View clinical trials related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Filter by:This study will evaluate the possibility of a differential effect of eluxadoline on altered bowel function in Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea (IBS-D) participants with and without evidence of Bile Acid Malabsorption (BAM).
This non-randomized, open-label study has the objective to study the effects and feasibility of Transauricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (TaVNS) for patients suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Chronic Pain (CP) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in a private healthcare centre.
A reduced content of FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) in the diet may be beneficial for patients with IBS diarrheal variant, but so far few randomized trials have reported data in favor of the effective therapeutic superiority of a low-FODMAPs diet compared to specific IBS dietary advice. On this basis, the present study is aimed, in a multidisciplinary perspective, at investigating possible changes in the symptom profile and intestinal permeability, GI peptides concentrations, metabolic and lipidomic profiles induced by these different diets in patients with IBS diarrheal variant.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a highly prevalent functional bowel disorder routinely encountered by healthcare providers although it's not life-threatening, this chronic disorder has ability to reduce patients' quality of life and imposes a significant economic burden to the healthcare system.Despite the high prevalence of IBS and its association with disability and adverse effect on health related quality of life we are not aware of any published trial of psychological intervention for IBS from Pakistan. We aim to test the feasibility and acceptability of culturally adapted Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for the management of IBS in Karachi, Pakistan compared to treatment as usual.
In this observational case-control study investigators aimed to assess the serum levels of adipokines such as Apelin, Chemerin and adiponectin in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and compare it with healthy controls. Furthermore, investigators evaluated the possible correlation of these adipokines with IBS-QoL, IBSSS, GI symptoms and other clinical and psychological disorders.
Probiotics have been proposed as useful therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome patients. Bacillus clausii is a probiotic that has been used for the treatment of acute diarrhea among adults and pediatric patients, as well as an adjunctive therapy for the treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection. It has been proposed that Bacillus clausii is effective for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome-related symptoms (especially diarrhea and bloating) in non-controlled trials. The aim of the proposed investigation is to determine whether the administration of Bacillus clausii during two weeks plus dietary advice compared to antispasmodics plus dietary advice would be an effective and safe alternative.
The study will characterize the biology of FMT in the context of IBS prior to wider clinical application of the method. Given the ethical concerns of unknown and long-term adverse effects of FMT therapy, the study will include patients only with moderate to severe symptoms. IBS is a heterogenous disorder and it is important to characterize the patients, and study as homogeneous patient populations as possible. Therefore the study will only include post-infectious IBS patients after the Giardia outbreak.
This pilot project will provide foundational information about the contextual factors of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) related pain (pain catastrophizing, perceived stress, reactivity pain sensitivity, genetic and microbiome) on pain self-management (SM) process and outcomes. In addition, the investigators will gain insight on the potential impact of the personalized IBS-pain SM approach on pain SM behaviors and health outcomes.
A 3-month study was conducted in flood victims from affected villages in the Tumpat district, Kelantan. Participants were given either probiotic, Bifidobacterium infantis M63 (M-63 group) or no probiotics (control group) for three months. At baseline and 3-month, participants were assessed for thewater, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) practices, abdominal symptoms, breath testing for hydrogen and methane to detect the presence of SIBO and also fecal samples for gut microbiota profiling.
The aim of the present study is to research whether subjects with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) display epigenetic/genetic changes or altered microbiota compared to a non-IBS control group. Further, we will investigate if these parameters as well as subjective IBS symptoms are affected by a 4-week long dietary intervention within the IBS patient group.