Emprint Microwave Ablation Registry
Completed |
NCT01114958 -
Pilot Study of Intra-Arterial Cisplatin With IV Thiosulfate in Patients With Lung Cancer or Lung Metastases
Phase 1 | |
Terminated |
NCT03986593 -
Cryoablation of Bone Metastases From Endocrine Tumors
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT04458259 -
Study of PF-07265807 in Participants With Metastatic Solid Tumors.
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT01218542 -
Whole Brain Radiation Therapy With Boost to Metastatic Tumor Volume Using RapidArc
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT03175146 -
A Study to See Whether Stereotactic Body RadioTherapy (SBRT) Can Shrink Tumours Within the Liver Safely
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT02395224 -
A Longitudinal Study of Colorectal Cancer Patients With Metastatic Disease in Middle-Norway
Completed |
NCT02374411 -
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Surgeons Toward Nutrition Support in HIPEC Patients
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT01960829 -
Everolimus in Selected Patients With Metastatic Melanoma: Efficacy and Safety Study
Phase 2 | |
Terminated |
NCT01846429 -
Oral Bicarbonate as Adjuvant for Pain Reduction in Patients With Tumor Related Pain
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT01933789 -
Improving Communication About Serious Illness
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT01564810 -
Cetuximab in Combination With Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT00375245 -
Rapamycin With Grapefruit Juice for Advanced Malignancies
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT00207116 -
An Exploratory Pharmacogenomic Study of Monotherapy Erbitux in Subjects With Metastatic Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT00232726 -
Clinical Study of Previously Untreated Patients With Malignant Melanoma
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT00172003 -
Effect of Zoledronic Acid in Patients With Renal Cell Cancer and Bone Metastasis
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT00207103 -
MAD in Cancer Patients: Safety of BMS-582664 in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors
Phase 1 |