View clinical trials related to Mucositis.
Filter by:Prevention of radiation-induced mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy : A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial
This study was designed to investigate the effect of Gum Arabic (GA) on cancer patients to prevent chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis. Cancer patients who will receive chemotherapy were divided into two groups; study "Gum Arabic" group (which received GA with chemotherapy) and control group (chemotherapy alone); and the participants were recruited to reach 190 patients in the study group and 184 patients in control group. This clinical trial was conducted in outpatient chemotherapy sections at Radiation and Isotopes Center of Khartoum. This study was designed to test the theory that say the chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis will significantly decrease after ingestion 30 grams as daily dose of Gum Arabic in a form of solution for six weeks during therapy.
Peri-implant mucositis is abnormal inflammation occurring around dental implants, increasing the risk of loss of bone support. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of brushing the bacterial biofilm at the implant-mucosa interface with one of two, commercially-available dental gels over a 30-day period on amounts of biofilm and indices of mucosal inflammation. Adult subjects (> 19 years old) will be invited to consent if they have at least one dental implant displaying mucositis defined as Gingivitis Index of 2 or greater, no dental treatment in the previous 30 days, capable of normal toothbrushing, and no Sjogrens disease, immunodeficiency, pregnancy, poorly-controlled diabetes, or regular systemic antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs or immune suppressants. Ten patients in each tooth gel group will be instructed to apply a pea size amount of dentifrice brushing the implant and mucosa 2 times daily for 30 days. Baseline and 30-day examinations will be conducted to record Gingivitis Index, Plaque Index, probing depths, clinical photo, crevicular fluid, and adverse events.
The purpose of this trial was to determine the effect of a triclosan-containing toothpaste in the clinical parameters and in the profile of osteo-immunoinflammatory mediators in the peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) as a preventive therapy of peri-implant experimental mucositis in cigarette smokers
To assess the efficacy of SGX942 compared to placebo in decreasing the duration of severe oral mucositis in patients receiving chemoradiation treatment for the treatment of head and neck cancer
Oral and intestinal mucositis are major risk factors for the occurrence of fever during neutropenia and bloodstream infections after intensive chemo- and radiotherapy. These complications often require dose reductions or cause delay of treatment, and thereby interfere with optimal anticancer treatment. Currently, there are no effective strategies to prevent or treat mucositis and the related complications. The pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) has shown pivotal in the pathogenesis of mucositis and recently, it has been established in murine models that IL-1 inhibition significantly ameliorates chemotherapy-induced intestinal mucositis. In this phase IIa study the safety, maximum tolerated dose and efficacy of anakinra, a recombinant human IL-1 receptor antagonist, will be determined in adult patients with multiple myeloma who receive high-dose melphalan (HDM) in the preparation for an autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT) and are at high risk for experiencing mucositis and fever during neutropenia (FN). After establishing the optimal dose, a pivotal double-blind randomized placebo-controlled multicenter phase IIb trial will be planned to establish efficacy.
This pilot clinical trial studies sensory evaluation of oral nutrition supplements in patients at risk for mucositis undergoing cancer treatment. Sensory evaluation may help to obtain input about new oral nutritional supplements that may increase nutrient intake and maintain or improve nutritional status, functional capacity, and quality of life in cancer patients.
This study evaluates, among study patients with lymphoma or myeloma undergoing autologous SCT, whether cooling oral mucosa with a cooling device compared with ice cubes/crushed ice or ice pop succeeds in reducing the degree of oral mucositis (OM) according to the Oral Mucositis Assessment Scale (OMAS) total,degree of OM according to World Health Organisation (WHO), tolerability of either cooling method. The study is also aiming to , patients subjective experience of OM, rating of general quality of life and oral pain, number of days with total parenteral nutrition (TPN), number of hospital days, total dose of opioids, and C reactive protein during time in care. Finally, the study aims to evaluate weight loss, Leukocyte particle concentration, number of days until bone marrow response, S-albumin, and body temperature.
This is a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-stage trial in subjects with squamous cell cancers of the mouth, oropharynx, hypopharynx and nasopharynx planned to receive standard fractionated IMRT-delivered radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy (cisplatin). Informed consent will be obtained from each subject prior to enrollment. The trial will be performed in 2 stages: Stage 1 will consist of a blinded parallel group safety study of 4 cohorts in which 24 subjects will be randomized (1:1:1:1) into four equally sized groups to receive one of three doses of EC-18 (500 mg, 1000 mg, 2000 mg; unit dose of 500 mg) or placebo. Stage 2 of the study will evaluate both safety and efficacy. Stage 2 will consist of eighty (80) subjects who will be randomized in a 1:1 scheme to receive either placebo or 2000 mg of EC-18 as determined by iDSMB in Stage 1.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a triclosan-containing toothpaste in the profile of osteo-immunoinflammatory mediators in the peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) and in the clinical parameters during the progression of experimental peri-implant mucositis.