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Neck Pain clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05708963 Completed - Clinical trials for Cardiovascular Diseases

The U.K. Embryologist Fatigue Study

Start date: January 16, 2023
Study type: Observational

The purpose of the study is to determine physical and mental health issues of U.K. embryologists related to their occupational characteristics, and how workplace fatigue and burnout may affect their quality of life, cynicism, interactions with patients, attention to detail, and lead to human error, the cause of the most severe IVF incidents that often make headlines and result in costly litigation. It will also correlate how the current manual workflows contribute to these health issues, and what measures can be taken to improve both working conditions and embryologists' health, and, therefore, improve patient care.

NCT ID: NCT05686811 Completed - Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Tension Type Headache, Myofascial Release Therapy , Post Isometric Relaxation Technique

Start date: October 26, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional


NCT ID: NCT05684809 Completed - Clinical trials for Mechanical Neck Pain

Efficacy of Mobilization With Post- Isometric Relaxation in Neck Pain Associated With Myofascial Trigger Points

Start date: October 30, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

purpose of the study: to determine the effectiveness of cervical mobilization with PIR in reducing pain and improving neck ROM and function in people with mechanical neck pain associated with MTrPs

NCT ID: NCT05683288 Completed - Chronic Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Short and Long Time Effects of IASTM and Myofascial Release Techniques in Chronic Neck Pain

Start date: December 28, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this study is to determine whether EYYDM and myofascial applications have short and long-term effects on pain and disability in individuals diagnosed with chronic neck pain.

NCT ID: NCT05680688 Completed - Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Effects of Painful Compared to Painless Manual Therapy on Pain Processing in University Students With Neck Pain

Start date: January 11, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of provoking pain with manual therapy on pain processing in university students with recurrent or chronic neck pain.

NCT ID: NCT05676528 Completed - Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Exercise Intervention for Employees of the University of Bern

Start date: October 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

As part of a Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF project (On-site multi-component intervention to improve productivity and reduce the economic and personal burden of neck pain in Swiss Office-Workers, NEXpro = Neck EXercises for productivity, SNSF no. 32003B_182389, BASEC no. 2019-01678), the investigators first developed a physiotherapeutic exercise intervention to improve the strength and mobility of the neck muscles. In the SNSF project NEXpro, the intervention took place on-site in the office. However, in view of the digital transformation, it is important to adapt the intervention delivery method to the new virtual work setting. The aims of the present project are therefore to implement, further develop and contextually adapt the exercise intervention in order to reduce musculoskeletal complaints and to reduce health-related presenteeism. The final product is a user-friendly virtual 6-week short exercise intervention that employees of the University of Bern can use independently, regardless of time and place. The effectiveness of the newly developed short exercise intervention (pain reduction, reduction of presenteeism) will be assessed during a short pilot phase.

NCT ID: NCT05668728 Completed - Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Dry Needling for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Start date: January 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Myofascial pain syndrome (MAS) is defined as a regional painful syndrome characterized by pain and tenderness in a muscle group or a muscle, a taut band within the muscle, pain reflected by pressing, and the presence of trigger points. It causes localized muscle pain in the shoulder and neck. The frequency of mas is around 12% in the normal population, and its frequency increases in those with chronic diseases. It is more common in the 30-60 age range and in the female population. Mechanical causes such as micro-macro trauma, nociceptive disorders, physical fatigue, psychological stress and genetic factors are blamed in its etiopathogenesis. Painful myofascial trigger points may occur by pressing on all muscles in the body, although it is more common in the trazius muscle, especially in those who work at a desk, who are constantly in a certain position, and who are sedentary. Myofascial trigger points are often detected by examination.

NCT ID: NCT05654688 Completed - Clinical trials for Non Specific Neck Pain


Start date: April 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this a randomized control trial is to carried out to examine Graston technique (GT) and muscle energy method (MET) impact on nonspecific neck pain compared to traditional physiotherapy treatment (TPT), This study aims to contrast between the outcomes of GT and MET on both pain intensity and functional disability in patients. Each participant was assigned a unique number, and then those numbers were randomly divided into three groups. Three groups were formed from a random selection of participants: GT Group (A): received 12 sessions of GT and (TPT) over the course of four weeks (three sessions per week). MET Group (B): received 12 sessions of MET treatment and (TPT) over a period of four weeks (three sessions per week). Control Group (C): received 12 sessions of traditional physiotherapy (TPT) over a period of four weeks (three sessions per week).

NCT ID: NCT05649397 Completed - Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Effects of Cervical Spine Manipulation in Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain

Start date: December 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Mechanical neck pain is known as one of the most common disorders in musculoskeletal system. In elderly population, prevalence of neck pain ranges up to 38% while point prevalence and lifetime prevalence ranges from 6% to 22% and 14.2% to 71% respectively . Neck pain is defined by the international association for the study of pain as: "Pain perceived as arising from anywhere within the region bounded superiorly by superior nuchal line, inferior by transverse line through the tip of first thoracic spinous process, and laterally by sagittal plane tangential to the lateral border of neck" . There are variable causes of neck pain like trauma, infections, inflammatory conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, rheumatic diseases, and congenital diseases . There are varying degrees of disability and activity limitation caused by neck pain, like work productivity reduction and decrease quality of life . People who have a sedentary lifestyle, poor occupational postures, students with poor posture, people involved in occupation like computer programming, clerical job workers and desk job works are more likely to suffer from mechanical neck pain . Most common cause of mechanical neck pain is muscle tightness, Upper trapezius and levator scapulae are the most involved muscles

NCT ID: NCT05636462 Completed - Neck Pain Clinical Trials

Global Postural Re-education Program on Neck Pain in Breast Feeding Females.

Start date: January 5, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The significance of this study is that it will add to the growing body of knowledge that if these techniques yield outcomes in treatment of neck pain in breast feeding mothers. This study will add the beneficial effects to treat the neck pain in breast feeding females.