View clinical trials related to Methamphetamine Use Disorder.
Filter by:The overall goal of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a secondary prevention strategy implemented at a systems-level to prevent stimulant related overdoses.
Methamphetamine use disorder (MUD) is a significant public health concern with burden to individuals, families and health systems estimated to cost over $5 billion annually in Australia. In 2016/17 there were 49,670 Australian treatment episodes for MUD, the first step of which typically involves inpatient withdrawal. Currently there are no approved medications to help manage methamphetamine withdrawal and consequently many people drop out of treatment prematurely, leaving them vulnerable to relapse. Oxytocin is a candidate medication that has the potential to increase treatment retention, reduce withdrawal syndrome severity, increase post-withdrawal treatment engagement and reduce relapse rates. The aim of this pilot study is to investigate whether intranasal oxytocin can improve withdrawal treatment outcomes in adult women with MUD. The study will examine the feasibility of intranasal oxytocin as a treatment for methamphetamine withdrawal in women. This will be explored by assessing length of stay in residential withdrawal, withdrawal symptom severity, post-discharge treatment engagement and relapse rates in a group of women who are prescribed intranasal oxytocin during their medically supervised methamphetamine withdrawal at a residential detoxification program. The safety of intranasal oxytocin will also be assessed. A secondary objective of the study is to conduct an exploratory analysis regarding participants' capacity to interact effectively with others, as well as changes in social networks and/or engagement with therapeutic services. There is an observational sub-study affiliated with this main pilot study that is optional for individuals recruited to the main pilot trial to additionally participate in. This sub-study aims to investigate how sleep quality and patterns change before, during, and after detoxification from methamphetamine in women. MUD and sleep disturbances have a complex bidirectional relationship. The use of methamphetamine is known to disrupt sleep quality and the circadian rhythm, although withdrawal from methamphetamine also induces significant sleep-wake cycle changes. There is evidence that methamphetamine disrupts functions regulated by the circadian rhythm. Furthermore, disruptions in circadian rhythms, including mutations in key genes, increases the propensity for addiction. Evaluation of how chronic methamphetamine use may disrupt rhythmicity, and vice versa, may provide invaluable information with regard to potential treatment options of methamphetamine use disorder. There has been little focus, so far, on the therapeutic potential of circadian rhythm modifiers as treatment options in the addiction space, as sleep disturbances have often been merely viewed as a consequence of substance use. Specific to the sub-study, participants will be asked to wear an actigraphy watch. The actigraphy watch device will be worn for at least 7 days prior to, 7 days during, and 7 days post methamphetamine detoxification. This is the only difference between the sub-study and the main pilot study; there are no other additional requirements or assessments involved in the actigraphy sub-study.
We will evaluate the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of bilateral nucleus accumbens (NAc) added to background treatment for treatment refractory Methamphetamine Use Disorder (MUD). This is a small randomized cross-over study to demonstrate feasibility and safety, test treatment outcomes (use, craving), and identify novel biological targets (NAc local field potentials (LFP) and functional MRI).
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the safety and feasibility of two (2) oral doses of psilocybin when combined with behavioral support for methamphetamine use disorder (MUD). Participants have a diagnosis of methamphetamine use disorder (MUD). Participants can expect to be actively engaged in the study for up to 26 weeks.
This is a drug-drug interaction (DDI) study of mirtazapine for methamphetamine (MA) use disorder (MUD) to ensure the safety of this medication in the presence of a relevant dose of MA for people actively-using MA. Aim 1: To determine if mirtazapine alters the cardiovascular response to IV MA. Aim 2: To determine if the pharmacokinetics of IV MA are altered by mirtazapine administration. Aim 3: To evaluate the above aims in the setting of concomitant administration of methadone. This study involves two simultaneous within-subject drug-drug interaction studies, each comprised of 12 participants. A total of 24 subjects will be enrolled who have methamphetamine use disorder who will be classified into 2 groups: (Group 1: no opioids; Group 2: opioid use disorder on methadone maintenance). Subjects will be randomized to the order of mirtazapine and placebo (i.e. one-half will receive mirtazapine first, then placebo; one-half will receive placebo first, then mirtazapine).