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Leprosy clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03947437 Not yet recruiting - Leprosy Clinical Trials

Phase 1b/2a Trial to Evaluate LEP-F1 + GLA-SE in Healthy Adults and Leprosy Patients

Start date: February 2024
Phase: Phase 1/Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This is a phase 1b/2a, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of the LEP-F1 + GLA-SE investigational vaccine compared to placebo.

NCT ID: NCT03807362 Recruiting - Leprosy Clinical Trials

CC-11050 Trial in Nepalese Patients With Erythema Nodosum Leprosum

Start date: January 7, 2018
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This study will be a single center, Phase 2, open-label trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 200mg CC-11050 administered twice daily taken with food for patients with moderate to severe ENL. The study will be performed in two steps: 1) to evaluate immediate effect in safety and efficacy of drug in 10 males with new or new recurrent episode ENL and, if found to be safe and effective by the DSMB and 2) if allowed by the DSMB, and approved by relevant study stakeholders, an additional 40 ENL patients will be enrolled for up to 52 weeks of treatment. A safety analysis will be conducted on all patients who have received at least one dose of study drug, and will include the frequency of all adverse events and laboratory abnormalities as well as frequency of dose interruptions, dose reductions and treatment discontinuation.

NCT ID: NCT03683745 Completed - Leprosy Clinical Trials

Integrated Mapping of Skin-presenting Neglected Tropical Diseases in Liberia

Start date: June 14, 2018
Study type: Observational

Appropriate targeting of interventions for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) that require innovative and intensified disease management (IDM) requires accurate data on the distribution of these diseases within endemic countries. In most instances however, existing case register data generated through national health management information systems or during programmatic activities do not provide an accurate representation of the true burden of IDM NTDs. This study will pilot a cluster randomized screening and confirmation survey to estimate the burden of IDM NTDs characterised by skin conditions associated with long-term disfigurement and disability. These include: leprosy, Buruli ulcer, yaws and lymphoedema and hydrocele resulting from lymphatic filariasis. The survey is being conducted in one county in Liberia. The protocol involves community-level screening by community health volunteers trained to use photo-based visual aids to recognise changes in the skin that broadly indicates patent infection. All suspected cases will be verified in their homes by local and national experts trained in the diagnosis of skin-presenting NTDs. The survey will generate accurate district-level prevalence estimates of leprosy, yaws, Buruli ulcer and lymphatic filariasis-associated lymphoedema and hydrocele and quantify the total costs and cost per case detected. In addition, results from this protocol will be compared with routinely collected case register data, to better understand how health system records reflect the true disease situation on the ground and quantify unmet need.

NCT ID: NCT03662022 Completed - Leprosy Clinical Trials

Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros and Madagascar

Start date: January 2, 2019
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

This is a cluster randomized trial on effectiveness of different modalities of Single Double Dose of Rifampicin Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (SDDR-PEP) for leprosy in the Comoros (Anjouan and Mohéli) and Madagascar. The study aims to identify which approach to the selection of contacts for post exposure prophylaxis is most effective to reduce incident leprosy, and to Interrupt ongoing transmission from asymptomatic persons in the process of developing multibacillary leprosy.

NCT ID: NCT03526718 Completed - Leprosy Clinical Trials

Improved Understanding of Ongoing Transmission of Leprosy in the Hyperendemic Comoros (ComLep)

Start date: April 1, 2017
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Despite decades of a solid leprosy control program, including active case finding and follow-up on therapeutic outcome, the Comoros islands of Anjouan and Moheli continue to be hyperendemic for leprosy, with leprosy case notifications far exceeding those for tuberculosis, while the third island, Grande Comore, presents few cases. The high proportion (31% in 2015) of disease in children indicates that recent transmission is a major driver of the persistent endemicity, and that present control measures are not sufficient. The low proportion (2.6% average in last 10 years) of grade II disabilities in newly diagnosed cases indicates that case detection is early. The main objective of the present proposal is to identify which persons would most benefit from prophylactic treatment. The secondary objective is to unravel human, bacterial and environmental risk factors for transmission of and progression to leprosy disease, with the ultimate goal to reduce the leprosy incidence.. The program has remaining expertise to re-establish laboratory confirmation of leprosy patients, allowing to optimize and validate molecular genotyping techniques to complement conventional epidemiological investigations in a 3-year prospective cohort of leprosy patients and their close contacts, aiming to identify transmission links. A third objective is to document diagnostic delays in more detail As the leprosy control programme has initiated a pilot study on rifampicin prophylaxis in four villages on Anjouan in 2015, a prospective cohort study will permit measuring the leprosy incidence in close contacts as well as those in neighboring houses, who did or did not receive rifampicin prophylaxis. The expected outcome of this project will be to identify risk factors for leprosy transmission. Specifically, we expect to identify those contacts at highest risk of developing leprosy disease, who would most benefit from rifampicin prophylaxis or other preventive measures.

NCT ID: NCT03384641 Completed - Clinical trials for Leprosy, Multibacillary

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Bedaquiline (TMC207) in Participants With Multibacillary Leprosy

Start date: September 26, 2018
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of an 8-week bedaquiline monotherapy regimen in participants with treatment-naive, multibacillary (MB) leprosy.

NCT ID: NCT03324035 Active, not recruiting - Pain, Neuropathic Clinical Trials

Treatment of Neuropathic Pain in Leprosy

Start date: March 1, 2017
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Despite large efforts to eradicate leprosy, this curable mycobacterial infection still affects 250,000 new individuals annually. Half of the globe's leprosy patients live in Brazil and India. In 2013, 33,033 new leprosy cases diagnosed in Brazil, with an average incidence of 1.05 cases / 10 000 inhabitants. Recently a new concept of care after cure has called attention for severe pain in previously treated patients, particularly, neuropathic pain. Even so, until now no single drug has been studied for the treatment of pain in this patients, and the use of drugs is based on the study of other diseases. We designed the first placebo-controlled, double blinded randomized trial in the use of flexible-dose amitriptyline (tricyclic antidepressant) for the treatment of neuropathic pain related to leprosy

NCT ID: NCT03302897 Completed - Leprosy Clinical Trials

Phase 1 LEP-F1 + GLA-SE Vaccine Trial in Healthy Adult Volunteers

Start date: October 2, 2017
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to compare the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity in healthy adult subjects of an investigational vaccine being developed for the prevention of leprosy. Two dose levels of the vaccine will be evaluated.

NCT ID: NCT03084614 Terminated - Tuberculosis Clinical Trials

CD8 Reactivity to Microorganisms in Blood and Breast Milk

Start date: March 28, 2017
Study type: Observational

Background: When a person is exposed to something that causes an infection, the body sends a type of cell called CD8 T cells to attack it. Those cells are also found in breast milk. Nursing mothers pass these cells to their child, which helps the child fight infections, too. Researchers want to learn more about how CD8 cells work to keep people healthy. Objective: To learn more about how the human body fights off infections. Eligibility: People age 18 years and older who either have an infection, are suspected to have an infection, or recently got a vaccine. The household contacts of these people and people who have not been recently exposed to any infection are also needed. Design: Participants will be screened with a medical and health history and physical exam. They may have blood tests. The first study visit can be the same day as screening. It can be up to 3 months later. For those visits, screening tests will be repeated. At the first visit, participants will have blood collected from an arm vein. Participants who are breastfeeding may provide a small sample of breast milk. They may collect it at home or bring a pumping device to NIH to collect it. NIH can also provide a breast pump. Participants may be contacted for up to 1 year after the first visit to give samples of blood and/or breast milk. Up to 4 additional visits, which will each take about 1 hour, may be scheduled. A personal physician or local lab can collect blood from participants and ship it to NIH. Breast milk cannot be shipped.

NCT ID: NCT03072004 Recruiting - Leprosy Neuropathy Clinical Trials

Low Level Laser Therapy Effects in Peripheral Nerves Patient With Leprosy.

Start date: January 27, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

We are going to investigate leprosy patients with neuropathies. This problem can lead to changes in nerve function and lead to disability. We will investigate a protocol with LLLT to improve pain, inflammation, and to prevent disabilities. We will test two groups, which will be divided into control and LLLT treated patients. In this groups we will perform quantitative measurements of the following parameters before and after the protocol application: electroneuromyography and muscle strength measurements, evaluation of activity limitation and risk awareness, evaluation of tactile sensitivity and evaluation of temperatures of hands and feet. Averages for all parameters will be compared before and after treatment (12 application sessions). We believe that LLLT can become an important alternative treatment to improve conduction velocity, tactile sensitivity, temperatures of hands and feet, muscle strength and pain, which will prevent nerve damage and disabilities