View clinical trials related to Muscle Damage.
Filter by:Thirty active male and female athletes will be recruited for the study. Subjects will be examined at baseline for VO2max performance. Subjects will then be stratified and randomly divided equally (50% - 50%) into an Oceanix (supplemental) or placebo condition such that baseline VO2max match. Once randomization, subjects will be baseline tested for multiple measures of muscle force capacity, muscle soreness, immune function, and endocrine function. Upon completion of baseline testing, subjects will all complete a one-day, cross-training course in Tampa, Florida. The training course is known to be extremely vigorous and causes significant muscle damage. Subjects will then be retested for muscle function at 24, and 48 hours following the course. At 24- and 48-hours subjects will be asked to repeat a simulated time trial race. In this way, we will measure repeated race performance, recovery from intense exercise, muscle damage from exercise, and immune function during multiple races.
This study will examine the effects of Oceanix™, an antioxidant supplement, on muscle performance, immune and endocrine function, recovery and safety in participants undergoing resistance training. Measures of muscle performance will include isometric testing in the bench-press and mid-thigh pull and ground reaction forces in the counter movement- and squat-jump. Markers of immune function will include salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) as well as serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) while endocrine function will be measured by salivary cortisol and testosterone. Recovery will be measure by plasma creatine kinase (CK) and perceptual measures will be assessed using a validated perceived recovery status (PRS) scale. Safety metrics will be indicated by a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), complete blood count (CBC), and urinalysis (UA). Additionally, the modified Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) will be administered following each training session to grade physical exertion and monitor progression of the training protocol.
Seventy-eight recreational athletes who never resistance trained will be randomly assigned into three groups of twenty-six. Branched-chain amino acid will be supplemented for 18days at 0, 200 or 400 mg/body weight(kg)/day in jelly. Participants will be asked to perform elbow flexions on the 12th day of supplementation. Maximum voluntary contractions will be measured before, during and after the supplementation period to compare the effects of different doses of branched-chain amino acid has on muscle damage markers.
In a constant effort to find ways to make a quicker recovery between demanding workouts and football matches, this study is the first to investigate the benefits of protein supplementation, and compares two types of proteins, an animal-derived (whey) and a plant-derived (soy) protein, after an exercise-induced muscle injury caused by a speed endurance training protocol. Soy protein could be a cheaper and more environment-friendly alternative for athletes involved in high-velocity strength training.
Aims - To compare the compression pressures exerted by made-to-measure compression garments (CG) with those from standard sized garments - To assess the efficacy of custom fitted, high pressure CG for facilitating the recovery of strength, muscular power and sprint performance, and to compare the effects with those of garments exerting lower pressures and a sham treatment Rationale for study design The results of a recent meta-analysis (unpublished data) have informed the design of this study. The conclusions of the meta-analysis were that CG are most effective for the recovery of: - Force and power performance following eccentric/plyometric exercise - Maximal force production, at least 24 hours post-exercise (for example in strength and power athletes undertaking resistance training programmes) - Additionally, the recovery of high-intensity cardiovascular performance may also be enhanced by the used of CG, when tested 24 hours following exercise which incurs metabolic stress Accordingly, the current study was designed to investigate the effects of CG on the recovery of force, muscular power and sprint performance in rugby players over a 48 hour period following damaging exercise. The exercise protocol chosen (detailed below) provided both mechanical and metabolic recovery demands.
Aims To assess the efficacy of made to measure, high pressure compression garments (CG) for facilitating the recovery of strength, muscular power, and physiological markers of muscle damage following fencing, when compared a sham treatment Rationale for study design The results of a recent meta-analysis have informed the design of this study. The conclusions of the meta-analysis were that CG are most effective for the recovery of: - Force and power performance following eccentric/plyometric exercise - Maximal force production, at least 24 hours post-exercise (for example in strength and power athletes undertaking resistance training programmes) - Additionally, the recovery of high-intensity cardiovascular performance may also be enhanced by the used of CG, when tested 24 hours following exercise which incurs metabolic stress Accordingly, the current study was designed to investigate the effects of CG of intense, competitive sparring following fencing sessions, held at the British Modern Pentathlon training base at the University of Bath.
A randomized, double blind, counterbalanced, placebo controlled independent groups design. Prior to the visit, participants will be given a participant information sheet to inform of the procedure and requirements and undergo initial screening via email or telephone to ascertain suitability to participate. Stature, body mass, blood pressure and heart rate will be assessed. Participants will then be familiarized with the performance tests (MVC, vertical jump and sprint performance) and randomized to an investigational product group (2 groups: Aronox vs placebo; 1:1 allocation). The first investigational dose will be administered in the laboratory and participants will be given a 4-week supply of the investigational product to take in the morning with breakfast. Participants will also be asked to keep a food and activity diary for the 3 days preceding the baseline visit and for the duration of the damaging-recovery protocol. Following this supplementation period (28 days), participants will be asked to return to the lab in a fed (not less than 2 hours prior to the visit) and hydrated state. Participants will also be asked to abstain from strenuous exercise and caffeine for 24 h prior to each lab visit. Stature, body mass, blood pressure and heart rate will be assessed. This will be followed by baseline assessment of muscle damage which will consist of visual analogue scales to assess lower limb muscle soreness (DOMS); pain pressure threshold and baseline measures of functional performance (maximal voluntary contraction, vertical jump performance and sprint performance) and limb girth. Furthermore, a blood sample will be taken to analyze creatine kinase (index of muscle damage). This will be followed by a strenuous bout of exercise designed to cause muscle damage comprising of 100 drop jumps from a 0.6 m platform at a rate of 1 jump every 10 seconds. A short rest will be provided after every 20 jumps. Each jump is performed by the participant stepping from the platform and landing two-footed on the floor and descending quickly to ~90° and 'explosively jumping upward with maximum effort. This model for muscle damage has been used on numerous occasions in the literature and has been used with great success in our own laboratory. Participants will then return to the lab at 24, 48 and 72 h post damaging protocol where muscle damage measures will be repeated to assess the level of recovery between the groups.
Visits to the emergency department (ED) for chest pain are extremely common and require a safe, rapid and efficacious treatment algorithm to exclude a possible AMI. These diagnostic algorithms are partly based on an important laboratory value, which showed growing utility in the diagnostic and prognostic of many cardiovascular diseases in the last years : cardiac troponin. However, some patients with muscle disease often present with unexplained elevated high-sensitive cardiac Troponin T (hs-cTnT) levels in the absence of cardiac disease. The investigators aim at the characterization of the behaviour of this biomarker and its alternative (high-sensitive cardiac Troponin I), which will have important clinical implications on patients management.
Due to an accident, pneumonia or surgery, patients can have severe shortness of breath or lung damage to such an extent that it compromises vital functions. At such times, mechanical ventilation can be lifesaving. The ventilator temporarily takes over the function of the respiratory muscles to ensure adequate uptake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide. Mechanical ventilation can usually be stopped quickly after the initial disease has been treated. Unfortunately, in up to 25-40% of ventilated patients it takes several days to weeks before mechanical ventilation can be discontinued, even after treatment of the initial disease. This phenomenon is termed weaning failure. Weakness of the respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm, is one of the leading causes of weaning failure. Like other skeletal muscles, the diaphragm can become weakened if it is used too little. This happens often during mechanical ventilation because of excessive assistance provided by the ventilator or use of sedative medication. Excessive activity of the diaphragm can also lead to damage and weakness, just like in other muscles that have to perform excessive amounts for a prolonged period of time. Additionally, excessive work by the diaphragm might have a direct damaging effect on the lungs, which leads to a vicious cycle. As such, it is very important to find a balance between resting the diaphragm (which may lead to weakness) and placing excessive work on the diaphragm (which can damage the diaphragm and possibly the lungs). In this study, the investigators want to test whether insufficient activity and excessive activity of the diaphragm during mechanical ventilation can be prevented or reduced. The investigators plan to measure the diaphragm activity in 40 participants on mechanical ventilation. Participants will be randomly assigned to the intervention group or the control group. In the intervention group, ventilator support levels will be adjusted according to the observed diaphragm activity, in an attempt to ensure adequate diaphragm activity. The control group receives usual care. The hypothesis is that adjusting the level of support provided by the ventilator is a feasible method to improve the time that the diaphragm operates within acceptable levels of activity over a 24 hour period.
This is a randomized, repeated measures and double blind study which measures the effect of fenugreek extract on markers of muscle damage and inflammation in non-resistance trained males. Participants will complete baseline testing and then be randomized into groups. Participants will complete a 2 week, split-body resistance training program. They will then return for testing in which they will complete an overreaching protocol for 5 consecutive days. Measurements will be recorded 24 hrs after the fifth day. Participants will resume the training program for one additional week and return for final measurements.