View clinical trials related to Jaw, Edentulous, Partially.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to compare two different techniques of placing dental implants: 1) removing the tooth and placing the implant immediately and 2) removing the tooth and placing both the implant and a temporary crown immediately. Both procedures currently are accepted methods for replacing missing teeth but direct comparisons of the two procedures are lacking. The results of this study should aid clinicians in selecting the best implant placement technique for their patients.
The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate non-inferiority of the Straumann Bone Level Ø 3.3 mm NC SLActive Roxolid Implants compared to Straumann Bone Level Ø 4.1 mm RC SLActive Roxolid Implants based on mean crestal bone level changes measured between surgery and 12 months post-implant placement. The secondary objectives will assess differences in clinical outcomes between the test and control implants, including implant success and survival, gingival recession, subject satisfaction and additional early bone level measurements.
The purpose of this study is to determine which implant-abutment design is more likely to promote early soft-tissue healing processes and/or will enhance longitudinal peri-implant bone and soft-tissue health.
40 consecutive adult patients, requiring the insertion of dental implants in the aesthetic area (from second premolar to second premolar) will be enrolled in the study. At the time of surgery, a full thickness flap will be elevated, the implant bed will be prepared according to the manufacturer's instruction and the implants will be then seated into the bone. T0 corresponds to the time of implant insertion, T1 to the time of healing abutment's connection (T0=T1 for single stage implants), and T2 corresponds to 1-year follow-up from healing abutment's connection. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans will be taken immediately after abutment connection (T1) and 1-year after (T2). The midsagittal cut of each implant will be identified, and measurements will be made at predetermined levels. Horizontal facial bone thickness (HFBT) and Vertical facial bone level (VFBL) will be measured. HFBT will be measured at 0, 3, 6 and 9 mm apical to the implant platform. VFBL wil be the perpendicular distance from the implant platform to the most coronal point of the facial bone. Changes between T1 and T2 will be calculated.
The cobalt-chromium (CoCr) partial denture has been made for a long period. It respects biomechanical principles, providing harmony between mechanical and biological activities. The fundamental principles of biomechanics applied in the manufacture of steel structure are: retention, reciprocity, attachment and stability. To get the proper planning, we need to assess the dental support system, with its qualitative and quantitative values. But conventional dentures has a inherent problem which is the metallic elements apparent and in some cases the stiffness of the component support elements that generates stress. The Thermoplastic partial dentures increase aesthetics in replacement of metal structures in oral rehabilitation. So many treatments are being done in everyday practice without a defined concept on various aspects of its construction and oral applicability. This trial aims to assess the basic parameters of both dentures in: nutrition, speech therapy, chewing force, chewing efficiency and quality of life. 60 years old or older patients who require removable prosthesis. These will be randomly selected for the fabrication and installation of removable partial dentures (Gold Standard - control group - CoCr partial denture) and thermoplastic partial denture(experimental group). Before beginning the work, selected patients will make some preliminary tests such as controlling the individual condition, they are: - three questionnaires: - instrument for assessing quality of life related to oral health, GOHAI - General Oral Health Assessment Index of Atchinson & Dolan - instrument for assessing the social and economic profile of ABEP (Brazilian Association of Research Companies) CCEB 2011; - Instrument for assessing cognitive condition MINI-MENTAL; - Speech evaluation - Nutritional assessment; - Evaluation of masticatory efficiency and - Chewing strength. After preliminary assessments patients will be subjected to treatments for manufacture of partial dentures. After the installation (end of the technical construction of the dentures) and the adjustments appointment the tests will be repeated and in successive control periods of 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months respectively, when the tests will do again now to see if there was a change in the initial condition.
Aim of the present study will be to evaluate if the platform switching and the flat abutment can modify the peri-implant marginal bone remodelling. A clinical assessment of the soft tissues will also be provided. 80 consecutively inserted dental implants will be included in this study. Maxillary and mandibular implants will be considered, both in frontal and posterior area. After 6 to 12 weeks, the definitive prosthetic abutment will be screwed and the temporary crown cemented. After 2 more months, the definitive porcelain crown will be delivered. The final outcomes will be collected after 1 year from implant insertion. Data will refer to the following timing: T0= implant installation T1= temporary crown cementation T2= definitive crown cementation T3= 1 year follow-up The 80 implants will be randomly divided into 4 groups of 20 implants each, with different implant/abutment design. Group 1: Tapered T3 Standard Collar implants + GingiHue abutments Group 2: Tapered T3 Standard Collar implants + Tissuemax IL abutments Group 3: Tapered T3 Prevail implants + GingiHue abutments Group 4: Tapered T3 Prevail implants + Tissuemax IL abutments On x-rays, the mesial and distal Marginal Bone Level will be measured and compared among and between the groups at the 4 different timing. Pocket Depth and Bleeding on probing (mesial, buccal, distal and lingual) will be measured at T0, T1, T2 and T3. Data will be statistically analyzed.
The aim of the study is to describe the changes found in C1 dental implants through their early healing period. Patients requiring a standard installation of one or two implants in the maxilla, without any need for bone augmentation, will be frequently followed for 90 days. In every meeting the implants' ISQ values (values denoting the implant stability as being measured by a dedicated, commercially available, appliance called 'Osstell'). The implants' measured ISQ values will be used to describe the changes that may be found in the implants' stability through their healing period. At the end of the study the patients will be referred to their treating doctor for the completion of implants' restoration (i.e. crown).
The purpose of this study is to examine the safety and usefulness of the Regenecure guided bone regeneration membrane for stimulating bone growth in patients that don't have enough bone for dental implant placement. The study will include 16 patients in each group, 20 non-smokers and 12 smokers, a total of 32 patients will participate in the study.
The investigators are asking subjects to take part in a research study of soft tissue (gums) and bone (jawbone) healing around dental implants following tooth extraction. The investigators want to compare how the gums and the bone changes shape with healing in two different scenarios: 1. When the implant is placed at the same time the tooth is extracted. 2. When the tooth is extracted and then left to heal for a period of 4 to 8 weeks before the implant is placed. Previous studies have shown that both methods work and can give good results. In fact the two methods are used routinely as part of standard care but it is not known if the two procedures are equally good since they have never been compared in one same research study.
A potential complicating factor affecting implants is crestal bone loss. The causes of crestal bone loss are attributed to several factors. Among those hypothesized, proof for one or another cause remains obscure. Clinical documentation suggests that implant design may be a key factor. While the evidence is inconclusive, various authors suggest that it is a result of a combination of effects including (1) limited drilling procedure and restricted second-stage surgery 2, (2) rough implant surface in crestal bone 3, (3) microthread design for implant stiffness 4, (4) loading along a conus versus a flat interface 5, and (5) the absence of a significant microgap 6. The practice of platform switching (e.g. placing a 4 mm diameter abutment on a 5 mm implant seating surface physically moves the inflammatory cell infiltrate zone away from the crestal bone). The growing body of anecdotal platform switch evidence supports this biological width hypothesis. Here the biological width refers to the height of the dento-gingival attachment apparatus around a normal tooth and is defined as the distance necessary for a healthy existence of bone and soft tissue from the most apical extent of a dental restoration. To formally test this hypothesis the current study has been designed. The Prevail implant has been made with an integrated medialized seating surface that establishes a platform switching function. This implant moves the implant/abutment interface away from the crestal bone and may therefore reduce the amount of bone loss observed in the standard (non-medialized) Osseotite implant design. The objective of this study is to evaluate crestal bone levels adjacent to the implant reference point from the time of implant placement to a period of two years after loading.