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Migraine Disorders clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05509400 Recruiting - Migraine Clinical Trials

Efficacy and Tolerability of Rimegepant for the Acute Treatment of Migraine in Adults Unsuitable for Triptan Use

Start date: October 18, 2022
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

This study is being conducted to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of rimegepant in a population of adults that are unsuitable for triptan medications due to a previous intolerance, lack of efficacy, or contraindication (including a history of clinically-relevant cardiovascular disease).

NCT ID: NCT05508139 Not yet recruiting - Vestibular Migraine Clinical Trials

The Role Of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy In Management Of Vestibular Migraine Patients

Start date: December 1, 2022
Study type: Observational

1. To assess the criteria of positional vertigo in vestibular migraine patients 2. To assess the effect of vestibular rehabilitation therapy in management of positional vertigo in vestibular migraine patients

NCT ID: NCT05503082 Recruiting - Headache, Migraine Clinical Trials

Ubrogepant treatmeNt in mIgraine Patients Utilizing mOnoclonal aNtibodies

Start date: September 6, 2022
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

This is a prospective open-label randomized study assessing similar endpoints included in the pivotal trial for ubrogepant, which are pain freedom and freedom from the most bothersome symptom at two hours. Patients between 18-75 years old with a one-year history of migraine who experience ≥3 migraine days/month will be screened. This study will include migraine patients treated with or without injectable CGRPmAbs. As was the case in the clinical trials, this will be a single-attack study. Patients will be randomized to treat a single migraine attack with ubrogepant 50mg or 100mg. Patients will record dosing time, most bothersome symptom (nausea, photophobia, or phonophobia - chosen by patient), pain freedom, pain relief, the use of a 2nd dose if required, and adverse reactions. Patients will follow up within 30 days post treatment. Patients will be assessed for adverse events, and the safety data will be compared with the original clinical trial.

NCT ID: NCT05499689 Active, not recruiting - Migraine Disorders Clinical Trials

Transcutaneous Pulsed Radiofrequency in Migraine

Start date: June 22, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of the investigator is to compare the efficacy of greater occipital nerve block and transcutaneous pulsed radiofrequency treatment in migraine.

NCT ID: NCT05484349 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Migraine Without Aura

TIzanidine for the Preventive Treatment of Episodic MigrainE (TIME)

Start date: August 31, 2023
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

In this study,189 adult migraine patients aged 18-65 years (diagnosed with migraine without aura and/or migraine with aura, with at least a 1-year history)will be collected to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Tizanidine Hydrochloride in preventing migraine attacks in episodic migraine in adults.

NCT ID: NCT05472675 Recruiting - Vestibular Migraine Clinical Trials

Local Sensory Nerve Block in the Treatment of Vestibular Migraine

Start date: June 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

There is no standard approach to the treatment of vestibular migraine. Agents used in the treatment of migraine are frequently used. In treating migraine, local anesthetic agents, nerve-blocking methods, and botulinum toxin local injection is commonly applied, and successful results are obtained. Adapting the nerve-blocking method used in the treatment of migraine to the treatment of vestibular migraine is the purpose of the study.

NCT ID: NCT05468801 Recruiting - Migraine Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Individualized Homeopathic Remedies on Migraine: a Randomized, Triple-blind, Placebo Controlled Study.

Start date: March 1, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Migraine, a chronic and often lifelong neurological disorder, is the second leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide. To reduce this global burden, concerted efforts are needed to implement and improve migraine health-care policies. Several observational studies showed significant improvement of different headaches types with homeopathy. The purpose of this study is the assessment of the efficacy of Individualized Homeopathic Remedies (specific remedies for each patient) versus Conventional pharmacological treatment in patients with migraine.

NCT ID: NCT05466682 Completed - Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials

RELAXaHEAD for Headache Patients (Phase II)

Start date: June 9, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this research is to assess the utility of smartphone-based progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) for the treatment of migraine and sleep. While there are many commercially available electronic diary and mind-body intervention apps for headache, there is little data showing their efficacy. RELAXaHEAD app incorporates the electronic PMR that was successfully used in an earlier epilepsy study and beta tested with headache specialist and migraine patient input. It also is an electric headache diary. The app has been studied and findings have been reported in multiple peer reviewed publications. Also, the app has been updated based on prior feedback from the studies. Now, this 2-arm randomized controlled study will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of RELAXaHEAD for use with patients with migraine and comorbid insomnia. . One arm will be the RELAX group (the RELAXaHEAD app) and the other arm will be a monitored usual care (MUC) group (this group receives standard of care and uses the electronic daily symptom reporting diary). The goals are to assess the feasibility and adherence of the RELAX intervention in persons with migraine and insomnia (Aim 1) and to gather exploratory data on the effects of the RELAX intervention on headache and sleep related outcome measures (Aim 2).

NCT ID: NCT05464212 Completed - Clinical trials for Chronic Migraine, Headache

Comparison of the Efficacy of Ultrasound-guided Greater Occipital Nerve Block and Pulsed Radiofrequency Therapy in Chronic Migraine Patients

Start date: April 1, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Chronic migraine (CM) is related to headache-related disability and reduced quality of life. Therefore, patients with CM require preventive treatment. The aim of this double-blind, comparative-effectiveness study was to compare ultrasound-guided great occipital nerve (GON) block and pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) application in CM patients. The study consisted of 2 groups: GON block (group GONB) and GON block + pulsed RF (group GONB+PRF). Each group had 16 patients. Ultrasound-guided GONB was performed to locate the nerve more accurately. With 0.5 Hz sensorial stimulation, a 5-cm-long radiofrequency needle was advanced under ultrasound guidance in both groups. GON block was performed in all patients by administering 5mg bupivacaine through a PRF needle. After the GON block, the PRF neuromodulation was applied at 42 degrees for 4 minutes in the GONB-PRF group. In the GONB group, no pulse was given. The patients were examined for follow-ups at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th months after the procedure. The severity and the number of migraine attacks, and the number of analgesic drugs were noted.

NCT ID: NCT05464069 Completed - Migraine Clinical Trials

Safety of Nerivio in Pregnant Women With Migraine

Start date: August 1, 2022
Study type: Observational

This is a retrospective controlled survey study to assess the safety of treating migraine with Nerivio during pregnancy and 3 months postpartum. The study will compare migraine and pregnancy-related health and baby health between women with migraine who treated migraine attacks during pregnancy with Nerivio (Nerivio group), to women with migraine who did not treat migraine attacks during pregnancy with Nerivio (control group). Nerivio group participants will be recruited from Theranica's user base. Control group participants will be recruited by health care providers, including headache specialists and OBGYNs (study co-investigators). The study is based on an e-Survey including an e-eligibility questionnaire, an e-ICF ande-Questionnaire. Participants will be compensated for their time.