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Clinical Trial Summary

A cross-sectional study at the Södersjukehuset facility (Stockholm, Sweden) collect data of newborns from a population with Neomar scale type 4 to adjust the algorithm of Picterus JP

Clinical Trial Description

To adjust Picterus JP to work in newborns with more pigmented skin, the investigators will collect a data set at Sachsska barnsjukhuset Södersjukhuset, Stockholm Sweden from 150 newborns with dark skins using Picterus JP, TcB, skin measurements from a spectrometer, visual assessment, and total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels. As a control, newborns with Neomar scale 1-3 will be included. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05650463
Study type Interventional
Source Picterus AS
Status Completed
Phase N/A
Start date November 29, 2021
Completion date August 31, 2022

See also
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