Congenital Heart Disease Clinical Trial
Official title:
Pediatric Remote Ischemic Pre-conditioning Prior to Complex Cardiac Surgery
In 2012, infants having surgery for congenital heart disease have a high survival. The investigators are now focused on improving how sick these infants become after surgery (short term outcomes) and their later neurodevelopment (long term outcomes). During heart surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB; the heart-lung machine) takes over heart function while the surgeon repairs the heart disease. During this surgery there are periods of time when the amount of blood going to the heart and brain is lower than usual, called "ischemia". Once the surgery is finished the blood going to the heart and brain is increased to normal again, called "reperfusion". This ischemia-reperfusion can cause injury to the heart, brain, and other organs, affecting the short and long term outcomes in these infants. Adult studies have shown that a short time of ischemia to the legs for 5-10 minutes [the legs are not damaged by a short time of ischemia, unlike the heart or brain], before severe ischemia to another distant vulnerable vital organ [like the heart or brain], can protect this other vital organ from ischemia-reperfusion injury. This is called "remote ischemic preconditioning" (RIPC). Our objective is to test whether RIPC before heart surgery can improve the recovery of the heart and brain after heart surgery in newborn babies with congenital heart disease. The investigators will test whether RIPC will result in lower peak lactate and troponin levels on the day after heart surgery. Lactate levels are a marker for how much the different tissues of the body suffer from ischemia-reperfusion injury. Troponin is released from damaged heart during ischemia-reperfusion. In our trial infants will be randomized to RIPC or control. This means each baby has an equal chance of being in one group or the other. The intervention group will have RIPC before surgery; the "control group" will not. The investigators hope this trial will lead to a larger study to test if RIPC results in fewer days on a breathing machine after surgery, lower mortality, and higher scores on neurodevelopmental tests at 2 years of age.
Ischemic Preconditioning (IPC) refers to the phenomenon where a brief ischemia-reperfusion
event to a tissue/organ can result in subsequent protection from a more severe
ischemia-reperfusion event to that tissue/organ. There are many descriptions of IPC in animal
models. Protection occurs in two phases: early after the IPC (<4hr), and later after the IPC
(24-72hr). The protection is marked, with reduction in infarction sizes in brain and heart on
the order of 50% or more. The later phase provides protection against infarction (lethal
reperfusion injury) and stunning (post-ischemic myocardial dysfunction), while the early
phase provides protection against infarction only. The mechanisms of IPC have been divided
into 4 phases: preconditioning insult, stress sensors, signal transduction, and effectors of
protection. Remote Ischemic PreConditioning (RIPC) refers to the finding that a brief
ischemia-reperfusion event to a tissue/organ results in subsequent protection from a more
severe ischemia-reperfusion event to a different tissue/organ. This is advantageous because
the tissue subjected to the preconditioning stimulus can be more accessible and less
vulnerable than the target organ to be protected, such as the brain or heart. Animal studies
have demonstrated the efficacy of RIPC. The mechanisms and timing (early and late phases)
appear to be the same as for IPC. There are several adult human studies of IPC. Studies of
IPC in adults having coronary bypass surgery have found improvements in acute markers of
myocardial injury and hemodynamic function. A meta-analysis of 22 trials of IPC during
cardiac surgery in adults found a significant improvement in postoperative arrhythmias,
inotrope requirements, and intensive care unit stay in the IPC group. There are adult studies
showing that RIPC prevents ischemia-reperfusion injury. Currently, 3 large adult randomized
control trial (RCT) are underway investigating the effects of RIPC after cardiac surgery and
stroke. There are six studies of RIPC in children . In one study 37 children having cardiac
surgery were randomized to RIPC induced by lower limb ischemia with a blood pressure cuff.
The levels of troponin I and inotrope requirements were significantly greater in the control
group vs. the RIPC group. In another study infants having repair of ventricular septal defect
were randomized to receive RIPC 24 hr and 1 hr before CPB. The postoperative release of
cytokines and heart enzymes were attenuated, there was better lung and heart function, and no
adverse effects. A study in children with ventricular septal defect found that early RIPC and
post-conditioning were associated with lower levels of troponin I, creatinine kinase and
inotrope score post-operative. A recent RCT of children undergoing cardiac surgery found that
late RIPC was associated with lower N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide but no
difference in inflammatory markers or cardiac dysfunction. Similarly, a more recent small RCT
of RIPC did not find any difference in troponin I levels or other short term outcomes. The
largest RIPC pediatric RCT performed to date involved 113patients with the expectation that
RIPC would reduce the incidence of acute kidney injury. This study found only a trend towards
lower incidence of acute kidney injury in the RIPC group. The interpretation of most of these
studies is difficult due to the small samples, and multiple analyses and without prestated
primary or secondary outcomes. Recent reviews suggest studies be done with a larger sample
Potential Concerns in Children: In immature rodents, preconditioning with lipopolysaccharide,
or oxygen-glucose deprivation, results in worse brain injury on ischemia-reperfusion. This
raises the possibility of harm from IPC in neonates. This is very unlikely for the following
reasons. First, this data applies to neonates at <32 weeks post-conception age. Second,
lipopolysaccharide protected the brain when given 4 hr and 24hr before the ischemic event.
Third, hypoxic preconditioning is protective to the immature brain.
Safety concerns: Based on the above discussion of potential concerns, and the studies
reviewed, we anticipate no adverse effects from RIPC. Discomfort during RIPC is mild and will
be treated with sedation if necessary. The dose of midazolam given for this purpose has been
shown to be safe.
Potential Interference with Preconditioning: Animal studies have found that beta-blockers,
sulfonylurea, caffeine, aminophylline, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and naloxone
interfere with IPC. Patients on any of these drugs will be excluded. There are studies
showing that inhalational anesthetics are pharmacologic preconditioning agents. The mechanism
of action involves some of the same pathways as IPC. However, the response to IPC and
anesthetic preconditioning involve a substantial subset of genes unique to each
preconditioning stimulus. Studies of anesthetic preconditioning have found conflicting
results suggesting that anesthetic preconditioning, if it occurs, is likely to be enhanced by
IPC. Furthermore, in clinical studies with promising results discussed above, anesthetics
were used during the surgical procedure.
Objectives: a) To demonstrate the feasibility of patient recruitment to a RIPC RCT at our
center; and b) determine the effect of RIPC on the early postoperative course of infants
after cardiac surgery. We aim to recruit 4 patients/month for a total of 50 patients in 1
year; this recruitment rate would make a larger trial feasible.
Hypothesis: We hypothesize that a) the target patient recruitment will be feasible, and b)
RIPC will result in a 50% reduction in the peak lactate level on day 1 postoperatively.
Study design: We propose a pilot double blind randomized controlled trial.
Randomization will be done by a computer based program to ensure allocation concealment. A
total of 50 patients will be randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive an RIPC stimulus or
control (sham-RIPC).
Concomitant medications/interventions: The cardioplegia solution used, and the dose of
steroids given in the operating room will be standardized in order to minimize the
possibility of confounders. We will use Sevoflurane as an inhalation agent, and will record
the dose and duration in both study arms.
Baseline variables: To be sure the groups are comparable and that known risk factors are
equally distributed among both groups, we will record the following: demographic variables
(sex, gestational age, birth weight, weight at surgery, age at surgery, mother's years of
schooling, father's socioeconomic status); preoperative variables (cardiac diagnosis,
cyanosis preoperatively (oxygen saturation <85%), single/biventricular heart physiology, days
on mechanical ventilation, inotrope score, lowest Pa02, highest lactate, and highest base
deficit); and intraoperative variables (lactate level and troponin I level before CPB,
duration of inhalational anesthetic, CPB time, aortic cross clamp time, DHCA use, DHCA
duration, and re-CPB in the operating room).
Study procedures: When the patient is admitted at the Stollery Children's Hospital and the
necessity of heart surgery with CPB is established, patients will be screened for
eligibility. Written informed consent will be asked. After consent, patient demographics and
baseline variables will be recorded. Eligible patients will be randomly assigned in a 1:1
ratio to the intervention group or the control group. Randomization will be done by a
computer based program at the Epidemiology Coordinating and Research Centre (EPICORE) to
facilitate the procedure and to ensure allocation concealment. As a patient qualifies for the
trial, a study number and a randomization number will be assigned.
Follow up visit: A follow up visit will be scheduled at age 2 years. During the follow-up
visit a certified pediatric psychologist and, who will be unaware if the patients was
randomized to the intervention or the control group, will assess the neurodevelopmental
outcome of the subject at the tertiary site of origin.
Masking: This is a double blind study. The research nurse will cover the lower body of the
subject with a drape, so that whether the cuff is being inflated around or underneath the leg
is not known by others. The only people that will know the patient allocation will be at
EPICOR and the research nurse performing the intervention.
Patient Withdrawal: A patient may be withdrawn from the study if an intolerable adverse event
thought to be related to the RIPC occurs, if the patient's parent(s) wish their child to be
withdrawn, or if the clinicians caring for the patient or the site investigator believe it is
in the best interests of the patient to withdraw.
Sample size justification: The primary outcome used to determine sample size for a future
larger RCT is the Bayley III cognitive composite score 2 years post-operatively. The minimal
clinically important difference for the Bayley III cognitive score is half a SD. This is a
medium effect size usually considered to indicate different classes of patient outcome. The
Boston Circulatory Arrest trial was designed to detect a difference of half a standard
deviation in intelligence quotient, and considered the detected 6.5 point deficit in
Psychomotor Development Index of the Bayley (43% of a SD) clinically significant. Our data
from the CPTP shows a mean Bayley III cognitive score of 91 with SD 16. To detect an 8 (half
a SD) point increase in the mean cognitive score at 2 years with an alpha of 0.05 and a power
of 0.8, we need 63 patients per group. In the CPTP cohort studies, loss to follow up has been
<2% at 2 years, and exclusion criteria were met by about 5% of eligible neonates in 2009.
Loss to follow up is unlikely in these patients because they need frequent follow up visits
with the pediatric cardiologist and pediatricians. To account for loss to follow up and early
withdrawal from the study we plan to enroll a total of 140 patients (70 patients in each
group) in the future study. The Stollery Children's Hospital is the referral center for
pediatric cardiac surgery in Western Canada, all the neonates having heart surgery are
transferred to the Stollery preoperatively. The enrollment of 50 patients in 1 year in the
pilot study would determine that recruitment of 140 patients in 3 years is feasible.
Furthermore, based on data from our center (mean peak lactate level 4.6, SD 2.4) a sample
size of 50 patients will allow us to detect a 50% reduction in peak lactate level on day 1
post-operative with an alpha (two sided) of 0.05 and 0.9 power.
Statistical Analysis: Demographic and baseline characteristics will be analyzed by
descriptive methods. We will analyze all outcome variables on intention to treat basis. The
primary efficacy analysis will compare the mean peak lactate level at day 1 post-operatively
between the RIPC group and the control group using student-t test. The purpose of the pilot
study is to assess the safety and feasibility of conducting the study and as such the data
(except the peak lactate level at day 1) will be analyzed with descriptive methods and not
used for statistical inferential purposes. Analysis will be done only for the purposes of
sample size calculation for the future larger RCT and to establish trends. All statistical
tests will be two-sided with 0.05 level of significance. Data will be analyzed with Stata
(version 10.0, Statacorp, Texas).
Data collection: All variables will be recorded on paper case report forms by the research
nurse. Upon completion, the data will be transferred to an anonymized computer database.
In summary: we plan to study a promising, easy, low cost and simple method (RIPC) with great
therapeutic potential to prevent ischemia-reperfusion injury in infants with congenital heart
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Recruiting |
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Recruiting |
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Recruiting |
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Completed |
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3D Airway Model for Pediatric Patients
Recruiting |
NCT04920643 -
High-exchange ULTrafiltration to Enhance Recovery After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT05934578 -
Lymphatic Function in Patients With Fontan Circulation: Effect of Physical Training
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06041685 -
Effect of Local Warming for Arterial Catheterization in Pediatric Anesthesia
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05902013 -
Video Laryngoscopy Versus Direct Laryngoscopy for Nasotracheal Intubation
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05687292 -
Application of a Clinical Decision Support System to Reduce Mechanical Ventilation Duration After Cardiac Surgery
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05524324 -
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Adult Congenital Heart Disease With Systemic Right Ventricle: RIGHT-CRT
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02746029 -
Cardiac Murmurs in Children: Predictive Value of Cardiac Markers
Completed |
NCT02537392 -
Multi-micronutrient Supplementation During Peri-conception and Congenital Heart Disease
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03119090 -
Fontan Imaging Biomarkers (FIB) Study
Recruiting |
NCT02258724 -
Swiss National Registry of Grown up Congenital Heart Disease Patients
Terminated |
NCT02046135 -
Sodium Bicarbonate to Prevent Acute Kidney Injury in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT01966237 -
Milrinone Pharmacokinetics and Acute Kidney Injury
Recruiting |
NCT01184404 -
Bosentan Improves Clinical Outcome of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease or Mitral Valve Lesions Who Undergo CArdiac Surgery
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01548950 -
Drug Therapy and Surgery in Congenital Heart Disease With Pulmonary Hypertension
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01821287 -
Nutritional Failure in Infants With Single Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease
N/A |