View clinical trials related to Metastatic Colon Cancer.
Filter by:This is a randomized phase II, open label, two arm study, evaluating the efficacy of panitumumab in combination with Trifluridine-Tipiracilas third line therapy, after a first line containing an anti-EGFR agent panitumumab(at least 70% of study population) or cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients.
The study is divided into two parts. The first part of the study will test various doses of ASN007 to find out the highest safe dose to test in five specific groups. The second part of the study will test how well ASN007 can control cancer.
This is a pilot study designed to evaluate the cutaneous effect of systemic inhibition of the tyrosine kinase pathway in the presence or absence of solar simulated light exposure. A maximum of 45 subjects will be accrued into the overall study we anticipate approximately 25 patients in the Raf inhibitor group and 10 patients each into the Tyrosine Kinase and MEK inhibitor arms of the study.
The main purpose of this study is to determine the dose of poly-ICLC that is safe and tolerable when it is combined with pembrolizumab in patients with colon cancer. This study will also evaluate how the combination of pembrolizumab and poly-ICLC activates the immune system in the patient's blood and inside the tumor; how it affects the size and number of tumor(s) in each patient; and how effective the combination is in patients with colon cancer that is unlikely to respond to pembrolizumab alone.
The Wnt proteins belong to a family of proteins that have been demonstrated to play a role in the formation and dissemination of tumours. The present project focuses on the critical role of the Wnt-5a protein in the pathobiological processes that lead to metastatic cancer disease. WntResearch has identified a formylated 6 amino acid peptide fragment, named Foxy-5, which mimick the effects of Wnt-5a to impair migration of epithelial cancer cells and thereby acting anti-metastatic. The aim of the first clinical phase I study was to establish the recommended dose for a clinical phase II study and enable further development of Foxy-5 as a first in class anti-metastatic cancer drug. The study did not see any DLTs and therefore failed to reach maximum tolerated dose (MTD); no recommended phase II dose (RP2D) could therefore be established based on toxicity. The aim of this study is to continue to establish the safety profile of Foxy-5 in higher doses, and determine the RP2D for later stage development based on any observed DLT's/MTD and further analysis of the pharmacodynamic profile of Foxy-5 to determine the biological response dose (BRD).
Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in France with more than 36,000 new cases per year. Despite significant advances in therapeutic care, the prognosis of colon cancers with metastases remains bad. The treatment of metastatic disease is based on chemotherapy coupled with therapeutic antibodies. The most commonly used are anti-EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor), which allowed a significant increase in patient survival. They are responsible for skin toxicity in the form of an acneiform rash which can be debilitating for patients and require discontinuation of treatment. However, this toxicity is strongly correlated with treatment efficacy. Understanding the mechanisms of cutaneous side effects of anti-EGFR is therefore a major challenge to treat and better understand the association with treatment efficacy. The objective of this study is to investigate a link between cutaneous inflammatory response in patients treated with anti-EGFR, serum level of anti-EGFR and treatment efficacy. It will be conducted systematic consultations dermatology, skin biopsies and blood samples in patients treated with anti-EGFR. From biopsies, it will be searched by an infiltration of inflammatory cells and expression of genes involved in skin inflammation.