Invasive Early Breast Cancer Clinical Trial
Official title:
A Non-Interventional Study With Aromasin® As Adjuvant Treatment Of Invasive Early Breast Cancer In Postmenopausal Hormone Receptors Positive Patients Following Of 2-3 Years of Initial Adjuvant Tamoxifen Therapy
The IES study (A5991012) investigated 4742 patients treated for 2 to 3 years with tamoxifen, who either continued the same treatment or switched to Aromasin® for a total treatment period of 5 years. Only 65 Romanian patients were enrolled in the IES study. It would therefore appear to be essential to evaluate and confirm the tolerability of Aromasin® and the ways in which it is used on a broader sample of patients and under the standard conditions of use as stipulated in the MA. This Non-Interventional study was designed to address these issues.
This is a prospective, non-comparative, non interventional study (NIS) in four hundred (400) postmenopausal women hormone-receptor positive invasive with early breast cancer, following 2-3 years of initial adjuvant tamoxifen therapy conducted in 60 sites from Romania according to protocol A5991091.The selection of patients based on diagnosis, the attribution of medicinal products and the follow-up of the subjects fall within the current medical practice. A Non-Interventional study is primarily observational in nature. The present Non-interventional Study is performed by medical oncologist and medical oncologist /radiation oncologist who agree to take part in this project. n/a The study was prematurely terminated on August 31th 2012 due to unexpected high rate of patient withdrawal caused by Aromasin reimbursement policy change in Romania; There were no safety issues related to study termination. ;
Time Perspective: Prospective