View clinical trials related to Mitochondrial Diseases.
Filter by:This is a Phase 2 Open-Label extension study to evaluate the long term safety and tolerability of daily elamipretide injections in patients with genetically confirmed Primary Mitochondrial Disease who previously participated in the SPIMM-202 Clinical Trial
A long-term extension study to assess the safety, tolerability and efficacy of cysteamine bitartrate delayed-release capsules (RP103) in children with inherited mitochondrial diseases who previously enrolled into study RP103-MITO-001 (NCT02023866).
Treatment of Pediatric Subjects with Pearson syndrome
Summary. At the present, the investigators do not have the perfect anesthetic for mitochondrial patients. When possible, consideration should be given to the use of local anesthetics in small amounts. When a general anesthetic is necessary, they each carry significant risks and have been associated with poor outcomes. At present it is not possible to eliminate one group as less safe than others. What is clear is that these patients must be monitored more closely than other patients. The advent of the bispectral index (BIS) monitor may allow us to monitor their depth of anesthesia more closely and thus expose these patients only to the minimum amount of drug necessary to carry out the surgical procedure. Purpose. The investigators hypothesize that specific mitochondrial diseases, in particular those that decrease complex I function, make certain children hypersensitive to volatile anesthetics. These same patients may be at increased risk for adverse outcomes following general anesthesia. The specific aims of this application are: 1. Determine which molecular defects in mitochondrial function lead to alter sensitivity to the VA sevoflurane. 2. Establish the relative safety of sevoflurane in treatment of patients with mitochondrial disease. The investigators plan to monitor patients with mitochondrial disease using expanded measures of cardiovascular stability and measurements of brain electrical activity while slowly inducing general anesthesia. The investigators will use those measurements to limit the amount of anesthetic these patients receive in an attempt to minimize their risk. In addition, the investigators will correlate their sensitivity to the type of mitochondrial defect so that the investigators may be able to predict which patients are likely to have an increased sensitivity.
The objective of the study is to determine the safety and tolerability of RG2133 in patients with Mitochondrial Disease.