View clinical trials related to Mood Disorders.
Filter by:Previous research has shown the efficacy of CROCUVIS+® dietary supplement, based on saffron extract, in the proper functioning of visual health, for example, against the development of glaucoma. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of CROCUVIS® in computer vision syndrome, sleep and mood disorders in a sample of university students who use digital devices.
Patients affected by schizophrenia often present significant deficits in various aspects of social cognition, such as social perception, recognition of one's own and other people's emotional state and the theory of mind. Recent studies investigated the correlation between social cognition and real-life functioning, reporting that greater social cognition deficits determine worse social and occupational functioning in real-life. Therefore, social cognition deficits represent an important target both in therapeutic and rehabilitative treatment in patients with psychotic conditions, especially in the early phases of the disease. Our research group has implemented a new individualized rehabilitation programme for social cognition: the Social Cognition Individualized Activities Lab, SoCIAL. The pivotal study showed that this programme improves specifically social cognition abilities, even when compared to a standardised and validated rehabilitation programme such as the Social Skills And Neurocognitive Individualized Training (SSANIT). However, the improvement in social cognition did not translate in improvement in real-life functioning. Recently, another key aspect that plays a role in quality of life and real life functioning in people with schizophrenia has emerged, the narrative abilities. Available data confirm that this variable has a strong impact on social functioning and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Taking into account the above evidence, our group decided to implement a new version of the social cognitive remediation programme in order to overcome the limitations found during its pivotal study. The new SoCIAL programme is characterized by specific modules for training of social cognition and narrative abilities in patients with schizophrenia. The efficacy of this programme, compared to treatment as usual, in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder will be assessed. The generalization of improvement to real-life functioning domains will also be evaluated in completers and in the intent-to-treat sample.
People with serious mental illness often experience difficulties with thinking skills like memory. These difficulties can make it harder to perform day-to-day activities. The purpose of this study is to test whether combining a type of non-invasive brain stimulation with computerized cognitive exercises is helpful in improving a specific type of memory skill in people who have mental health conditions. The study is a randomized clinical trial, meaning that participants will be randomly assigned to receive either 'active' or 'inactive' brain stimulation. All participants will complete computerized cognitive exercises, also known as cognitive training. Overall, participants will be in the study for 6-8 weeks. The study involves 10 visits to the clinic over 2-4 weeks for cognitive training and either active or inactive brain stimulation. Participants will also complete paper-and-pencil assessments at the beginning and end of treatment, and one month after treatment ends.
Mood Lifters is a revolutionary mental wellness program that teaches scientifically validated strategies in a supportive group setting. This study will test two new versions of the program designed specifically for graduate students and young professionals. Participants will need to attend 12 hour long virtual weekly meetings on Zoom that focus on helpful mental health strategies and skills. Participants will be encourage to practice what the participants learn at home in order to improve their mood or mental wellness. Additionally, participants will complete a series of measures (approx. 1-1.5 hours) prior to, at the end of the program, 1 month after the program and 6 months after the program.
Randomized controlled open-label cross-over clinical feasibility study with waiting list, 60 people will be recruited from the Consultation and Psychosomatic Psychiatry Center of the University Hospital of Cagliari (San Giovanni di Dio Civil Hospital) with a diagnosis of mental disorder. The investigators propose a VR intervention of 3 months with 2 weekly session of CEREBRUM (cognitive remedy intervention with virtual reality) first to the group A and then to the group B.
The present study is a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy and acceptability of CBT and MBCT group-based interventions adapted for young people at elevated risk for mood or psychotic disorder onset or relapse. Young people (ages 13-24) are provided with targeted psychoeducation and learn a variety of coping skills and wellness practices for mood regulation and stress and distress management. Parents meet separately to learn the same skills and receive guidance in supporting their youth with skill development. The therapy is also augmented by a mobile phone application that supports regular symptom monitoring and skills practice.
In this study, the investigators want to assess spiritual resources, spiritual distress and spiritual coping in patients with psychiatric disorders of the affective spectrum with a new designed questionnaire the Spiritual Distress and Resources Questionnaire (SDRQ)
Quantitative assessment of the activation of brain areas by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fRMI) in the face of positive and negative emotional stimuli using audiovisual materials validated for the local population and its correlation with degrees of emotional disorder based on a score obtained by a validated questionnaire for the local population, in 16 volunteers from the city of La Rioja in Argentina.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Flupentixol melitracen tablets in the treatment of different types of non random emotional disorders
The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Children (UP-C) is a transdiagnostic and emotion-focused cognitive-behavioral group intervention for children aged 6-12 years old with emotion disorders (i.e., anxious and/or mood disorders) and their parents. UP-C consists of 15 weekly group sessions and unifies cognitive-behavioral, contextual (e.g., mindfulness) and parental training techniques, for parents and children, aimed at reducing the intensity and frequency of strong and aversive emotional experiences in children and their clinical symptomatology. The present study aims to assess the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of the UP-C in the Portuguese population in reducing children's anxiety/depression symptoms. It also aims to investigate which mechanisms explain the therapeutic change. Participants will be recruited at child mental health services and schools from Central Portugal and also through online dissemination of the study. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted in a sample of children aged 6-13 years old with emotional disorders and their parents in order to answer the critical question of whether the UP-C is more efficacious in reducing children's symptomatology than a psychoeducational group intervention (active control group). Once the eligibility criteria are met (assessed by the project researchers) parents and children will be randomly assigned to one of two study conditions: 1. experimental group (i.e., children and parents who benefit from the UP-C program). 2. control group (i.e., children who benefit from a psychoeducational intervention program, named "ABC of Emotions"). Parents and children from both groups will complete several psychometrically robust and developmentally appropriate measures at baseline (T0), mid-treatment (only at week 7 of the UP-C; T1), post treatment (T2) and at 3 months follow-up (T3).